If I recall correctly, Smith was also injured last year. Is this a recurring injury? If yes, not good news. They definitely need solid starts from a pitcher besides Fiser. Not sure who will fill that need this year.
I was not at the games this past weekend and I did not have access to their televised games(s). While keeping an eye on the Live Stats, it just appeared they were picking up where they left off from last year. Which is very disheartening. Not able to produce runs against teams they should be. The bats were once again absent during their first loss of the season. They should have beaten Ole Miss.
With Jensen as lead off batter, are they having her swing away more this season and try to become a more all around hitter? Also, can anybody speak on Arneson's offense? I just feel she has really struggled at the plate over the years.
Here's hoping their pitching improves and their offense power returns starting next weekend.