Gophers vs Michigan from 03 on BTN

Don't remind me. I was there and it was one of the toughest loses I've ever endured as a Gopher fan.

Stop the screen pass for the love of God.

Stop the screen pass for the love of God.

So how well have Gopher Teams from 2007 through 2013 stopped anything Michigan did? My Gophers have been outscored something like 198 to 42 in those games against some "down" Michigan teams coached by Rich Rod and their current coach.
Personally, I will always prefer to at least belong on the same field as Michigan, the way my Golden Gophers didin 2003, 2004 and 2005. Sure, I hated to lose that 2003 game and I was in the house for it. I was also in the Big House for that tough 2004 loss. But, being in the Big House for that 2005 Golden Gopher win was a great reward. At least during that three year stretch, those Corn/Blues people had to respect my Maroon & Gold Football Team.

I would much rather lose a gut-wrencher and have the lads belong on the same field as a good Corn/Blue Squad than to have my team not knowing what the hell hit them in a 58-0 shellacking. Now THAT was tough to take.

So how well have Gopher Teams from 2007 through 2013 stopped anything Michigan did? My Gophers have been outscored something like 198 to 42 in those games against some "down" Michigan teams coached by Rich Rod and their current coach.
Personally, I will always prefer to at least belong on the same field as Michigan, the way my Golden Gophers didin 2003, 2004 and 2005. Sure, I hated to lose that 2003 game and I was in the house for it. I was also in the Big House for that tough 2004 loss. But, being in the Big House for that 2005 Golden Gopher win was a great reward. At least during that three year stretch, those Corn/Blues people had to respect my Maroon & Gold Football Team.

I would much rather lose a gut-wrencher and have the lads belong on the same field as a good Corn/Blue Squad than to have my team not knowing what the hell hit them in a 58-0 shellacking. Now THAT was tough to take.

I think you read a whole lot into my screen pass comment that wasn't intended, but I'm not ashamed to admit I'll never be happy being an also ran. Unlike you, I'd rather we try everything we can to be elite and fail doing so than accept "belonging on the same field" as good enough.

I think you read a whole lot into my screen pass comment that wasn't intended, but I'm not ashamed to admit I'll never be happy being an also ran. Unlike you, I'd rather we try everything we can to be elite and fail doing so than accept "belonging on the same field" as good enough.

So, how well has that been working out against Michigan, Mr. smug talker? You would rather lose 58-0? And, what the heck did that 58-0 score get us the next year? Another butt-whipping. And the next year? You can talk "high and mighty" about trying to be elite, but, if that is your case, what the heck has been happening at the end of seasons? Losing to MSU, wisky and Syracuse last year didn't look too elite to me.

As far as I am concerned, before you can really belong in the same conference as some teams, you HAVE to be able to "PLAY ON THE SAME FIELD..." as those good teams. Man, some of you people are really just too much, Mr. elite man. Give me being competitive for a while and then just maybe some year when it all breaks just right, my Golden Gopher Team just might be held in kind of "elite" company with some other pretty damn good football teams! Getting there is most of the fun. Just try having this team belong on the same field as the best teams in the conference and not only will it be exciting, entertaining Golden Gopher Football, but it will also be damn good Golden Gopher Football. It's just that the team needs to ALMOST be there for a while before the team can ever REALLY get there. It's a long and difficult journey and the team MUST almost be there before they can ever be there.

Did you say something Wren? Hard to hear over the constant beating of your Mason drum.

The thing is, the people thought they could fire a pretty good coach, snap their fingers, get drunk tailgating a few times and brewball would bring them and their Gophers to a new, elite, higher level. He would just recruit his way to the top. Instead, Brewball took my Golden Gophers to the depths of the basement.

Coach Kill is working hard. At BEST, he will soon have my Gophers to a point that they belong on the field with some of the better teams in the conference. Last year, he went .500 in Conference play. All will be well if he stays at .500 or above in 2014. If he slips back, you people will soon be calling for his head and a buy out of his contract. Coach Kill has entered very dangerous territory for a Golden Gopher Football Coach. You people will soon be expecting much "higher level" stuff. I'm cheering for Coach Kill and his staff to hang in there, make my Golden Gopher Football Squad a Squad that can belong on the same playing field with the best teams in the conference. I want them to be able to do that year in and year out. However, some of you people will be calling for his head IF he doesn't meet your "elite" standards and expectations and especially if he doesn't do that in his fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years. I can take that fact of life to the bank.

spoofin', I have seen your kind around here for a long time now. You seem to come along whenever we get a good coach. And, I'll be the first to admit that you make me nervous for good old Coach Kill. He IS a good coach. But, you people think you deserve more and you would rather throw away the good that we have for the thrill of the possibility that some new coach just MIGHT be able to make your Golden Gopher Football Team elite almost right away, without having to suffer that drudgery that comes from having to watch a football team that merely belongs on the same field as some of the better teams in the conference. I have seen it before...and I most likely will see it again IF I am fortunate enough to live to see a couple more decades of watching my Golden Gopher Football Team play. And, so it goes...

