No recency bias at all from me. This trend started in Vegas. In all 61 games of the 2017 season the team had 53 errors for a .869 errors per game average. In 31 games so far this season the team already has 41 errors or a whopping 1.32 errors per game. It isn't the outfield making the errors and actually Dwyer has dramatically improved this year over last so it is not 1B accounting for the errors either.
Those numbers can't sit well with Trachsel who prides herself on being a defensive specialist. She has a reputation for being a disciplinarian. Does she have the team playing tight both at the plate and in the field?
There has to be a reason(s) why a team with so many talented players has performed so erratically this year, both on defense and at the plate. I like ComoGopher's comment because it suggests WHY, not just WHAT. But where the truth lies, maybe nobody knows who's an outside observer. What I see missing is a strong on-field leadership. Players and coaches move on, but what I see is that Allister got lots of good players, but failed to recruit the All-American talent in the circle (and in the midst of the action) that Groenewegen represented. I can't help but believe that Allister realized that would be missing in 2018. You can't win big without truly superior talent in key positions. The Gophers need better on-field leadership, in MHO.