Gopher Fans Are a Joke Today!!!

+1 and thailleagle you are just a pure hater. Whether or not you like Weber it is STUPID for fans to boo your own QB at home in the 1st half. That is utterly terrible and can't help the confidence of the players on the field. Anyone who disagrees with this statement has serious problems and probably shouldn't be a fan.

I am sure the booing really helped build the confidence of these guys. Do you actually think the players "get it" when people boo? Players know it when they suck. I hate it when our fans boo the play on the field.

Weber should be booed in the huddle by the receivers and by the coaches as he leaves the field.

Weber should be booed in the huddle by the receivers and by the coaches as he leaves the field.

Now I know this must be your shtick because otherwise you would be an a-hole.

I never booed but I certainly understood it...many times it's directed at the Coaches play calling or the fact they'd like a different QB in the game. Personally, I'd LOVE to see them start Gray and let him stay in for a half against SDSU. Putting him in for one play at a time, IMHO, does no good and he gets no feel for the flow of the game. Give the kid a chance.

It's just hyperbole. I sure they realize that the statements aren't factually correct, but that's not the point.

Thanks Khaliq, I know what hyperbole is. It's what lame fans use when they can't rationally explain whats actually happening on the field.

Instead of commenting on how Weber may have incorrectly passed on open receivers underneath and decided to go deep, they say he is the most terrible QB ever.

Instead of saying Weber held onto the ball too long, even when the line gave him time, they say he is the dumbest person alive.

Before people jump down my throat, I know that no one actually said these things, so I'm not going to be able to quote them for you. I think every one of us knows a fan or two that sits close by that says these types of things.

Just think about what you're saying and try to make sense of it instead of spitting out dumb things like he is the worst QB I have ever seen. It just doesn't add anything to the conversation to say it.

Do you think Weber is doing a good job?

That's not the point and you know it. I don't think there were many postiives at all Sat., but I'm not going to boo the team and make inane comments. If this is the shtick you are going to continue to run with, please don't try and rationalize, just go with it.

In what world does it make sense to boo an 18-23 year old kid?

I understand the various excuses for booing kids include the following:

- they are on scholarship - the taxpayers of MN are helping to fund their education - so we have every right to expect excellence on the field (and off for that matter)

- this isn't Division III sports - these kids are here because they want to compete at the highest levels of sport and the pressure that comes with it. We as fans should have high expectations of each kid each week

- Fans pay for their tickets and have every right to cheer/boo how ever they please - free country.

Can we not agree that these are young kids who bust their butts to get bigger/faster/stronger year-round so they can compete on the field? If so, maybe we should give them a bit of a break as the booing is concerned. We all make mistakes - at work, at home, in city-league sports, etc...would we want people booing our failures?

I 100% understand booing bad officiating...and I can understand if the boos are directed at obviously poor coaching efforts. I can even understand booing at the end of the first half last Saturday - just a general reminder to the team that they need to get it in gear!!!

But to boo Weber for a bad pass? To get on a kid that clearly needs all the confidence he can get? How does that help in any way? It does nothing but make you feel better as a fan...and that's sad. Hooray for the fans who feel better vocalizing their dislike for Weber's passes or decision-making.....I'm glad you let off some steam. But when Weber (or any other kid) are older and look back on their years as a Gopher player, they won't just remember the good times, they'll remember the hate as well. I personally don't want to be a part of creating that negative memory for these kids....and I can't understand the mindset of anyone who would.

These are kids who are doing the best to win a game for your enjoyment/entertainment. Young men who are impressionable and inconsistent and who want to win on the field as a player far more than you want them to win as a fan. I just wish that all Gopher fans would want to be a part of the player's great memories of being a Gopher. We should want all the players - yes, even Weber - to look back and say "there was nothing better than playing football in front of those awesome Gopher fans". If that is a goal, the Gopher fan base has officially failed as of this past Saturday.

Boo the pros all you want...knock yourself out. But booing a college athlete couldn't be more counter-productive IMO.

fans who expect and don't get a certain level of performance (at the college level) on par with their investment (time, money, support) express themselves in many ways-booing is one of them and part of real life. to prognosticate to the contrary is naive and silly. the players know this, and accept it. none of the players would fault the fans for this-they know when they are letting them down...what would you prefer-fans caring enough to boo and cheer or leave altogether? apathy or passion?

I'm pretty sure I've never heard a coach thank the fans for booing the players. But I'm 100% certain I've heard and read numerous coaches (around the country) saying that they were disappointed in fans for booing the kids. Like I said above, I get why people feel justified in booing these kids - I'm just not on board.

In what world does it make sense to boo an 18-23 year old kid?

Boo the pros all you want...knock yourself out. But booing a college athlete couldn't be more counter-productive IMO.

The college athlete is playing in order to become a pro, if he can't handle it he should not be playing college ball. Also there are 18-23 year olds that are pros, can we boo them because they are pros? or not boo them because they fall into an un-booable age category? oh the conundrum!

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