Gopher Football Practice change for Saturday April 9th


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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For all of you who are planning on attending practice tomorrow, there has been a change, it will be at 2pm.

Enter the stadium at the Lake of the Woods County sign.

Hey GopherLady, thanks for posting this. Do you know any other details about it? Is it free? How long does it last, etc?

Hey GopherLady, thanks for posting this. Do you know any other details about it? Is it free? How long does it last, etc?

Yes, it is free. Parking depends on how close/where you choose. I have yet to pay for parking, lots of street spots available each time I have gone. Usually last around 2 hours, not 100% on how long tomorrow's is slated to go. Weather is supposed to be bad though so good chance it could end up back inside.

Thanks a lot! I'll give it a go. I've never been to a practice, but I'm pretty stoked about this new coaching staff and some of these players. Go Gophers!

Weather is supposed to be bad though so good chance it could end up back inside.

I hope the rain holds off. But we will be there anyway. My son and I will be taking the 3 hour drive to see all the action!
Go Gophers

I just checked the site and it said 63 degrees and cloudy turning to sun late afternoon with the rain moving in at 9:00 p.m. If that is at all accurate, I don't see the need to move indoors.

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