Sagarin (and there are other very similar ones out there) does a good job of getting 50/50 results. There will be 20-30 teams like the Gophers that take too long to move up the ranks and catch the right opening line but there will be 20-30 of the opposite. And like I said, it’s not directly Sagarin. Once we started looking good, I think we were pretty heavily getting better lines than Sagarin when we got into that B10 backup QB stretch of the schedule.
We had a weird season where we were slotted too low to start it and then didn’t light the world on fire. So a Gopher optimist probably cashed in big time on our first 6 or 7 Big 10 games. It also turned out that some of the backup QBs we faced probably allowed our offense to just avalanche the other team without much resistance.
But in the end, it was pretty close/good, right? Our last 4 games we covered by a decent amount against PSU, basically landed right on the closing line with Iowa/NW, and got beaten in the spread handily by WI. That seems like it got us just right by the end of the year. The only thing was the opening line for NW was a bit off due to the uncertainty of Morgan.