Gophers and the NFL Draft

Royston is a really good tackler and will likely get a long look because he will definitely be able to play special teams. There just aren't too many DBs as tough as Royston. The NFL is full of guys who have carved out nice careers being able to play some DB and be a good/tough tackler (Sanford, Tyrone Carter, K. Coleman, etc.).

As far as his coverage, i'm really not sure. I know our defensive backfield looked better with him
out there, but it's hard to judge a S without a pass rush and without experienced CBs. Very few S's
can succeed in coverage when a QB gets all day to throw (and when the RB's are running the ball
down their throat). I'm not saying Kim was great in coverage, frankly, I don't know enough about
coverage schemes to know.

I do know that Kim is a really good tackler, seems athletic enough (as athletic as a lot of NFL S's),
and would be good on special teams. I'm not sure he'll get drafted, he's borderline and he is a bit
older with some health issues, but I think he'll make an NFL team, and once you've made a
team/practice squad....anything can happen (look at Sherels).

Bob, you did a much better job communicating what I was attempting to communicate.

I think Royston has a shot. No doubt. If anyone has watched Charlie Peprah running all over the place in the Packers' defensive backfield, it's fairly obvious that there are pro guys who have shaky coverage skills (not saying Kim does have shaky coverage skills, just pointing out that if there are questions about his coverage skills, there are questions about a lot of guys).

The NFL has largely become a "systems league." Each team has different schemes and try to match players' skills to what they do on the field. It's no longer a league that stops at bench press reps and 40-yard dash times when evaluating players. Royston hits hard and has enough speed to pique the interest of a team that believes he fits what they are trying to accomplish on defense. Add to that a willingness to play on special teams and he may earn a long look from someone.

I frankly am surprised that Marcus Sherels has stuck with the Vikings as long as he has, although I thought he was a steady college player. I wouldn't be surprised if Royston had an equal shot to Sherels (although Sherels' return ability adds to his perceived value).

I guess what I'm saying is that if Royston finds himself in the right situation, he could make it.

I took so much heat last year in regards to Sherels playing in the NFL. There is this perception that all NFL players have world class speed and super human strength. The truth is there are plenty of players with hum drum measurables and questionable football ability. I knew Marcus could play therefore he would find himself on an NFL team.

Royston might get drafted to play special teams, as many teams use 6th & 7th round choices to beef up the coverage teams.

Kim certainly can be compared to anyone the Vikings have trotted out at safety this year. Including the starting strong safety, whoever that was at any time.

As for the comparison to Henry, I have no earthly idea. Henry had a really nice year for the Badgers, but there were some obvious issues as well. I am not sure he will play in the NFL.

I do know that Henry is a much better person and leader then he is a football player and it is not close. I have a feeling the same is true of Kim. And by saying that I am in now way attempting to diminish their football skills.

Kim certainly can be compared to anyone the Vikings have trotted out at safety this year. Including the starting strong safety, whoever that was at any time.

As for the comparison to Henry, I have no earthly idea. Henry had a really nice year for the Badgers, but there were some obvious issues as well. I am not sure he will play in the NFL.

I do know that Henry is a much better person and leader then he is a football player and it is not close. I have a feeling the same is true of Kim. And by saying that I am in now way attempting to
diminish their football skills.

I agree with you 100 percent on Henry. I have heard nothing put good things about him. He came to Wisconsin a principled person from Florida and through adversity (injuries and position change) he maintained those principles. I think Aaron will stick on an NFL roster; when it comes to filling out the lower half of a roster, players with good reputations, work ethic, intelligence and athletic ability tend to get the nod. Aaron has been a proven play maker since his freshman season, if he is paired with a more athletic partner on the back end and a good front 7 he could be a starter in the NFL. He will get the guys lined up correctly and patrol the deep stuff.

Odds Are...

Odds are probably fairly good that none of them gets drafted. However my gut says that we will see at least one Gopher called on draft day.

I said at the beginning of the year taht McKnight had the talent to be an earler round pick yet his performances (I know much of it was not his fault) and his lack of interest at points in the season, will be turn offs for teams. However if he shows up to a workout looking like a beast, he will go in the late rounds purely due to his size. Part of me also wants to say that a late round flier may be used on Tinsley as well. It will be interesting to watch and read what everyone says on them leading up to draft day.

As a point of comparison, Dominique Barber was selected in the 6th round in 2007. I'd take Barber as a prospect (and college player) over Royston.

McKnight gets drafted.

Not sure about Tinsley, but he'll be making a living playing football one way or another. I could see him landing on a practice squad and eventually becoming a productive player in the league.

As a point of comparison, Dominique Barber was selected in the 6th round in 2007. I'd take Barber as a prospect (and college player) over Royston.

Barber had the size to stick in the NFL and was a very good tackler. Two marks that were/are firmly in his favor.

As a point of comparison, Dominique Barber was selected in the 6th round in 2007. I'd take Barber as a prospect (and college player) over Royston.

Would you care to expound? Dom's bigger, Kim is much faster and much more productive. Kim was more productive in 2 years has a gopher than Dom was in 4 years.

Barber had the size to stick in the NFL and was a very good tackler. Two marks that were/are firmly in his favor.

Dom has carved out a nice career for himself. Great tackler and the coaches know he won't be on the police blotter. Solid pro.

Would you care to expound? Dom's bigger, Kim is much faster and much more productive. Kim was more productive in 2 years has a gopher than Dom was in 4 years.
Are you related to Kim or something? I don't think Kim is much faster, and factually speaking he wasn't much more productive.

Kim often looks like he's lost in coverage. I think he'd be a solid special teams player because he works hard and is a solid tackler, but I don't think he's half the player you think he is. Quite frankly, nobody on this team is at the moment.

