Gophers won't take further action against Royce White right now

I'm not going to say one way or another how this will end up or disagree with your opinion, but to be fair:

- points 3 and 4 are only allegedly at this point
- in point 2 I thought it was just one dorm
- was cheating the official reason for point 1? Correct me if I just didn't know about it specifically.

Josh, don't you know that anything posted on the Hole equals a conviction?

It was definately cheating. He was suspended a couple times from De La Salle as well prior to them giving up on him and just kicking him out of school last year.

You can pretend he isn't doing these things or that these things haven't happened. The case at MOA sounds pretty simple though. He got caught stealing and assaulted the security guard. I heard from a few sources that White has been evicted from the dorms for misconduct.

On the other hand I suppose it is possible everybody is out to get this man. Unlikely but possible.


Great job, Sherlock. You've cracked the case.

I'm sure we'll see charges filed tomorrow based on this unbelievable development.

I agree with WG and found it a good bit of sarcasm when sarcasm was called for:

"Just got off the phone with a friend who lives in Territorial. Apparently Royce and maybe 3 other guys were walking through the halls popping into random rooms...they went into my friend's girlfriends room (I know, getting a little "friends girlfriends uncles postman blah blah"), without knocking, and just go "Where the party at?"...she said "not here" and they shut the door and left.

Makes you wonder how many rooms they tried before they found an unlocked room, with a laptop just waiting to be jacked....

This doesnt sound good."

A case of third hand hearsay at best, add some baseless theory and then promulgated like we should treat it as sworn testimony.

Gosh, and most respectfully, why would that elicit sarcasm? ;) ;) ;)

This thread has run amok. I hope Corey isnt reading this thread!


When did this become a fact board? I acknowledged the fact that this was from a friend. Not cold hard facts. Big difference. Idiots.

I agree with you up to where you call folks idiots.

Idiots might be anyone treating the original post with anything less than sarcasm. The tubes are a big world and you had to think someone might give you some guff. Seemed like harmless guff as guff goes.

I agree with you up to where you call folks idiots.

Idiots might be anyone treating the original post with anything less than sarcasm. The tubes are a big world and you had to think someone might give you some guff. Seemed like harmless guff as guff goes.

I can dig it.

I love the sentence "When did this become a fact board?"

Um, when you're talking about an 18 or 19-year-old's life, you might want to speak in fact. I'm sure you would appreciate the same courtesy, wouldn't you? You wouldn't like it if I started posting because I had a "feeling" that you manned the Glory Hole in a certain campus building on weekends, would you?

I didn't think so.

Has the laptop been found? If so, has it been fingerprinted?

FWIW, Mike Max reported that the laptop has been returned. He also said "don't give up on Royce just yet folks." Not that Maxie knows all, but he had a pro-Royce quazi-editorial on air tonight.

Go Gophers!!

When is the court appearance for the Macy's theft and assault? Next week? And what exactly will happen at that appearance?

Reading between the lines I think Maturi is waiting until that takes place and if he is found to have commited the act at Macys White will be kicked off the team which is totally reasonable.

next tuesday.

on the second part of your post, i think your line of logic is off. maturi and smith already know that the macy's incident DID happen as well as the full details of it. as far as i understand it white hasn't disputed that. it is not a question of whether he may or may not have done it, like it is with him being a person of interest in the laptop/dorm deal simply because he happened to be in the confines of the hall when it supposedly went down. so the outcome of next tuesday's proceedings (in relation to the macy's incident) will have no bearing on him remaining with the team. now, if the laptop/dorm deal goes anywhere then the question of whether or not he remains on the team/in school actually becomes the REAL question.

He also said "don't give up on Royce just yet folks." Not that Maxie knows all, but he had a pro-Royce quazi-editorial on air tonight.

I heard Max when I was out and about. It does sound like he knows a lot about Royce's situation and made a lot of excuses for his behavior. I agree with his sympathy but really disagreed with his overall sentiment.

It's only fair to have every person in Territorial Hall named as a "suspect" by the Strib. That's how we're defining "suspect" for this, right?

Oh wait, so because the other 299 people in the dorm aren't star athletes who are identifiable by face, they aren't suspects?

Or are we just calling him a suspect because of his recent issue at MOA?

Either way, it's totally salacious

no kidding. if he ends up being cleared as a person of interest in this and was only named as a potential suspect because he is an well-known athlete with a recognizable face (while 50 other kids who were probably milling around the dorm at the same time were not named suspects as well) then i think the local media running so hap-hazardly with this poorly sourced and researched story is EXTREMELY UNFAIR to royce, regardless of what happened at MOA.

