Gopher Christmas


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Billds opened their Christmas presents earlier today and as usual Kiddo put out an eye for Gopher stuff for Dad. He has a great eye and works hard to find different stuff. This year was no exception...


This is a goal line replica pylon that was signed by PJ for something. It is verified real (signature too). Thought it was used but is a replica. A display case is on the way so I'll figure out how to handle that soon enough.

Anyway, an oddity to be sure but love it. Ski-U-Ho ho ho!
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Buy calendars every year for the whole family as gifts from the pets (don’t ask) I opened mine and she gasped…”No Gophers calendar?” Couldn’t find one this year…I’m very sad.😔

Got a signed pylon off ebay in early 2020 from the 2019-2020 team. Believe seller said that they got it signed while the team was down in Tampa for the Outback Bowl.....which would make sense.



I think I'll travel my pylon with a sharpie to Charlotte...who knows what opportunities might arise. As an aside, I had a mini-football with former Coach Dunbar's signature from the Brew years. May he rest in peace.

Got my Gopher Christmas stocking on the clock my Great,Great Grandmother brought with her from Ireland. Couldn’t post picture … said picture was too large.
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Got my Gopher Christmas stocking on the clock my Great,Great Grandmother brought with her from Ireland. Couldn’t post picture … said picture was too large.
If have access to Paint or Word you can screenshot a pic and stick it there...then copy and paste and stick into a post...with much reduced file size. Easiest on a PC... Sounds great though.

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