Gopher Softball 2018

Question for those who follow big ten softball- Is this pitcher for Boise that much better than what the gophers have faced during the conference season? I don’t know much about softball, but she doesn’t look like she’s throwing anything special up there. Or are they really tight like the coach just said in the mid inning interview ?

No, the Boise pitcher is not better than the better Big Ten starting pitchers. Yes, Gopher batters are playing tight. I typically don't see the top Gopher batters chasing this many bad pitches.

Gophers in a tight spot after 5. Latter half of the batting order coming up who have produced nothing this weekend.

Twice now in two games Fizer not being in a ready fielding position after the pitch has hurt the Gophs

Twice now in two games now Fizer not being in a ready fielding position after the pitch has hurt the Gophs

Yes I felt that Fizer let her guard down and should have been ready for a grounder as there have been numerous ground balls in this game. Now down 2. Been tough enough trying to get 1 in this game and now we've got to get 2.

Holy ****! Never in my dreams would I have predicted this!

Twice now in two games Fizer not being in ready fielding position after the pitch a has hurt the Gophs

Yes I felt that Fizer let her guard down and should have been ready for a grounder as there have been numerous ground balls in this game. Now down 2. Been tough enough trying to get 1 in this game and now we've got to get 2.

C'mon man, this ain't baseball.....a pitcher can't get "in fielding position" after delivering a pitch...

Need more power on back of lineup next year, sucked to be basically SOL with 7-8-9 up yesterday

I don't understand why Fiser is in the game bottom of 7 vs Boise. Seems needless.

Need more power on back of lineup next year, sucked to be basically SOL with 7-8-9 up yesterday

The 9 spot isn't the problem. Jensen, while not possessing any power, is outstanding. Speaking in blunt terms, Arneson, Brandt, and Parlich offer little to nothing at the plate and Dwyer hasn't been having a good year. When you have to depend on 3-4 hitters to produce runs for you, it doesn't forecast well. Fiser is a solid pitcher who's only going to get better, but this lineup doesn't have the luxury of falling back on a pitcher like Groenewegen to bail them out in the circle anymore. They need to produce and it takes having at least 6-7 capable hitters in the lineup to do that. (see the baseball team this year)

The 9 spot isn't the problem. Jensen, while not possessing any power, is outstanding. Speaking in blunt terms, Arneson, Brandt, and Parlich offer little to nothing at the plate and Dwyer hasn't been having a good year. When you have to depend on 3-4 hitters to produce runs for you, it doesn't forecast well. Fiser is a solid pitcher who's only going to get better, but this lineup doesn't have the luxury of falling back on a pitcher like Groenewegen to bail them out in the circle anymore. They need to produce and it takes having at least 6-7 capable hitters in the lineup to do that. (see the baseball team this year)

All she does is hit home runs ! Go Gophers !

Great battling these past few innings by Smith but I think Traschel may want to consider bringing in Fiser. The Horns are seeing Smith really well and making some good contact on here and it feels like it's only a matter of time until they open things up on the offensive end against Smith.

Coach sticks with Smith and gets 3 strikeouts . That was not against their best hitters so we will see if she continues go with her. Her interview made it sound like she would unless she got into trouble.

Wow ! Nerve racking 5th but Smith gets out on the bases loaded strickout !

Wow some very timely hitting by Parlich there to extemd the lead and it looks like they are going to try riding Smith out. The outfield really has to come about 5-10 feet in though. They've gotten the short end of the stick on some blooper singles because they've been playing warning track deep.

Glad I stayed up. Good defensive effort mixed with just enough timely hitting. The Smith tip - Arneson - Dwyer double play in the 7th was a classic game killer.

After yesterday's loss, today was a fantastic show of guts and patience. An admirable comeback and steely nerves by MN. Just imagine if Smith had been uninjured and pitched this way all season. I thought the coach showed fine faith in her team by sticking with Smith. Great playing!!!

It worked to the Gophers advantage against Texas; but, add me to the chorus of those who wonder why NCAA tournament games only employ three umps.

Ok so MN gets the 5th ranked team while mich or nd get to play nobodies. This sux

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