Gophers and Rose Bowl attendance


Dec 4, 2008
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If the Gophers ever make it to the Rosebowl how many Gopher fans would actually make the trip? I was impressed with how many TCU fans that appeared to be there for such a small school and alumni base.

I know many of us here are big talkers and would say we would go but what realistically is a good estimate. I know we have nothing to compare it to as we haven't been to a decent bowl (Jan 1st bowl is what I would consider a great bowl).

Would 40k be a good guess to travel out there?

If the Gophers ever make it to the Rosebowl how many Gopher fans would actually make the trip? I was impressed with how many TCU fans that appeared to be there for such a small school and alumni base.

I know many of us here are big talkers and would say we would go but what realistically is a good estimate. I know we have nothing to compare it to as we haven't been to a decent bowl (Jan 1st bowl is what I would consider a great bowl).

Would 40k be a good guess to travel out there?

More like 400K...seriously....and donations to the 'u' would least temporarily...

I would like to be that positive but we have people who can't drive 20 miles for a ticket that can be had for less than $20 or leave early to beat traffic or the cold.

I would love to be able to test out our traveling abilities soon though

This is a good question. I was wondering the same thing myself today after seeing all that red in the stands. It is no question that Wis. travels better than MN. I would like to think that we could sell out half the rose bowl, but deep down inside of me I really wonder if we could.

Easily 40,000+....The Rose Bowl is as big as it gets. Especially for a school that hasn't been there in 50 years.

I would be shocked if we got as many as 20,000. And that is an optimistic guess.

Speaking for myself, I have waited a long time to see the Gophers in the Rose Bowl, and I would treat this as possibly my only chance in my lifetime to see the Gophers in the Rose Bowl. I think there are a lot of people like me, I think Gopher fans, and bandwagon jumpers, would travel well for the Rose Bowl.

Didn't we travel pretty well in '97 during the Final 4 run that wasn't? Of course, that was before Scandal, Monson and corporate courtside tickets took Minnesota from one of the top attended basketball venues in the country to something like 23rd today.

I have a hard time believing that there's 35,000 or 40,000 takers or whatever a school gets if pigs fly, monkeys fly out of my butt and the Gophers make the Rose Bowl. We can't even put 50,000 people in a beautiful new stadium without assist from the visiting team.

Gopher basketball had a lot of goodwill and following coming out of the 70's and then Clem's early success. Didn't hurt that the NBA didn't arrive here until, well, er, never arrived here. Gopher football has been irrelevant for so long that there are multiple generations that have no connection or interest. Hell, I'm on this forum because I don't know, and have seldom known people that care much at all about Gopher sports, particularly football.

Ive never been to a Bowl game but would definetly put up the money if the Gophers ever made it to a BCS bowl, god I hope that day comes before Im dead.

Minnesota fans will get behind a winner. I remember the surge of interest back in 2003 before the Michigan game (and the subsequent loss of interest after they blew it). I suspect if the Gophers made a Rose Bowl you'd have a lot of "lifelong fans" suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

What is disappointing is that if the gophers ever do become that good, gopher fans will come out of the woodwork and some gopher fans who are not connected may miss out on the chance to go. Think of the politicians and business people that would want tickets.

I would be shocked if we got as many as 20,000. And that is an optimistic guess.

If the Gophers achieve a top 3 Big 10 finish in the near future....and get a New Year's Day invite to the Outback or the Cap One Bowl...then I would bet the Gophers could sell their allotment of tix (approx 17,500) with absolutely NO TROUBLE.

The Gophers would be able to sell many times that amount for the Rose Bowl.

I love how folks are using attendance issues from a 3-9 season to predict how fans would travel for a Rose Bowl caliber season. C'mon...I hope you're not that stupid. BBQ is right. Have you forgotten how fast the bandwagon filled up in 2003?

The school would have no trouble selling its allotment of 35,000 (the allotment for the Rose Bowl is double the size of the other BCS bowls b/c the stadium is larger). I don't think we'd send Wisconsin numbers by any means. But we'd at least fill our allotment.

Minnesotans are crazy for new things. The Rose Bowl would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for most people. They went nuts for Xcel, Krispy Kreme and Trader Joe's. Target Field would have been a madhouse until August whether the team was winning or not. When the Gophers get back to Pasadena, the fan base will follow.

Count me in....

I for one was one of those that bought season tickets when "we were headed for the Roses" with Barber and Maroney. Now I'm in it for the long hall, so yes I'll be there.

How did Northwestern do ticket wise when they played in the Rose Bowl?

Northwestern looked to have about 60,000 fans; I was there. The Rose Bowl was about 60/40 solid purple over the hometown USC fans.

No question the Gophers would bring 50,000+ after a similar Rose Bowl drought if NU made such a showing with very little existing season ticket base at the time and a 7,500 student enrollment.

There would be MN fans from all over the country trying to get tickets, it wouldn't be just those from MN. We would easily sell our allotment.

I couldn't put a number on it but we'd easily sell our allotment. Speaking from what I know my family, who are all Minnesota grads and very bandwagon fans, would sell themselves to get to Pasadena. So I'm rsvp'ing for 5.

I recall hearing stories about how Madison was a GHOST town in the early 80's. There were NEVER any talks of how awesome that atmosphere was in Camp Randall.

Bottom line.. If you win, people will come.

How many tickets would we sell???...................not sure, but I would like to find out.

We would sell out our allotment.A good portion of those would be put up for resale and the arguments would start over everybody wearing maroon or gold.

Really, 40K? That is a TON of people. I would guess in the 25K range.

I call it the Dan Cole effect: Any time Gopher FB is mentioned on the Common Man show, he says "Make a Rose Bowl and I'll be interested," or something like that. Unfortunately, many people have the same feelings.

To answer the question, we would have no problem selling 40,000 tickets, or whatever the allotment is.

Factor in the diehards, bandwagon jumpers and the thousands of snowbirds around Scottsdale and Palm Springs and I see no reason for the U not to sell out its allottment. C'mon Coach Kill, let's test my theory out.

Really, 40K? That is a TON of people. I would guess in the 25K range.

Actually, considering how we haven't seen a Rose Bowl team in so long and how many alumni we pump out of our university every year, 40K seems kind of small. When it happens it will most likely be seen as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Why do you always need to short-sell everything?

I can tell you without hesitation that I would sell a kidney if I had to in order to watch my team in Pasadena.

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