Gophers' SID Andy Seeley is heading to UCF


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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It's finally official - Andy has accepted a position as the assistant AD for communications at UCF.

I'm not sure how many of you had the opportunity to work with or know Andy, but he is a class act. The guy is one of the few that "gets it." He worked countless hours, always got back to media members, cultivated great relationships, and truly gave 100% every day. I know the one thing he didn't like me ever saying to him is that he looked tired...but with the hours he put into this job, that was almost a badge of honor. It's really too bad the U couldn't retain him, as he's a great guy, and talent.

On a personal note, I remember how awkward I felt when I 1st started covering things as a media member. I was the only woman at most events, and just felt out of place. He was always someone who reached out to me, helped me out, and was really a kind person that helped me fit in.

Best of luck to Andy, he will be greatly missed, but I'm so happy for him and his new role, he will do a fantastic job at UCF, just like he did at Minnesota.

Best of luck Andy. I met him a couple of times, and GL is right on the money...Solid guy. We've had some great additions lately, and sadly this is a great subtraction.

I have had nothing but great experiences with Andy. He always has time to chat, despite his busy schedule. A few years back, he wrote a nice story about our family's devotion to the Gopher Victory Walk. He is a class act all the way.

I'm sure he'll appreciate your kind words!

The amount of coverage and access he's given us to Gopher Football has been amazing, from the live blogs on signing day, to the videos (one of my faves was the one from the locker room after the Iowa game), to the pictures, tweets, etc. I hope the new SID can keep all that info flowing!

I agree with posted sentiments.. We'll miss him! When I won the Facebook uniform unveiling contest to go to the actual unveiling, Andy was a fantastic 'host'. I'm not sure if that was his idea or not, but I thought it was very classy to be able to sit with media members and see the unveiling first hand.

andy has done a great job over the past few years. best of luck to him. not surprising though, as i would expect to see norwood teague bring in more of his "own" hires once he settles in as the new AD. i am sure norwood didn't have anything to do with andy moving onto UCF. but also guessing andy saw the writing on the wall with maturi leaving as the AD, and felt it was a good time to make a move.

Hey everyone - I just received this from Andy Seeley, he wanted me to post this message to all of you:

Thank you to all the GopherHolers out there for all the kind words. You all have accounted for many hours of enjoyable reading about our favorite team.

My move had nothing to do with a new AD coming on. It has everything to do with a great opportunity for me and my family.

One of my few regrets is that I won't be here to be a part of it when Coach Kill gets this team back where it belongs in the Big Ten. I believe with all my heart that he will do just that. He's a great coach, but a better man.

I'll continue to monitor GopherHole from Florida and will always be a Gopher! Thanks again!

Andy's leaving?! Boo-urns, man.

It was fun tweeting with him every Saturday during the games last season. He also chose me to come out to the uniform unveiling last January and was a great guy in person too. On a scale of 1-10, my intensity and energy regarding the event was probably a 30, but he never batted an eyelash. He made the experience something to remember.

Very cool guy.

He was very helpful the couple of times I had questions for him or needed help for an article (which isn't always the case with some SIDs or PR reps). Best of luck for him and his family at UCF.

Will miss you, Mr. Seeley!!

Doogie told me he was a d bag.

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