gopher bball anyone?

Unless this is Adam Weber being asked there is no place for this philandering on the GopherHole

I second that. I move for a lifetime ban of said user and this so called Adam.

Isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl?

Just a thought

It is certainly off topic.

But I don't see too much new info being bandied about here on our forum. We are scraping the bottom these days for new posts. (I considered starting a thread titled, "Boxers or Briefs: Big Ten coaches tell all." I couldn't follow through. DeChellis is ducking me.)

Maybe we can have an exception. We can call it "Tubby's Barn Dance Hootenanny Forum" for the slow spring months. Encourage new posters to come on the site, get to know each other, use the forum to find a date for the prom and then Snowman can send them an invite to our Spring Mixer.

Not sure the point of all this. Just saying it's slow 'round here.


It is certainly off topic.

But I don't see too much new info being bandied about here on our forum. We are scraping the bottom these days for new posts. (I considered starting a thread titled, "Boxers or Briefs: Big Ten coaches tell all." I couldn't follow through. DeChellis is ducking me.)

Maybe we can have an exception. We can call it "Tubby's Barn Dance Hootenanny Forum" for the slow spring months. Encourage new posters to come on the site, get to know each other, use the forum to find a date for the prom and then Snowman can send them an invite to our Spring Mixer.

Not sure the point of all this. Just saying it's slow 'round here.

:clap: :):clap::):clap:

Adam is probably a huge Goph fan and it was the only she could get his attention.

If Adam doesn't say yes Kristen, there's this great guy named Studwell on these boards who will gladly join you at the prom.

My names Adam, sure why not... err i hope chris hansen isn't monitoring this

Lol .. kids are quite creative these days. If Kirsten was asking Adam to the prom or whatever. Our daughter was asked with hockey pucks ( individual letters ) a 20 foot banner at a softball game, and in a coffee drink from Starbucks. :)

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