I love the sentence "When did this become a fact board?"

Um, when you're talking about an 18 or 19-year-old's life, you might want to speak in fact. I'm sure you would appreciate the same courtesy, wouldn't you? You wouldn't like it if I started posting because I had a "feeling" that you manned the Glory Hole in a certain campus building on weekends, would you?

I didn't think so.


I was on the floor laughing.

In all seriousness, I agree with your approach on this 100%.

Just for the record, I hope Royce gets to play ASAP. Lets do it Maxie

Im with you there. Hopefully he is not guilty here and will settle into college life so we will have him back by the time we need him for the big ten.

I heard Max when I was out and about. It does sound like he knows a lot about Royce's situation and made a lot of excuses for his behavior. I agree with his sympathy but really disagreed with his overall sentiment.

i heard it as well and got the complete opposite impression. i felt all mike max was suggesting is that people don't play judge, jury and executioner too quickly with royce (especially this latest story) as many bar-eating, drinking coffee in the church basement, lutheran minnesotans are apt to do. i kid, i kid! ;)

Is cheating in high school widespread? If so, does that make it legitimate?

Line 1 - So you never cheated in HS? I find that hard to believe.
A bit off the topic and it'll probably make me sound like a terribly senior old guy, but is cheating in high school really that wide-spread and thus considered acceptable?

I don't think White's expulsion from DeLaSalle becomes a permanent scarlet letter to be branded on his forehead, but have a hard time with the sentiment implied here that it's both okay and relatively acceptable. Is the implicit defense "well, everybody (or, "just about everybody") does it" legitimate in this case -- and does it somehow legitimize White's behavior at DLS?

And if he does plead guilty isn't it just a fine of some sort?

I actually think it would be best for him to do this, admit it, apologize for it, take his sentence/fine and move on and be done with it.
IMO, the best thing for Royce would be to have the prosecutor (City of Bloomington's City Attorney) agree to a continuance for dismissal. The continuance is usually for a year. If he complies with the terms the prosecutor sets, charges would be dismissed by the prosecution; he'd have no misdemeanor offense on his record; and, he'd get whatever counseling or other assistance he needs to turn things around.

If he feels he's truly not guilty of the charges, this option's only real downside is whatever time he spends on community service and/or counseling services.

But if the prosecutor doesn't agree and the charges are not continued or dismissed a guilty plea (or conviction) is likely a misdemeanor that could result in a workhouse sentence and/or fine. Most likely, he's ordered to pay a fine, have workhouse time stayed and placed on unsupervised probation. Might have some community service and/or some form of anger management for the behavior toward the security guard as part of his probation. But it's on his record.

IMO, the best thing for Royce would be to have the prosecutor (City of Bloomington's City Attorney) agree to a continuance for dismissal. The continuance is usually for a year. If he complies with the terms the prosecutor sets, charges would be dismissed by the prosecution; he'd have no misdemeanor offense on his record; and, he'd get whatever counseling or other assistance he needs to turn things around.

I was reading about a " diversion " program for these types of offenses. That seemed to make sense as well.

i felt all mike max was suggesting is that people don't play judge, jury and executioner too quickly with royce (especially this latest story) as many bar-eating, drinking coffee in the church basement, lutheran minnesotans are apt to do.

I resemble that remark!

Really, I hope for the best for Royce. I think Max agreed that if there were teeth to the latest issues with Royce that a hard decision would have to be made regarding his future with the team.

A bit off the topic and it'll probably make me sound like a terribly senior old guy, but is cheating in high school really that wide-spread and thus considered acceptable?

I don't think White's expulsion from DeLaSalle becomes a permanent scarlet letter to be branded on his forehead, but have a hard time with the sentiment implied here that it's both okay and relatively acceptable. Is the implicit defense "well, everybody (or, "just about everybody") does it" legitimate in this case -- and does it somehow legitimize White's behavior at DLS?

Just like 99.9% of high schools, it's pretty much impossible for a star athlete to be expelled. De La Salle is in that 99.9%. As an alumn, I was SHOCKED to hear Royce got the boot. He had to do some pretty bad stuff to get kicked out, especially with how high profile he truly was. Kicking out Royce potenially eliminated DLS from winning a state title. You know how hard it had to be for that school to do that? I try not to be judgemental, it hard not to be in this case. I hope is just has some chemcical imbalances and needs some meds.

Was it Mac or PC?

Did it have Lemmings on it?

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