Yes, of course I said something spoofin'. You just didn't like what I said. That's all...


Keep praying at that altar, wren.

<img src="" width="50%" height="50%">

Keep praying at that altar, wren.


Where have we been for the past seven years unregisteredwhatever? Mediocre looks like up from where the past seven years have been if you count the conference wins and losses, border battle results and bowl game results.

I think it is possible that Coach Kill could prove to be a better coach than Coach Mason, IF he can last long enough and win enough conference, border battle and bowl games. Until he does, he still has a ways to go. But, he certainly gets my support!

It is YOU people that Coach Kill has to worry about...

So, the real question is, Glen Mason.....Great Gophers coach? Or, greatest Gophers Coach ever?

No e.notsobigbutprettylow....that has no place in this thread. What have you been smoking?

By the way, I didn't recognize your moniker picture. Did you gain weight or have a nasty case of the flu? What happened to your old moniker picture?

No e.notsobigbutprettylow....that has no place in this thread. What have you been smoking? By the way, I didn't recognize your moniker picture. Did you gain weight or have a nasty case of the flu? What happened to your old moniker picture?

It had to be changed in light of recent circumstance.

It had to be changed in light of recent circumstance.

That was a logical and prudent thing to do in light of recent circumstance.

But, come on: what's up with your obsession about Coach Mason? It is always you people who bring him up. And up to this point in time, you have to go back to the Warmath/Stoll days to find comps to Coach Mason's Conference win totals, border battle win totals and even with the bowl win totals. (You would have to go back to Coach Warmath's last five years or so. During the first ten to 12 years of his tenure he was pretty elite.)
I don't bring Coach Mason up, but, I sure as hell will defend his conference wins, border battle wins and even the bowl wins over Alabama, Oregon and Arkansas.

I think that if YOU people will let him, and if his health holds up, Coach Kill does have a chance to surpass Coach Mason's totals. But, he NEEDS to beat the stinking badgers at least once in a while. and he needs to keep up with Mason in Conference wins. Neither of them will ever be ranked with Warmath or Bierman. Those days are over. Those times have passed.

Perhaps being a bit realistic with expectations around here needs to be addressed at least by a few posters. Or, you people will run off a good coach like Coach Kill who just might have a shot at joining the better coaches of the past 40 years or so. In terms of Conference wins, border battle wins and bowl game wins, that company would have to include Cal Stoll and Glen Mason. I hope Coach Kill beats them both!

No Wren - it was YOU that brought him up in this thread... unless you are going to pretend that isn't where YOU were heading in post #7. We know YOU, we know the point YOU were making. Also, stop telling everyone that they will be calling for Kill to be fired. If he is mediocre for 10-years and conducts himself in a way that is obvious things won't change than I might, but at this time I 100% support him and always have. I have never said a thing negative about him on this board, but by reading your posts one would think differently.

Go Gophers. Defend the screen pass.

That was a logical and prudent thing to do in light of recent circumstance. But, come on: what's up with your obsession about Coach Mason? It is always you people who bring him up. And up to this point in time, you have to go back to the Warmath/Stoll days to find comps to Coach Mason's Conference win totals, border battle win totals and even with the bowl win totals. (You would have to go back to Coach Warmath's last five years or so. During the first ten to 12 years of his tenure he was pretty elite.) I don't bring Coach Mason up, but, I sure as hell will defend his conference wins, border battle wins and even the bowl wins over Alabama, Oregon and Arkansas. I think that if YOU people will let him, and if his health holds up, Coach Kill does have a chance to surpass Coach Mason's totals. But, he NEEDS to beat the stinking badgers at least once in a while. and he needs to keep up with Mason in Conference wins. Neither of them will ever be ranked with Warmath or Bierman. Those days are over. Those times have passed. Perhaps being a bit realistic with expectations around here needs to be addressed at least by a few posters. Or, you people will run off a good coach like Coach Kill who just might have a shot at joining the better coaches of the past 40 years or so. In terms of Conference wins, border battle wins and bowl game wins, that company would have to include Cal Stoll and Glen Mason. I hope Coach Kill beats them both!

Obviously you have never seen the Colbert Report and Stephen Colbert's bit in which he would interview Republican Representatives and Senators and ask, "George W. Bush, great President? Or, Greatest President ever?"

It was funny stuff.

