Gopher Football Recruiting - Time To Panic?

60's Guy

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
Reaction score
Big Ten Announced Commitments ... so far to date
Penn State 16
Nebraska 10
Northwestern 9
Iowa 8
Rutgers 7
Michigan 6
Wisconsin 5
Michigan State 4
Illinois 3
Ohio State 2
Maryland 2
Indiana 2
Purdue 1
Minnesota 0

So, my conclusion: no, not time to panic yet. Be nice to get on the board with somebody exciting though. Soon!

The fact that Penn State practically has a full class already is amazing.... I wonder if those recruits are worth taking this early in the conversation....

I dont follow Football recruiting as much as basketball (dont follow that much either so you know where I stand).

Is recruiting done primarily through the offseasons like in basketball where you basically have "fall recruits" which are picked up before the bball season starts and "spring recruits" which are generally less valuable and were passed over or are late bloomers?

I'm making a list of grocery/survival provisions right now.

I am in full panic mode.

I heard there are many Ohio State fans already in line at the grocery store.


All right, let's not panic. I'll make the money by selling one of my livers. I can get by with one.

Penn State has ten 4 star recruits and six 3 star recruits for 2015...
Jeff Jones is a 4 star recruit but otherwise you have to go back to 2010 to find another 4 star recruit for Minnesota; Lamonte Edwards, Jimmy Gjere
above info from rivals ranking...

Penn State 2015
2010 Minnesota

The fact that Penn State practically has a full class already is amazing.... I wonder if those recruits are worth taking this early in the conversation....

I dont follow Football recruiting as much as basketball (dont follow that much either so you know where I stand).

Is recruiting done primarily through the offseasons like in basketball where you basically have "fall recruits" which are picked up before the bball season starts and "spring recruits" which are generally less valuable and were passed over or are late bloomers?

Absolutely Not!!! I would say that if we don't have a number of commitments by July first then you can panic. I believe that we are competing for a number of players that will take their time deciding on a school. Some of the lower priority recruits have offers that may be conditional, as the coaches prepare for camps and compare notes, we'll start seeing commitments. I really believe that our recruiting is at the point that the coaches can take a little more time.

If Ohio State is the measuring stick, we are only two behind.

I don't think our coaching staff all of sudden forgot how to do their jobs. While we aren't ranking high in our classes, the talent on the field is getting better and I have absolute faith in our staff's ability to identify talent that fits our scheme and have the character to succeed in our program.

I am confident that when it is all said and done, this class will be better than lasts top to bottom and the kids will work, play and graduate. (Yes, while I am in favor of increasing scholarship money to include a stipend. I still like the idea of student athlete and am proud of hell that Kill & Co are graduating players and representing our school on the field and in the classroom)

Penn State has ten 4 star recruits and six 3 star recruits for 2015...
Jeff Jones is a 4 star recruit but otherwise you have to go back to 2010 to find another 4 star recruit for Minnesota; Lamonte Edwards, Jimmy Gjere
above info from rivals ranking...

Penn State 2015
2010 Minnesota

Those punishments sure slowed them down didn't they?

I think Cornell and Carlberg are the only MN kids with Gopher offers. Everyone, including Notre Dame and OSU, are after Cornell. In the past we have had some early committs from loyal MN kids but these two could take their time.

I am not panicking because I trust Jerry. But I do think zero commitments is odd, and it gets more and more odd with each day. So, I guess I will feel some relief when the first few commitments roll in.

I wonder how many the Gophers had last year at this time? Two maybe (Jones, and Puppy Dawg)?

Weren't we in a similar situation last year? How'd that work out?

^ Both USC and PSU had to scale back on the number of 4-star recruits and go mainly with 5-stars. When it comes to the big boys, NCAA sanctions are a joke.

The real question is how many recruits does Western Michigan have?:D

On a serious note, I do find it surprising that Jerry has not tapped the IL pipeline more given his long tenure in that state.

I just talked to Chicken Little and he said the sky is falling! So yes, it is time to panic! :banghead:

I think other posters have played it out, but just to summarize: for a school like Minnesota (i.e. not a helmet school) the only FB recruits you get this early are guys from your home state who grew up dreaming of playing for your school. I haven't followed the 2015 class at all, but Cornell is obviously a national recruit, so he wouldn't commit to us yet. Have we really only offered 1 other MN kid though? That seems light, but like I said, I don't follow it all that closely to know if that's unusual or not.

Those punishments sure slowed them down didn't they?


Kind of like when Kobe Bryant raped that 19 yr old woman and everybody said he was DONE making money on endorsements. The last I heard was that he was second only to Lebron in endorsement money made by an NBA player.


Kind of like when Kobe Bryant raped that 19 yr old woman and everybody said he was DONE making money on endorsements. The last I heard was that he was second only to Lebron in endorsement money made by an NBA player.

Ya, our memories are like our dicks... Good but short.

And there it is...

When I got a piece from a co ed in college, she said I could only put it half way in. Ya, like I am gonna do that!!! When she said "put it all the way in" all I could say was, "no, a deal is a deal."

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