Are you related to Kim or something? I don't think Kim is much faster, and factually speaking he wasn't much more productive.

Kim often looks like he's lost in coverage. I think he'd be a solid special teams player because he works hard and is a solid tackler, but I don't think he's half the player you think he is. Quite frankly, nobody on this team is at the moment.

Related to Kim? Yes, is this your attempt to minimize my point?

"He isn't much faster." Well that depends on what I mean by much faster. I believe 2 tenths in the 40 is much faster. If you don't believe it is then I agree you're correct.

Factually correct on production? Actually I was. I based my statement by comparing production of gopher careers. Factually, Kim produced more in his two years as a gopher than Dom did in his 4. If you want to include Kim's entire 4 year career, cool. It only widens the margin.

"Lost in coverage." I won't embarrass you by pointing out that since you dont know what coverages they are playing, you have no idea what you are talking about. I will just leave it at...have you ever heard a gopher coach say Kim Royston was lost in coverage?

What kind of player do I think he is? Worst than some, better than most. And no I would not say he was better than Dom Barber. However, I would not say that Dom was better than Kim (college level). I will say that I hope Kim can accomplish what Dom has on the NFL level.

No offense, it's a pet peeve of mine when folks start speaking in absolutes without offering something of substance to base their opinion on.

Related to Kim? Yes, is this your attempt to minimize my point?
No, it was my attempt to understand your perspective. I didn't think you actually were related, so my apologies for making it seem personal.

"He isn't much faster." Well that depends on what I mean by much faster. I believe 2 tenths in the 40 is much faster. If you don't believe it is then I agree you're correct.
Dom ran an awful 40 time at the combine (4.71), so if you're basing it off of that, then I would agree. If Kim is invited to the combine, what would you predict he runs?

Factually correct on production? Actually I was. I based my statement by comparing production of gopher careers.
Not really. Dom had 14 passes defended and 4 interceptions his last two seasons. Kim had 8 passes broken up and 2 interceptions. Perhaps you were only talking about tackles, but tackles aren't exactly the best barometer to judge a safety (though, to be fair, no statistic is).

"Lost in coverage." I won't embarrass you by pointing out that since you dont know what coverages they are playing, you have no idea what you are talking about. I will just leave it at...have you ever heard a gopher coach say Kim Royston was lost in coverage?
On what planet would a coach ever publicly say that about a player? Also, you did point that out, but it's not hard to watch a game and frequently (and accurately) judge why a player is open and who blew what assignment. Of the guys in the secondary, Kim was the best this year, but there were a ton of mistakes overall this year.

What kind of player do I think he is? Worst than some, better than most. And no I would not say he was better than Dom Barber. However, I would not say that Dom was better than Kim (college level). I will say that I hope Kim can accomplish what Dom has on the NFL level.
I hope that too. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited here. I doubt that anyone from the Gophers will get drafted this year (though of them all I think Gary Tinsley translates best to the pros), but I'm a Gophers fan, and Kim has always seemed like a hard working and intelligent person, so I wish him nothing but the best.

You're not being mean spirited at offence taken or apology needed. You make some great counter points.
My perspective is that of a fan (for the most part.)

Here is my perspective:

Kim is a former corner he played corner in high school and he played corner/nickel in college his first two seasons (long story but that’s what he played at Wisconsin). Kim played man against wr on the regular as a gopher. There is no way Dom would have been asked to do that. I think the comparison between the two would be who is the best run defender? Coverage (man) would be no competition. Most safeties are used in coverage by lining them up 20 yards deep and asking them to be over the top help for lb's covering TE's and CB covering WR's. You prefer Dom, I prefer Kim I think we both would have liked for them to have played together. Either way I certainly can't say you are wrong...I just don't agree.

You mention that you know who blows what coverage. No you don't. The head coach doesn't even know until he watches film and finds out what coverage they were in... Or supposed to be in (lol.) If you're basing any opinions on that you will be WAYYYYYY I have learned by doing the same thing.

Example: A cb is covering a wr. He covers him for the 1st ten yards then inexplicable stops covering him while the wr continues up the field and catches a 40 yard td. Whose fault is it?

A. The call was man coverage and the cb thought it was zone and the s would pick him up (cb blew coverage.)
B. The call was zone coverage and the s thought it was man and the cb would stay with the wr (S blew coverage.)
C. It was zone both the s and the cb got it correct but the offense had too many wr's in the game and the call from the coaches was bad (coaches made bad call and had incorrect personnel in game.)

Point? No way either of us could know. However, I do have a way of finding out (smile.)

Kim? He is a chronic bed wetter and jerk who is always begging for money. Now that I think about it......Dom was the better safety.

I didn't think you actually were related, so my apologies for making it seem personal.

How could you frequent this website for 2.5 years and not know that SF24 is Chris Royston (aka Kim's dad)?

How could you frequent this website for 2.5 years and not know that SF24 is Chris Royston (aka Kim's dad)?

Be kind; he thinks he can determine WHO blew a coverage by watching the game! Yet he has no idea who I am; even though I never hid it and just about EVERYONE else on the site does (lol.)

In all seriousness; I enjoyed the debate.

SF24. You should be a proud father. Kim is a real Gopher. Anybody who suits up and graduates gets my props. Hope he lands a good job.

Sportsfan24 said:
Be kind; he thinks he can determine WHO blew a coverage by watching the game! Yet he has no idea who I am; even though I never hid it and just about EVERYONE else on the site does (lol.)

In all seriousness; I enjoyed the debate.

It was nice to see him get a 5th year and play well. Our secondary had holes but Kim was not one of them.

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