No Wren - it was YOU that brought him up in this thread... unless you are going to pretend that isn't where YOU were heading in post #7. We know YOU, we know the point YOU were making. Also, stop telling everyone that they will be calling for Kill to be fired. If he is mediocre for 10-years and conducts himself in a way that is obvious things won't change than I might, but at this time I 100% support him and always have. I have never said a thing negative about him on this board, but by reading your posts one would think differently.

Go Gophers. Defend the screen pass.

Now, spoofin', it would seem to me that the entire thread has been a salute, or a bash to the 2003 Golden Gopher Football Team. Wasn't it that "tarver" person who started that? I did eventually reference my Golden Gopher's performance in that 2003 game against Michigan that I attended. So, you see, your inference of the 2003 Michigan game as being a reference to Coach Mason was established in post number 1 started by this "tarver" person. Please, give credit to him as well as take him to task for his transgression, spoofin'.

And while you are calling for your Golden Gophers to defend the screen pass, I call on my Golden Gophers to defend every darn thing that Michigan has been throwing at us in amassing their huge point totals vs. our lads in the games that were played in years 2007 through 2013. (I believe my Gophers didn't even have them on the schedule for something like 3 of those years, if I recall seeing Eric Thrall's History of Golden Gopher Football correctly. Thanks to Eric!)

Obviously you have never seen the Colbert Report and Stephen Colbert's bit in which he would interview Republican Representatives and Senators and ask, "George W. Bush, great President? Or, Greatest President ever?"

It was funny stuff.

Obviously you are correct in your observation. I have not had the pleasure of watching the Colbert Report. I pretty much detest the entire political scene and no longer find politics funny. I find politics pathetic. Both sides of the aisle, to be specific. And, so it goes...

So, you see, your inference of the 2003 Michigan game as being a reference to Coach Mason was established in post number 1 started by this "tarver" person. Please, give credit to him as well as take him to task for his transgression, spoofin'.

What a crock Wren. Posts 1-6 were discussing a game that could have been a program changer, but that ended up being a heartbreak. Find me one thing in those posts that could be taken as a shot at Mason. Then in post #7 YOU start referencing that squad in comparison to the 2007-2013 teams, which funny, are the post Mason years with obvious context of what has happened since then. To boot, YOU then accuse others of bringing Mason into this in post #17. You can't make it up.

You tire me. BOX!

I hope BTN doesn't show the '04 game any time soon as that would be too much for the both of you to handle ;)

What a crock Wren. Posts 1-6 were discussing a game that could have been a program changer, but that ended up being a heartbreak. Find me one thing in those posts that could be taken as a shot at Mason. Then in post #7 YOU start referencing that squad in comparison to the 2007-2013 teams, which funny, are the post Mason years with obvious context of what has happened since then. To boot, YOU then accuse others of bringing Mason into this in post #17. You can't make it up.

You tire me. BOX!

Just by stating the year as 2003, LLMT established who the coach was. He also set the tone for the thread with his comment about the broadcast. Personally, I hated losing that game, BUT, I found the way my Golden Gophers played a very good Michigan team that day very encouraging for the future. I had seen too many 42-0 losses and 49-7 losses over the course of a long time. With the players my Gophers had coming back, I was incredibly encouraged that my Golden Gophers were finally competing with a very good Corn/Blue Team. So, LLMT established the coach and set the tone for his impression of the way Golden Gopher Fans would probably view the broadcast.

So very typical of you and the tone of the thread, identity of the Gopher Coach was most certainly established in post number one of the thread. End of story.

I hope BTN doesn't show the '04 game any time soon as that would be too much for the both of you to handle ;)

Like Wren, I was at both the `03 & `04 games. Yes, `04 was painful to watch, but the pain and effect on our program can't be compared to the `03 loss, IMO.

Like Wren, I was at both the `03 & `04 games. Yes, `04 was painful to watch, but the pain and effect on our program can't be compared to the `03 loss, IMO.
And I was in Ann Arbor again in 2005 and watched my Gophers BEAT the dreaded Corn/Blues in their Big House.

The 2003 game announced to the Michigan team that my Gophers would show up for the games. They DID show in 2004 and they showed BIG TIME in 2005. Do you realize just how long it had been since my Golden Gopher Football Team had been right there with Michigan for three successive years, with two of the games being played on THEIR turf? Murray had a pretty nice run against them during the 50's and early 60's when Michigan was really down for about a decade.

I don't think you quite understand how difficult it is to become "elite" in the Big Ten/B1G now. You just do NOT have a clue.

Welcome to my ignore list Wren. Should have done it long ago.

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The 05 game against Purdue is on in one hour for those that want to relive glory and ecstasy.

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