Gopher Marketing to Create New Campaigns and Traditions at TCF Bank Stadium

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
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With a new football stadium comes new traditions and campaigns, and the Gopher marketing department has been busy coming up with new promotions to implement. With more structure around the student section to creative ways to creative ideas to enhance a true home field advantage, the marketing department is full of ideas.

GopherHole recently spoke with Kellan White and Rori Carlo in the marketing department about how TCF Bank Stadium changes the role of the marketing department – and it all begins this Saturday!!

Traditions are great when they've got some dust on them. When they're "new traditions" created by a marketing team, we get stuff like "We are... Minnesota."

Although... to be fair, I like the doffing of hats.

If the marketing department had checked with me, I would have disqualified...

"We are... Minnesota"

I like the Ski-U-Mah cheer idea as it at least is a bit unique. Of course, this one won't happen. :(

I like the "hats off to thee" with students taking their hats off when they enter the arches.

I wouldn't mind seeing the "gold mine" or something similar as the student group name to play off "the Bank" or "the Vault" or similar stadium names. Yeah, maybe a touch corporate-like given the sponsor, but I still like it.

It's too bad "The Barnyard" name is already taken, considering the field leads right up to the old barn.

I agree that Ski-U-Mah should be incorporated into the chanting as much as possible. It's cool and unique (unlike we are... minnesota).

My marketing mind

I don’t like the "we are...." Just doesn’t sound right.

Hats off to thee: nice job with that one.

As far as a Ski-U-Mah chant: There are basically 3 parts to the stadium (home, visitors, and students) so each section chants one part of Ski-U-Mah. Kind of like the i-o-w-a that the pig farmers to the south of us do after touchdowns - no offense to actual MN pig farmers. :pig:

One last thing. This whole nickname for the stadium and student section can be decided pretty easy in my opinion. The stadium is "The Bank" and the student section is "The Vault" It would be cool to see students in green and gold like money in a bank vault.

I don’t like the "we are...." Just doesn’t sound right.

Hats off to thee: nice job with that one.

As far as a Ski-U-Mah chant: There are basically 3 parts to the stadium (home, visitors, and students) so each section chants one part of Ski-U-Mah. Kind of like the i-o-w-a that the pig farmers to the south of us do after touchdowns - no offense to actual MN pig farmers. :pig:

One last thing. This whole nickname for the stadium and student section can be decided pretty easy in my opinion. The stadium is "The Bank" and the student section is "The Vault" It would be cool to see students in green and gold like money in a bank vault.

Everything in that post i agree with, except for the green in the student section. Just gold, man. Its tough enough around here to straighten out between maroon and gold and which maroon and which gold. Dont start bringing in other colors in here! :)

Everything in that post i agree with, except for the green in the student section. Just gold, man. Its tough enough around here to straighten out between maroon and gold and which maroon and which gold. Dont start bringing in other colors in here! :)

Agreed. Green and gold? So this a Packers student section now??? :rolleyes:

I too like the taking off the hats when going through the arch. Classic, simple, and right there in big letters on the arch.

I'd like Ski-U-Mah to become more than a line in the rouser.

But ultimately, I would prefer new traditions to come from the students. That's what really will give it roots. Involve student groups in creating new traditions, some will fade, but some will last.

You guys are right. We can't be adding extra colors into the mix because we would never be able to agree on what shade of green and so on. And we don’t want to look like the packers, either. Maybe the students can wave money in the air or throw around monopoly money after a touchdown.

The idea of "implementing" traditions seems bizarre to me. You have to let these things develop organically.

I wouldn't ming the We Are chant if it was changed to

We own the "M" and We are the "U". We are the "U" mainly because it would piss the Miami fans and the media off. We are the original U afterall, long before Miami ever laid claim or decided they were.

That would make us Miami's #2 rival behind either Florida State or ankle bracelets.

I maybe nuts

But I always remove my cap for the rouser. Its a tip of the cap to the team. And after all isn't that what the lyrics indicate?

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