Gopher AD search - Doogie says that Kaler will hire his own guy

Kaler is hiring who he wants to hire (the 21 person committee, 4 person sub-committee, etc. means little to nothing).

I think that could've been safely assumed the whole time. Give the larger community the veneer of having some say in it, but in reality, the decision is Kaler's and his alone. And that's the way it should be. After all, the committee members have no stake in the results of the hiring. It's Kaler's ass on the line if things go wrong.

I think that could've been safely assumed the whole time. Give the larger community the veneer of having some say in it, but in reality, the decision is Kaler's and his alone. And that's the way it should be. After all, the committee members have no stake in the results of the hiring. It's Kaler's ass on the line if things go wrong.

Exactly, and that is why, if Kaler is willing to put his ass on the line like this, then, to me anyway, he should pick has guy/gal, and move forward. You win as a team, and you lose as a team, and that is what is on the line.

It certainly should be his choice but the politics of academia requires him to through with this charade for that to happen.

Thank you for your work, clarification and I believe correct assessment. It is nice to have something a little more concrete than I think this is it. Now that you cleared that up, your next assessment, if you choose to accept it is how do you spell the University of Minnesota's president last name. When I Google it Kaler comes up but I did see one Kahler spelling also.

I swear I spelled it right. I think you're trying to trick me.

It certainly should be his choice but the politics of academia requires him to through with this charade for that to happen.

Totally agree, although the charade is thrust upon him...

Some clarity: said on 1500-ESPN today that someone in the know told me earlier this week the same thing I've heard for weeks -- Kaler is hiring who he wants to hire (the 21 person committee, 4 person sub-committee, etc. means little to nothing). Then, I personally made the leap that if I had to guess, Jim Fiore is that guy.

Never once did I make any sort of declaration that Fiore is a lock, or anything along those lines.

Hope I didn't misquote you.

Whatever you say Joel. You just keep believing that.

Yes, clearly I am Joel Maturi. If you honestly believe what you typed above and aren't just trying to look cool, you have zero clue about what is actually going on, and you make yourself look stupid when you parrot what the idiot local media is telling you.

Maturi wanted to stay on as AD. Was not renewed=getting fired with a smiley face tacked on..............semantics. He is getting paid a very large salary to raise funds. That money could have been put to better use. Donors want access to the guy making decisions, not to the fairly unpopular ex-AD. If he is so valuable as a fund raiser, why don't we have the money for the b-ball practice facility?
He has run his course and the decision by Kahler to keep him around burnt up valuable goodwill at the capital. When you get the Dems and Repubs to agree on something in St. Paul, that is nothing short of miraculous.

Maturi wanted to stay on as AD. Was not renewed=getting fired with a smiley face tacked on..............semantics.
Not even close to semantics. Firing means he lost his job effective immediately. Not being renewed means he finishes out his contract and then moves on. They are not remotely close to the same thing and the difference between the 2 is not semantics. How Joel felt or what he wanted has no bearing on the situation. This line of argument might be worth having if his non-renewal was a surprise instead of the decision that everyone had know was coming for months.

He is getting paid a very large salary to raise funds. That money could have been put to better use. Donors want access to the guy making decisions, not to the fairly unpopular ex-AD. If he is so valuable as a fund raiser, why don't we have the money for the b-ball practice facility?
I can't answer these for you. Ask Kaler because he obviously disagrees with you. I'll venture one guess, which is that they have ID'd a specific area (athletic or otherwise) for him to fundraise on where they feel his involvement is important. As I've noted before, a brand new Prez with no ties to Joel has no need to do him a favor and offer him a "golden parachute." Not when his departure is expected and thus will ruffle few feathers internally. He clearly believes that JM will raise more money than they pay him. You disagree which is fine.

He has run his course and the decision by Kahler to keep him around burnt up valuable goodwill at the capital.
It has? Evidenced by what? Press release posturing? You could be right, but thus far the only major athletics related bill to go to the Legislature (beer sales) came out looking the way the U wanted. Time will tell.

How dare you inject logic and reason into these discussions of Macturi and Prexy K, GoAU!!!!

How dare you inject logic and reason into these discussions of Macturi and Prexy K, GoAU!!!!

I love when posters debate semantics. Some people are so lost. Call it what you want, but if Maturi wanted to remain AD and no longer is, it is effectively a firing. But whatver. I don't really care, the good news is that bozo is out of his job screwing over U of MN athletics. Kaler will get the right guy in no matter what process needs to be followed. That I have no doubt. You'd be fooling yourself if you thought top level jobs at the U work any other way. Trust me, I know...

Call it what you want, but if Maturi wanted to remain AD and no longer is, it is effectively a firing. But whatver.

If Maturi wanted to remain AD and no longer will be, but will continue to maintain employment at a lower position (which is actually what is happening, not the story you've made up), it is not in any way, shape, or form a firing, but is in fact a demotion. But whatver.

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