Claeys and Fleck are not the same person. they will do things differently. Claeys may do some things better than Fleck. Fleck may do some things better than Claeys.
that does NOT mean that one is a "better" coach than the other. Each can be successful using their own approach.
I supported Tracy Claeys when he was coaching at the U of MN. I wish him well in his future endeavors.
And yes, I will support PJ Fleck while he is coaching at the U of MN. I'm not a huge fan of Fleck's style, but I will accept his style if he can help the team win. If that is damning with faint praise, so be it.
But - the main point - it is not a zero-sum game. Liking Claeys does NOT mean you have to dislike Fleck. Liking Fleck does NOT mean you have to dislike Claeys. You are allowed to like more than 1 coach at a time. (I think - there could be some obscure Gopher Hole Rule that I am unaware of that says you can only like 1 coach. If there is such a rule, I hope the moderators will let us know.)