GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 3/2/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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Mike Max was in for Dave Mona on today’s Sports Huddle. Comments and responses by Coach Kill to the questions raised by Sid Hartman and Mike Max:

1) Mike Max asked how do you keep recruits (especially from Florida) when you have the weather that has enveloped Minnesota this year: Coach Kill said, “Just got back from Nike Convention in Denver – didn’t see any snow.” Kill jokingly said that you wouldn’t want to have any recruits in now and that he has ten feet of snow in front of his house.

2) Sid asked Coach Kill about the early opening of spring drills that commence next week: “Big thing you can’t predict the weather . . . (by starting early) if you get someone hurt you have time to get them back . . . (gain) another weight lifting session,” replied Kill. He also said they’ll be spending a lot of time indoors (inclement weather), which adversely affects the kicking game.

3) Sid asked for names of players that will be held out of spring drills: Those that will not practice, as listed by Coach Kill: Alex Bisch, tight end; Tyler Hartman, defensive lineman; Jon Christenson, offensive lineman; Derrick Wells, defensive back. When he mentioned Christenson and Wells, Kill said, “We already know what they can do.”

Kill gave a list of players that will see limited action in the spring workouts (sounded like more conditioning rather than participation in actual contact/drills): Briean Boddy, defensive back; Joe Bjorkland, offensive lineman; Yoshoub Timms, defensive tackle; Caleb Bak, offensive lineman. Kill sounded very pleased with Bak’s recovery from surgery and progress.

4) Mike Max asked about “Pro Day” at the U tomorrow, and he said Brock Vereen’s participation has to help: Kill’s response to Max’s comment about Brock Vereen, “He’s highly intelligent . . . don’t know how much he’ll do because of the (his success) combine.” He said the same about Ra’Shede Hageman; both had very good results at the recent combine.

5) Max followed up his question by asking what the pro evaluators look for at the pro day exercises: Kill said it’s about evaluation. Frequently they know what the players can do athletically, so they talk to academic officials and trainers – try to ascertain the player’s character – strengths and weaknesses.

6) Sid asked if there are other Gopher players participating in the “Pro Day” event: Kill said it’s about chasing a dream, and that you never know who might catch the eye of the evaluators and catch on as a free agent. He went onto say that there may be seven or eight former Gopher players participating. Players he named as participants: Martez Shabazz, defensive back; Jeremy Baltazar, defensive back; Aaron Hill, linebacker; Roland Johnson, defensive tackle; and Eddie Olson, offensive lineman.

7) Sid asked what they’re (Minnesota coaching staff) looking for and hope to get out of this year’s spring drills: He said they’ll spend a lot of time on situational football – fourth and one and fourth and two – red zone play (offensively). He said they lost games last year because of being stopped in the red zone.

Kill, again, mentioned the kicking game and not being able to do what they’d like to do because of having to practice indoors.

Lastly, Kill said spring drills are opportunities to evaluate younger players and see what they can do. (By his remarks, Kill is excited and looking forward to spring practices.)

8) Sid finished the segment inquiring whether or not they’d be adding any recruits: “No. Not at this point,” replied Kill, “We feel good where we’re at.” (Kill sounded very upbeat about team personnel and this year’s recruiting.)

Go Gophers!!

Thanks, DL! The Coach is so much more optimistic than earlier years. Makes me excited for the coming season.

Another great report! I may be wrong about this, but I also thought Kill stated he was very pleased with Christenson's progress. I believe he said something to the effect that given the severity of the injury, Christenson's recover is going VERY well and definitely ahead of schedule. He did say that they were in no rush with Bak and wanted to give him as much time to recover from his concussion. Thanks again.

7) Sid asked what they’re (Minnesota coaching staff) looking for and hope to get out of this year’s spring drills: He said they’ll spend a lot of time on situational football – fourth and one and fourth and two – red zone play (offensively). He said they lost games last year because of being stopped in the red zone.
First: Thanks DL, excellent as always. Second: I am really glad to see this. Over the years, not just during Kill's tenure, we have lost so many games because our offense could not get one more first down. And, it has not been just a red zone issue. We have been forced to punt when not in the red zone and lost. The bowl game vs, Texas Tech is one recent example when Williams got stuffed in the backfield, we punted and lost. IMHO its a lack of confidence that has prevented us from getting needed first down to run the clock out. With a little better personnel and practicing for the situation I hope that we gain the confidence to win those type of games. Go Gophers!

Thanks, always one of my Sunday highlights!

Another great report! I may be wrong about this, but I also thought Kill stated he was very pleased with Christenson's progress. I believe he said something to the effect that given the severity of the injury, Christenson's recover is going VERY well and definitely ahead of schedule. He did say that they were in no rush with Bak and wanted to give him as much time to recover from his concussion. Thanks again.

