Goodbye Minnesota...Its Been GREAT!

I'm confused as to why this means goodbye. Stick around! Hopefully you and Jeff will be Gopher fans for years to come, and that means you are most welcome to chime in on GH anytime!!

I suppose if this does mean goodbye, then I will say thanks for everything you and your son (and the rest of your family) have done for the U!! All of it is appreciated! And good luck to the both of you!

I'm confused as to why this means goodbye. Stick around! Hopefully you and Jeff will be Gopher fans for years to come, and that means you are most welcome to chime in on GH anytime!!

I suppose if this does mean goodbye, then I will say thanks for everything you and your son (and the rest of your family) have done for the U!! All of it is appreciated! And good luck to the both of you!

I agree. Once a Gopher always a Gopher. Except for Holtz of course.

I wish Jeff and his family the best.

It was great watching his development over the past two years. You've done a wonderful job raising your son. You should both be proud of each other.

Watching Jeff's transition from being a little lost against Syracuse a couple years ago to bullying high end NFL draft picks (Clayborn and Ballard) all over TCF en route to bringing Floyd home was one of the most drastic improvements i've seen in awhile. If Jeff had been on a team with more wins he would have probably been in the running for the post season teams, and that is all due to his hard work and talent. I look forward to watching and cheering for Jeff on sundays.

For those of you who have the games on DVR or recorded elsewhere, you guys should watch the games focusing on Jeff Wills, he had a great year.

Thanks so much for stopping and the kind words. Jeff really went to work and it paid huge dividends at the end of the year. I was very happy to see you posting on gh and providing some great insight.

Happy Holidays and I hope we see your around gh and The Bank in the future.

Thanks, Mike and Jeff. The last two games showed what these players were capable of doing. The efforts were appreciated the entire two years.

Thanks for posting. I enjoyed watching your son. I wish you both the best in the future.

You have a connection to the program that most of us will never have, so my vote is to have you stick around. If you dont, you are always welcome back, but can you do us the favor of checking in every once in awhile to update us to how you guys are doing?

Best wishes!

Mr.Wills, I have mentioned this in the past in previous posts, but I want to thank you again for the way you handled criticism of your son. I would hope that if I was ever in the same situation, I could handle the situation the same way. It was great to see Jeff have a big senior season and I hope he gets a shot at the next level if that's his dream.

Go Gophers!

Jeff will be missed on and off the field to be sure. We would love for him to stay a part of this community if his professional endeavors don't take him away. Now his job is to find a good woman and give you four grandsons who can all be future Gophers.

I can't imagine how hard it would be to see my child receive the level of public criticism that Jeff did. This is one of the great negatives of the web. I commend you for speaking up publicly for your child, and you were right - not that being right matters.

Jeff had a learning/life experience that few people are subjected to. I hope he understands how many people really appreciate his efforts and respect his quality of play. Efforts are more important than success in life though. Success without effort is a disappointment. Hopefully he has great confidence for life after school having progressed so quickly in two years here through hard work. I hope the amateur commentators didn't hurt him too bad, but I'm sure he was aware of some of the detractors. He'll be welcomed here by all as a proud Gopher, as long as he doesn't publicy insult the program like a former player recently did. Your case exemplifies the need to positively support the program which is most critical in tough times and when people aren't realizing their potential, as the recent former-players comments could have had enormous impacts on the recent recruiting of a head coach. I had a special fondness for Jeff after the criticism and tremendously enjoyed him silencing the critics. I only imagine how good he would be if we had two more years with him. Thanks for your posts, we do truly appreciate learning what it's like on the player/parent side because that's foreign to most of us. It's gives us a better perspective and broadens our knowledge base.

Mike and Jeff - Congrats on everything you both have accomplished and best of luck as you move ahead in the future.


Mike and Jeff thak you for all your contributions. I always saw Jeff's effort, and repect him for it, he will be a real winner in life. I hope football works out for him but if not he'll have his degree.

Mike, I have to say, thank you and your son for all the hard work and watching him and the rest of the team play. Win or lose, this team never quit and I for one am glad that Jeff came and played for the Gophers.
Good luck to you and your family!

Judging by your thread title and the tone of your post I have a question, why are you leaving? Why not continue to visit the board, support the gophers and become a lifelong fan?

Thanks Mike!

Jeff came a long way the last 2 years, and I really hope we get to watch him play on Sundays!

Thanks for the nice article Dad. It would have been interesting to see how Jeff would have turned out it he had had 4 yrs. here. I just hope he continues his hard work, because I truly believe we will be watching him on Sundays in a yr. or two. Hope he keeps in contact thru the "M" Club. It really is a good group. Even a family has spats, but in the end it's all for the good of Gopher football, and Jeff is now a part of that family.

Good Luck Willis Family!! Thank you Jeff for your blood, sweat and tears!!! The TRUE Gopher Fans appreciate everything you, have given us!!

The Linemen stick together for life!!! Once a lineman always a lineman!!!

Buck the Fadgers!!!!

I had a chance to talk to Jeff briefly on the field during the Floyd celebration. Told him how much I appreciated his effort and how much he improved over the course of 2 years. I do believe he showed more improvement over a 2 year period than we have seen in a student athlete in a very long time. Best of luck.

He helped us get the pig - and for that we are all truly grateful.

Thanks for the comments, Mike. You are a class act and so is your son. Best wishes to both of you in the future.

Thanks so much Mike for sharing a parents perspective, something we definitely don't get here enough (at least overtly) and it serves as a reminder to all of us on here that Gopher players are just kids, and like their family members, have thoughts, emotions, and feel the highs of winning and losing more than most of us fans will ever know. It was great to see Jeff grow and develop as a player - and especially great to see him close out his career with a 2 game winning streak!

All the best to you, Jeff, and the rest of your family.

Thanks to both jeff and mike. Jeff you played great for us, and worked your butt off. I hope you both are longtime gopher fans and continue to post on GopherHole. And thanks Mike for writing that; it's always cool when parents post here.

Best luck to both of you and go gophers!

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