GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 2/3/13


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Nov 20, 2008
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Mike Max was filling in for Dave Mona on today's Sports Huddle.

1) Mike Max opened the segment asking Kill if he knew Jack Harbaugh, father of today's coaches - Jim and John Harbaugh - in the Super Bowl: Kill said he coached against Harbaugh when Kill was the head coach at Southern Illinois. Kill spoke highly of Jack Harbaugh: "He's a good football man. Helped build football what it is today." Jack Harbaugh won a DIAA Championship at Western Kentucky.

Kill said the Harbaugh family is very competitive and he expects the same in today's Super Bowl - brother against brother - competing against one another.

2) Sid asked if the cold weather affects recruiting: Kill quickly responded, "Not any!" He emphasized the assets of the Twin Cities and the state; the key is getting the recruits on campus. "We sell the Twin Cities, the Fortune 500 Companies, number one city ranked for fitness and safety . . . No excuses, just have to get it done."

3) Max asked about Junior Day, yesterday: Kill said that there were 120 kids on campus yesterday participating the Junior Day activities - 10 to 11 states represented. Kill liked how the day went and sounded upbeat with the group and the day's events.

Additionally, there were three visiting recruits that are part of this year's recruiting class/process.

Today is the last day that schools can have recruits on campus. The three visiting recruits will attend today's basketball game at Williams Arena - Minnesota vs. Iowa - and then return to their homes.

4) Sid asked if there were any recruiting defections this weekend: Kill said, "No." Then Kill stressed that you don't know how the recruiting will turn out until they sign on the dotted line: "You don't know until signing day . . . can't get overconfident . . . do all you can . . . we've been working hard at it."

Kill said they expect to sign 20-21 recruits on Signing Day (Wednesday, February 6).

Kill closed the question saying he was pleased with the returning players and the work that they have been doing in the weight room.

5) Max asked what Kill and the coaching staff will be doing after Signing Day: They'll be busy evaluating film of high school juniors in preparation for the 2014 recruiting season.

The returning players are busy in the weight room and have team competitions, as they did last year.

Kill is excited with the attitude and effort of the returning players - beginning with the first day they returned from their bowl game - they've been working out on specific drills on their own (coaches haven't and can't have any contact with the players, except strength and conditioning). He said there have been as many as 67 players working out . . . "taking leadership . . . doing things on their own." He sounded very pleased with the returning players effort in their training in the off season. He said it takes "Maximum effort to turn it around."

6) Kill closed his portion of the Sports Huddle congratulatng Peterson's NFL MVP Award and Cris Carter's selection to the NFL Hall of Fame. He said the awards are good for the state and their selections helps Gopher recruiting as well (positive recognition for the state and Twin Cities).

Go Gophers!!

Good stuff as always. Anyone know who the three 2013 recruits on campus are?

This is very interesting. 20 to 21 guys, right now we are at 16 and it doesn't seem like there are 4 or 5 guys on the known radar, let alone ones that are heavy MN leans. Tedric Thompson and the pwo from WI (brian smith?) are on campus, not sure who the 3rd is.

Well if they expect to sign 20-21 guys, then signing day might be a whole lot more interesting than I thought....Maybe it's just a headfake, but if so it's a good one.

Thanks, DL. I always look forward to and appreciate your notes on Sunday.

This is very interesting. 20 to 21 guys, right now we are at 16 and it doesn't seem like there are 4 or 5 guys on the known radar, let alone ones that are heavy MN leans. Tedric Thompson and the pwo from WI (brian smith?) are on campus, not sure who the 3rd is.
Yes, interesting, perhaps they will bring in a few after NSD once things shake out a bit.

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