Gopher Fan Bill of Rights

I have zero direct evidence of this, but I'm willing to bet money that the Kiss Cam has been shown at least one time at a Red Sox/Patriots/Bruins/Celtics game...

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of replays. The U will cite a Big Ten rule. Either this rule does not exist or the U is the only program that follows it. I agree that if it can be shown at home, it should be able to be shown at the game.

A few years ago the B1G actually dropped its rule about prohibiting replays of controversial penalties. That year they actually started showing MORE replays for those kinds of plays at TCF.

Not sure if they reversed the rule or not...

Whatever happened the management of the big board last game was horrible. Even for regular plays.

I like the song, but it is creepy (about Caroline Kennedy as a child). "Reaching out, touching me, touching you..." and "How can I hurt when I'm holding you"

okay Neil...

Good Lord. Are you kidding me?

I agree on several points.

Take the continuous advertising off the billboard, put it somewhere else. The advertising on the board shrinks the visual space and fan experience. Big deal if we have a big board if 1/3 the space is filled with Target, Subway crap.

The lack of replays on questionable calls is total B.S. The decision to not have replay is strongly indicative of some Social Tool making a decision that is unpopular with the vast majorityof people because 1 or 2 people might be offended. A sad trend in our society.

Breaks in the action are a time to grab a beer, go to the bathroom, talk to those in your group. Who cares what goes on during the breaks. Better than silence.

This is wrong. You can't talk to the person next to you with the din from the PA. Random noise is not better than silence. Farts and flowers both produce odors, but people only pay for one of them, and sometimes you want neither.

How about having the BTN show the MN/INST game instead of ESPN News? ESPN News requires an extra subscription cost.
Rutgers/Howard is on the BTN at the same time.
Usually Ladyhawke was on USA network.

This is wrong. You can't talk to the person next to you with the din from the PA. Random noise is not better than silence. Farts and flowers both produce odors, but people only pay for one of them, and sometimes you want neither.

If you can't hear the person next to you because of the PA, you need to have your hearing checked. I've attended almost every game in TCF since it opened and I've never once had any difficulty hearing the person sitting next to me during breaks in action.

Here's some insider knowledge that hopefully will help this thread out.

1) Most of the regular game day operators were working the Vikings game, so a lot of the video crew, sound people, and camera people that normally work Gopher games were gone. This had an impact on replays, third down music, etc

2) There is a "Big Ten in-game update" segment built into every home game. It typically happens early in the third quarter. They show a highlight or two and other Big Ten scores on the day. You have to remember that Indiana was the only BIG team playing on that Thursday, so the segment was short, but they definitely showed a highlight and the IU score update.

3) The band sound is regulated by the conference for television purposes. If there were a bunch of added mics near the band it would dramatically affect the TV experience in such a negative way there would be 50 threads about it. I am up in the press box half the game and can hear the band just fine - even through the glass.

Hope some of this helps.

Here's some insider knowledge that hopefully will help this thread out.

1) Most of the regular game day operators were working the Vikings game, so a lot of the video crew, sound people, and camera people that normally work Gopher games were gone. This had an impact on replays, third down music, etc

2) There is a "Big Ten in-game update" segment built into every home game. It typically happens early in the third quarter. They show a highlight or two and other Big Ten scores on the day. You have to remember that Indiana was the only BIG team playing on that Thursday, so the segment was short, but they definitely showed a highlight and the IU score update.

3) The band sound is regulated by the conference for television purposes. If there were a bunch of added mics near the band it would dramatically affect the TV experience in such a negative way there would be 50 threads about it. I am up in the press box half the game and can hear the band just fine - even through the glass.

Hope some of this helps.


This is wrong. You can't talk to the person next to you with the din from the PA. Random noise is not better than silence. Farts and flowers both produce odors, but people only pay for one of them, and sometimes you want neither.

Routniely talk to those with and around me during breaks...never been a challenge.

If you can't hear the person next to you because of the PA, you need to have your hearing checked. I've attended almost every game in TCF since it opened and I've never once had any difficulty hearing the person sitting next to me during breaks in action.


Here's some insider knowledge that hopefully will help this thread out.

1) Most of the regular game day operators were working the Vikings game, so a lot of the video crew, sound people, and camera people that normally work Gopher games were gone. This had an impact on replays, third down music, etc

2) There is a "Big Ten in-game update" segment built into every home game. It typically happens early in the third quarter. They show a highlight or two and other Big Ten scores on the day. You have to remember that Indiana was the only BIG team playing on that Thursday, so the segment was short, but they definitely showed a highlight and the IU score update.

3) The band sound is regulated by the conference for television purposes. If there were a bunch of added mics near the band it would dramatically affect the TV experience in such a negative way there would be 50 threads about it. I am up in the press box half the game and can hear the band just fine - even through the glass.

Hope some of this helps.

Thanks, well done.

Here's some insider knowledge that hopefully will help this thread out.

1) Most of the regular game day operators were working the Vikings game, so a lot of the video crew, sound people, and camera people that normally work Gopher games were gone. This had an impact on replays, third down music, etc

2) There is a "Big Ten in-game update" segment built into every home game. It typically happens early in the third quarter. They show a highlight or two and other Big Ten scores on the day. You have to remember that Indiana was the only BIG team playing on that Thursday, so the segment was short, but they definitely showed a highlight and the IU score update.

3) The band sound is regulated by the conference for television purposes. If there were a bunch of added mics near the band it would dramatically affect the TV experience in such a negative way there would be 50 threads about it. I am up in the press box half the game and can hear the band just fine - even through the glass.

Hope some of this helps.


If you can't hear the person next to you because of the PA, you need to have your hearing checked. I've attended almost every game in TCF since it opened and I've never once had any difficulty hearing the person sitting next to me during breaks in action.

I will say this - sound is an odd thing in TCF Bank Stadium. My wife sat at the top of the 1st level and I sit at the bottom of the 2nd level directly above her (I could hit her if I threw things from my seat, not that I would do that... :)). In her seats you almost cannot hear the band and the PA is BLARING loud. In my seats I hear the band just fine and the PA is the volume I'd expect. I thought she was full of it until I sat down there one game. So all I'm saying is be careful making these kinds of judgments unless you've actually sat in someone's seats because it can be night and day different at different spots.

On a separate note, I was very frustrated by the lack of reviews, but I noticed it last year, too (I remember asking my buddy about it, as they announced a couple years ago they were going to show those replays). I wonder if there was a threat to an official or something along those lines? It is frustrating because it encourages people not to come to the game. It was honestly something I considered when debating renewing my tickets this year. It wasn't a major consideration, but it was one more check in the row of advantages of not renewing.

Must just be me. I'll have Sid set me up at Starkey.

If you can't hear the person next to you because of the PA, you need to have your hearing checked. I've attended almost every game in TCF since it opened and I've never once had any difficulty hearing the person sitting next to me during breaks in action.
You're both right. It can get uncomfortably loud in some areas while being quite reasonable in most areas. Speaker placement is really difficult to get right in most stadiums.

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