Gophers=Mt. Dew

Perhaps it is because i am sleep deprived, but that was damn funny. I especially liked the Iowa = Ikea idea.

there are a few good quotes

"Eric Decker, for one, who I'm not sure is even human"

I agree that was a very funny article. I would say a must read even for any Big Ten fan. I litterally laughed out loud when I read the quote on Decker.

"There are individual Gophers who are as good as their counterparts on any Big Ten team (Eric Decker, for one, who I'm not sure is even human) but football is a team sport."



If either team wins this game, it'll be a miracle. Indiana 23, Illinois 20.


funny article. i kind of take being compared to mountain dew as a complement. MD got me through my undergrad. the only downside to that beverage is that its physically impossible to mix it with any alcohol. And it wasn't for lack of effort on our part in trying to find something. the closest thing we came was a dewdriver with vodka, but you have to be pretty desperate

Hahaha, i liked that one too gopherfaith.

Wisconsin is RC Cola. It tastes a little different. Some people like it. Some don't. Everybody agrees that it's not as big as Coke or Pepsi.

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