GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 12/9/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill had an abbreviated stint on today's Sports Huddle. He was meeting with visiting recruits and the team also will have an early practice. Kill's comments and responses to Dave and Sid's questions:

1) Sid opened the questioning by asking what effect Tommy Tubberville's departure will have on the game and Minnesota's preparations: "It won't affect it at all." He went on to say Tubberville was not directly involved in Texas Tech's offense or defense, which was left up to the coordinators. Kill then cited NIU's performance in their bowl game two years ago when he accepted the Gopher coaching job. (The Huskies staff (minus Claeys and Limegrover) got the team prepared to win the bowl game, which they did. After the bowl game most of the NIU staff followed Kill to Minnesota.)

2) Sid said Tech is a 13 point favorite and they're probably as good as the best B1G teams: Kill said Texas Tech's offense is similar to Syracuse . . . they spread you out when they're on offense and they run a 4-2-5 defense. Their style is to "speed 'em up and outscore your opponent . . . (we'll have to) keep our defense on the borders." Kill said they have good skill players including their quarterback.

3) Sid asked how the team has looked in practice: Kill said the two week lay off has helped a lot. It's given them a chance to heal up and the team's spirit is good. They practiced Friday and Saturday and will practice today.

4) Sid asked if Gray would be starting at quarterback: "Nelson is our quarterback." He was emphatic in his response. However, he also said that he didn't want to give anything away; but he went on to say Gray would be involved in the offense.

5) Sid asked who would be back for the bowl game: Players definitely out and who soon will have knee surgery: Roland Johnson, Brendan Beal, and Marcus Jones. He said Ed Olson is looking good (the best this year) and Jon Christenson should be ready for the game. He also said: "Drew Goodger is practicing a little." He then said: "We won't get everybody back (bowl game)." Kill sounded very positive about the bowl game and the effect it's had on the team - "Huge boost for our recruiting and our program."

6) Dave Mona raised the question about those having knee surgery and waiting because of swelling: Kill said the players are undergoing rehab as they wait for the swelling to go down and to strengthen the muscles before surgery, which helps the healing process. They undergo rehab about 4-5 weeks before surgery. As to their recovery from surgery, "It depends how much they work." He said he has confidence that they'll work hard in the rehab sessions and will be prepared for the surgeries. (He mentioned Marcus Jones' quick recovery from knee surgery last year.)

7) Sid again asked about bowl game practices and how they're different from regular season practices: Kill said the coaches work with the older kids for about an hour and fifteen minutes and then have special coaching sessions for the younger players for about 20-30 minutes. He said it's a great time to evaluate the team's talent as well as its strengths and weaknesses. It's as if the team has two spring practices (15 practice sessions for the bowl game and the 15 sessions in spring.)

8) When they returned from a commercial break and a weather report update, Dave Mona said coach Kill had to leave the show to meet with visiting recruits and to get ready for an early practice.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for compiling all of the Kill interviews.

I'm really glad that Kill cut the interview short. Its really difficult to listen to Sid with Dave. I wish that Kill would talk with Barreiro on Sunday morning.

Many thanks. I'm not optimistic about the bowl, though very glad we're in it - but unless we get our offense moving, how can we outscore a team like Texas Tech? They blew a high scoring West Virginia off the field.

Many thanks. I'm not optimistic about the bowl, though very glad we're in it - but unless we get our offense moving, how can we outscore a team like Texas Tech? They blew a high scoring West Virginia off the field.

We will need to run the ball effectively. Too bad we won't play Gray at qb on 50% of the downs.

Thanks DL. Regarding point 7, I thought it answered well some of the debate on this board about the value of the extra practices. He all but admitted that 1/3 of the allowed practice time is to prepare the young players, including redshirts that wont play in the bowl game, for next year.

One of my favorite parts of watching the bowl games is looking for the young guys that break through in bowl prep and see extra snaps in the bowl game. While there probably aren't a ton of surprises hidden in this young team, I wonder who might emerge? Will we see extra snaps at LB for younger guys?

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