GopherHiole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 3/23/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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Responses and comments by Coach Jerry Kill on today’s Sports Huddle:

1) Dave Mona opened the questioning of Coach Kill by mentioning today’s weather forecast of 1 to 2 inches of snow, and that this year’s snowfalls have been strange and made things difficult for spring drills: Kill replied, “It’s difficult, unique . . . (must) move forward, stay positive . . . last year we had only one practice outside.” Although the inclement weather has been a concern, especially when it comes to the kicking game, Coach Kill continues to sound upbeat. You just deal with it.

2) Sid asked about Kill’s trip and speaking engagement on epilepsy in Washington, D.C. this past week: Unique experience - speaking in front of thousands of people about epilepsy,” said Kill. By the tone of his voice one could tell he was honored and proud to talk about and support persons afflicted with the health-related issue.

3) Sid asked about the depth and competition at center: “We’re very fortunate (talking about quality and depth at center) . . . If you can play center, you can play guard,” Kill said. “Some of our centers have played guard and tackle.” He added, “Jon Christenson is key to our football team – he can do several things . . . looks like he’ll be ready in the fall.” Overall, Kill sounded very positive about the players practicing at center as well as the recovery of Jon Christenson from his injury and surgery. He’s progressing in his rehab.

4) Dave Mona raised the question about the current long snapper position, after losing last year’s snapper: “We’ve got two or three competing and one coming in (walk-on Payton Jordahl).” Later in his response to the question, Kill said they have two long snappers coming in; however, he didn’t identify the second walk-on. Again, Kill sounded pleased with the competition at the critical position. He said the biggest problem that they’re facing is not being able to practice outside, “Truly, may scrape some parts off for the kicking game.” He also spoke about the importance of having good snappers and receivers in the kicking game – timing is paramount.

5) Sid asked about the hiring of Mike Sherels as linebacker coach: “As I’ve said in the past, it’s a great move for our program . . . brings a lot to the program . . . knows Minnesota football . . . he’s been given a great opportunity.” Kill said Sherels has worked hard and has earned the opportunity. He mentioned Sherels arriving at Minnesota as a walk-on (as Kill was in college) and becoming a starter. Kill also said he had the final say in the hiring of Sherels; however, he was quick to mention the support that the former Gopher linebacker enjoys of the coaching staff and the players. He expects Sherels to be a good recruiter, especially being from Minnesota and knowing first-hand the culture and tradition of Gopher football.

Mike’s brother’s name, Marcus, also was mentioned. Kill spoke favorably of Marcus, of course. He said the brothers were different in that Mike is very vocal and Marcus is quiet.

6) Dave Mona raised the topic of the need for new sports facilities at Minnesota, especially for football: “No question, we need the facility!” replied Kill. He went onto say, “We need the best facility in the north, it allows some flexibility.” Kill said the southern schools have their facilities because of intense heat; whereas northern schools must contend with snow and bitter temperatures.

Kill also spoke about the positive relationships that they have with the other sports at Minnesota. He said with the implosion of the Metrodome the spring sports (baseball and softball) have been adversely affected. They’re all trying to accommodate one another for the limited space that they currently have.

There was no doubt in Kill’s comment about the current indoor facility, which was constructed during Lou Holtz’s tenure, that the football team and other athletic teams need new practice facilities. He also said the administration is well aware of their needs, “We’ve got to get some things done. We’ll get it done.”

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL.

Good to hear Jon will be back for fall. Good to have some competition, experience and depth and center with Christenson, Olson, and Bobek.

Thanks DL.

Good to hear Jon will be back for fall. Good to have some competition, experience and depth and center with Christenson, Olson, and Bobek.

One of the things I like about Kill is that he is often inkling about what he feels. This is particularly true about how some players are doing. A Good example is the progression of Jon Christenson's rehab. I suggested earlier that Kill seemed to be quite optimistic about his recovering and I was told by (Name deleted to protect the guilty) there is no way he would be ready to play this fall. I certainly didn't know if he would be, but I felt positive about the possibility, given what Kill was inkling.

We have a lot of belief and statements made on the GopherHole but I have found that if you pay attention to Jerry you can learn a lot from his remarks. From day one Jerry has laid out where he was going and how he was going to get there. He has pretty much done what he said he was going to do. Many, understandable, wanted to see it first, but it has always been there for all to see from his past actions and words, if you were comfortable accepting that.

Another fine job DL65. No my Sunday is complete. I've chucked the Strib for some time. This more than make up for it.

Kill should just open up every week talking about the Sherels hire. Although, Sid will still probably ask him about it again.

One of the things I like about Kill is that he is often inkling about what he feels. This is particularly true about how some players are doing. A Good example is the progression of Jon Christenson's rehab. I suggested earlier that Kill seemed to be quite optimistic about his recovering and I was told by (Name deleted to protect the guilty) there is no way he would be ready to play this fall. I certainly didn't know if he would be, but I felt positive about the possibility, given what Kill was inkling.

We have a lot of belief and statements made on the GopherHole but I have found that if you pay attention to Jerry you can learn a lot from his remarks. From day one Jerry has laid out where he was going and how he was going to get there. He has pretty much done what he said he was going to do. Many, understandable, wanted to see it first, but it has always been there for all to see from his past actions and words, if you were comfortable accepting that.

I'm thrilled for Christenson. I'm guilty. His recovery is the fastest I can every recall for an injury with such severity. Part of it was his conditioning before he got hurt. I should have known better when he was on the sideline a couple of weeks later, sans crutches. Thrilled.

I'm thrilled for Christenson. I'm guilty. His recovery is the fastest I can every recall for an injury with such severity. Part of it was his conditioning before he got hurt. I should have known better when he was on the sideline a couple of weeks later, sans crutches. Thrilled.

My use of "Name deleted to protect the guilty" was just my poor attempt at humor. I know that your statement was based on a reasonable assumption and like you, I am thrilled. Let's hope that the two of us will still be thrilled in August.

I'm "thrilled" just to read the post once again thanks to DL65.

Kill should just open up every week talking about the Sherels hire. Although, Sid will still probably ask him about it again.

By the way, he didn't ask about the Wayzata players. Anyone know how they are doing????? Also, how is that guy from Ohio State?

I'm thrilled for Christenson. I'm guilty. His recovery is the fastest I can every recall for an injury with such severity. Part of it was his conditioning before he got hurt. I should have known better when he was on the sideline a couple of weeks later, sans crutches. Thrilled.

Jon's recovery is more likely due to his decision to go outside the team for the surgery. This was done at the urging of a teammate who faced a similar issue earlier. Regards.

Is that the ghost of AJ's mom's best friend?

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