I'm glad for Christenson, but I would highly doubt if he sees the field in 2014. The smart move is to continue rehab/practice, take a med redshirt (I'll bet a buck that Minnesota has already started that process) and come back in 2015 as a RS/Med Jr. His was one the most severe leg injuries a player can have. It's not the break, it's the collateral damage. Muscle atrophy, ligaments, scar tissue, etc. are issues. I hope that "ahead of schedule" means "can play again".

With Bobek and Tommy Olson, the Gophers are in good shape.

I'm glad for Christenson, but I would highly doubt if he sees the field in 2014. The smart move is to continue rehab/practice, take a med redshirt (I'll bet a buck that Minnesota has already started that process) and come back in 2015 as a RS/Med Jr. His was one the most severe leg injuries a player can have. It's not the break, it's the collateral damage. Muscle atrophy, ligaments, scar tissue, etc. are issues. I hope that "ahead of schedule" means "can play again".

With Bobek and Tommy Olson, the Gophers are in good shape.

You certainly may be right but listen to he podcast after I post it. It is about as positive as you can get.

7) Sid asked what they’re (Minnesota coaching staff) looking for and hope to get out of this year’s spring drills: He said they’ll spend a lot of time on situational football – fourth and one and fourth and two – red zone play (offensively). He said they lost games last year because of being stopped in the red zone.

It's possible Coach didn't mention it or maybe they will wait for summer but one of the few areas where the team looked inept last year was the two minute drill. On numerous occasions it was painful to watch the team run the play clock down to 10 or 15 seconds in critical drives and ultimately settle for a long field goal attempt or even worse take a bad sack or a bad penalty coming away with no points. I can't believe it was all just conservative play calling. There seemed to be a breakdown all down the chain from getting the plays in to getting the team lined up.

When the announcers can't seem to believe it either there's a problem on the perception end of it by recruits, etc.

I'm a huge fan of coach Kill but this is one of the very few things that drove me nuts last year. The other would be a certain qb that is no longer with the program.

Thanks for the summary DL, it's exciting to have something to talk about again.

Nice to hear that Eddie Olson will be participating at the Pro Day

6) Sid asked if there are other Gopher players participating in the “Pro Day” event: Kill said it’s about chasing a dream, and that you never know who might catch the eye of the evaluators and catch on as a free agent. He went onto say that there may be seven or eight former Gopher players participating. Players he named as participants: Martez Shabazz, defensive back; Jeremy Baltazar, defensive back; Aaron Hill, linebacker; Roland Johnson, defensive tackle; and Eddie Olson, offensive lineman.

Go Gophers!!

Coach Kill and his wife were on our flight from Denver to MSP yesterday - guy flies coach just like the rest of us commoners!

For Coach Kill to fly coach when he's making north of $2 M/yr says a lot about his character and the example he sets.

For Coach Kill to fly coach when he's making north of $2 M/yr says a lot about his character and the example he sets.

I expect it also says something about his size. If he was the same size as Ra'Shede Hageman I suspect he would be flying first class.:rolleyes:

For Coach Kill to fly coach when he's making north of $2 M/yr says a lot about his character and the example he sets.

Wtf does this say about his character? Flying 1st class means he has poor character? And it's a bad example? How?

You, my friend, are an idiot.

Wtf does this say about his character? Flying 1st class means he has poor character? And it's a bad example? How?

You, my friend, are an idiot.

For the first time ever, I have to agree with craw0092 here. I was once on a flight when Doc Sadler, at the time the U of Nebraska head basketball coach, walked on and took his seat in coach. I did not once think to myself that I admired his character. My thought was that I felt sorry for the guy-a division I basketball coach having to sit in coach.

Even if I saw coach Kill and Mrs. Kill on a plane on a personal vacation, my thought would be that this guy makes $2 million/year and sits in coach? I certainly don't think less of anyone who sits in first class, and I certainly would be in first class if I made $2 million/year.

There was a time when conspicuous consumption was looked askance at in many circles in MN and that trait is one of the fonder memories of my home state vs the extreme vanity of CA. When the wealthy were embarrassed by their wealth and in many cases good fortune/luck/inheritance. Times have changed since I left MN...(?)

I would go beyond that and say it can be considered a misallocation of resources depending on what one considers important. There are a lot of productive ways to use money and then there are things like flying first class. I'm sure Jerry feels the money is better spent supporting a charity or a scholarship program or helping out a relative. Yes, that first class ticket is a "jobs" program for the airline, helps to keep it in business...maybe they just didn't have any first class tix left that flight. :)

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