GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 6/8/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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Responses and comments by Coach Jerry Kill on today’s Sports Huddle are as follows:

1) Sid opened this week's show mentioning a discussion that he had with Coach Kill at a recent charity event - about thirty players remaining on campus instead of going home after the spring semester had ended: Kill said, as he did last week, that everyone needs a break, including the athletes. Nevertheless, “A lot of kids go home – it’s not the same – the Twin Cities has become their home,” Kill said. He sounded pleased with those that stayed on campus that continued their schooling and rehab work.

Kill finished up saying the team is becoming “much more disciplined . . . good players police themselves.” His last comment was about players doing the right thing, especially in the off season when there’s less supervision and during evening hours.

2) Sid asked about some new rules that allow football coaches to have limited contact with the team during the summer months, before the fall drills begin in August: Kill replied, “We don’t get to do anything next week.” Kill said they’ll be able to have weekly contact (8 hours per week) with the players starting Monday, June 16. He said they (coaches) can be in the weight room, classroom settings in the morning, and at the afternoon workouts (without the ball). As an example of the coaches allowed participation at the workouts, they can work with the defensive backs in their backpedaling drills.

3) Sid asked about the impact of last year’s bowl game on recruiting: “Biggest thing, a lot of publicity on ESPN and BTN networks . . . (has) opened doors . . . can be more selective . . . we want to make sure we get the right kids,” Kill said.

Kill then shifted his comments to the importance of summer camps and evaluation in recruiting: “Live evaluation is important . . . camps give pretty good indication what a player can do.” He then cited Andrew Stelter (Owatonna defensive end) and defensive back Eric Murray from Milwaukee as players that jumped out when they participated in the Gopher summer camps. Eric Murray arrived at his camp as a running back, however, he showed great ability when they tested him at defensive back. Kill said he expects Murray to be All-Big Ten and play at the next level.

As to today’s camp that starts this afternoon, there are 70 kids registered. Kill said the bulk of the campers are from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa; however, he also said there are eight or nine juniors from Illinois, some from Kansas, a couple from St. Louis and a quarterback from Texas.

Later in the segment Coach Kill gave a list of dates for the summer camps in June, which has a number of opportunities for players to sign up for a camp. If interested high school players can register or gain additional information by accessing

Kill also acknowledged that some schools have more commitments; however, he did not sound concerned because they are working their plan in recruiting. He stressed evaluation, not making mistakes in recruiting (they can't select as the national powers can).

4) Dave Mona asked about the stadium improvements – specifically the underground heating coils that could be helpful during late season games: Kill replied, “Been pretty much on the move,” indicating that he hadn’t been keeping personal tabs on the ongoing work at the stadium. He said his staff has checked out the work and he will see the field for the first time, since reconstruction began, this afternoon when the first summer camp commences at one o’clock. Although his comments were brief, he sounded positive about the ongoing changes at TCF Bank Stadium.

5) Sid made a comment about Coach Kill and his staff shutting down the state’s borders when it comes to recruiting: “We’re pretty close,” replied Kill. “Lost two to the SEC, Alabama and Arkansas,” in last year’s recruiting efforts. He then mentioned losing two players – Bookins to Wisconsin and Rucker to Iowa – to border competition, which he said is never good: “You don’t want to lose kids to the border schools.”

As far as kids leaving the state, “Some kids just want to get away from home,” said Kill. He also said recruiting is national. As an example of national recruiting, he again cited Alabama coming to Minnesota for a player.

6) Kill closed today’s segment on the Sports Huddle by saluting defensive back Cedric Thompson for being selected recipient of the Wilma Rudolph Achievement Award. Kill was very pleased and proud that Cedric Thompson was selected for the national award.

Go Gophers!!

I overslept for some reason and missed it live. I immediately turned to the great DL for a report and sure enough, he's right there. Thnx a million

DL65 for B1G Commissioner. No, wait. Then we would lose him, and if that happened, I would become a drunk.

DL65 thank you, but that does not really say enough. The Huddle Summary is always there. WCCO web goes down, DL reports it. Sid's stumblin, rumbiling's comes through edited in concise English. Minnie Max sophomoric stunts, he smoothly get the essence of what he says. And he does it virtually every week in real time.

I wish people would dispense with the myth that the helmet schools "select" rather than recruit. If anything, getting any one particular player is harder at those schools because he has several other elite offers as well. Minnesota is getting in more battles for in-demand players, but we still sign several by default because we're easily their best offer. That does sometimes happen at helmet schools, but not nearly as often as it does for schools at our level.

I wish people would dispense with the myth that the helmet schools "select" rather than recruit. If anything, getting any one particular player is harder at those schools because he has several other elite offers as well. Minnesota is getting in more battles for in-demand players, but we still sign several by default because we're easily their best offer. That does sometimes happen at helmet schools, but not nearly as often as it does for schools at our level.

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Some of you guys are forever on dpo's ass. Lay off. He adds a lot to this entire site, like him or hate him. I personnally like him, so as President and only member of dpo's fan club, I say back off.

I wish people would dispense with the myth that the helmet schools "select" rather than recruit. If anything, getting any one particular player is harder at those schools because he has several other elite offers as well. Minnesota is getting in more battles for in-demand players, but we still sign several by default because we're easily their best offer. That does sometimes happen at helmet schools, but not nearly as often as it does for schools at our level.

Thank you Dpo...I hope you also called Coach Kill to correct him directly. How he has been so successful becoming a multi millionaire head coach at a D-1 team with your personal knowledge and expertise is infathomable. Please save him before he realizes its all a dream.

Thanks for the report as always. Didn't get a chance to look at this today until now. Without you I'd never know what is going on during Sports Huddle.

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