Gopher gear will be arriving in style!

Ironic? or Verrry Sneaky

The unis the players are wearing on the truck are not the current version.

We'll really dazzle and confuse 'em when our Gophers come out with our roadie "Nike-Whities".

Any advantage . . . any advantage . . .


This link was posted on a MTSU football blog. Their fans seemed to be very impressed with how we roll in the Big Ten. I was very surprised to see how tricked out the "Gopher Truck" is. I guess the saying goes, "When you look good, you play good". Or something like that.

Nice! I like the upgrade in graphics. That rig will turn some heads on the Interstate!

Now its right up there with the Tow-Arnett family RV.

Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't the truck looked like this for a few years now? I don't know why it would be updated now if it is new and not have current uniforms and helmets as pictures on the sides.

Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't the truck looked like this for a few years now? I don't know why it would be updated now if it is new and not have current uniforms and helmets as pictures on the sides.


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