Good to see Gray in there today

As someone stated a few days ago, had Gray been allowed to start every game in the last two years, the absolute worst case scenario is that he has the same win-loss record as Weber to date. That much was clear from a single drive today.

How the deuce am I telling anyone how great Gray is?

I'm responding to Wren's comment that we should hold them to the same standard by stating that when they've received comparable development and playing time, I will hold them to the same standard. Additionally, I'm pointing out the absurdity saying Gray should be totally polished at the position when A) he's getting 10% of the reps in practice and b) he had exactly one snap at QB all season.

I don't know if Gray is going to be the QB everyone wants him to be. But we'll never find out unless he's given some time to develop. Parking his ass on the bench when we're down by 28+ late in the game and forgoing giving him an opportunity to learn in live-fire situations is moronic. I'll concede that Weber should be allowed to start the games because him throwing to Gray gives us the best possible chance to win. When the inevitable happens and we're down by 400, let's give Gray/Alipate a chance to play. I could be wrong here, but it's my belief no other team in the country would be playing Weber as late into games as we have.

Frothy, it's not even worth responding to lakesgopher. He simply doesn't get it. You're wasting your breath.

We didn't get the game broadcast down here so I didn't see MG play yesterday, but from reading the posts here and Phil Miller's article in the strib it sounds like Gray 1) showed promise (if not results) and 2) loosened up or calmed down the offense a bit. I don't think MG's body of work is large enough to evaluate whether he or Weber would give the Gophs the best chance to win, but I'd really like to see him get more snaps. He is the future QB and the coaching staff owes it to the program to see that he develops.

littlebigboy: are you trying to claim that the foolish and needless penalties that hurt Gray's offensive leadership have not hurt Weber over the years? These players during the brewball era have always had lack of discipline and have always stopped their own drives with penalties.

With the way people have mercilessly gone after Weber, you had best believe that Gray will get the same scrutiny and the same complaints. Apples to apples. The results are all you get to claim. Penalties by his teammates have hurt Weber's drives every bit as much as they have hurt Gray's drives. The bottom line is the bottom line. You can't have it one way for one guy and make excuses for the other guy. In the end, all you ever get is what they let you keep. I won't stand idly by without commenting as biased and flawed fans try to spin biased and flawed b.s. Penalties happen and when penalties happen, it hurts the offense or the defense. But you can not use penalties as an excuse for one player and not the other player. IF you are going to try to crucify one quarerback for being a part of an incompetent coaching system (brewball) and talent-challenged team you have to crucify all the quarterbacks for being a part of an incompetent coaching system (brewball) and talent-challenged team. Gray didn't sustain long drives that ended with touchdowns or ponts. He played. So what was different about his playing time than Webers? And, if the players were more "excited" and tried harder for one than the other, THAT in itself probably goes to the core of the problems within this program and the incredibly poor job brewster did wih this program. IF that was the case, shame on the players.

I agree with those who say personal attacks are out of line. AW is a fine individual, gives it everything he has every game.
AW isn't the problem, THE COACHES are the problem.
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.
When Gray is in there for more than a token snaps (OSU game last year, Insight Bowl Last year, yesterday), THINGS HAPPEN. The players are energized, he is able to use his athletic skill to move the ball. You don't need a PhD in Football to see that. What upsets most of us is that the coaches continue to do the same thing and expect a different result. For a few minutes yesterday they "turned off the faucet". For a few minutes yesterday I was enthused about Gopher FB again and so was the team!

The results are all you get to claim. Penalties by his teammates have hurt Weber's drives every bit as much as they have hurt Gray's drives.

You mean "drive," right, not "drives"? Yesterday was the first full drive he led against first team players. Seems fair to judge his potential on that. If we're including his one full drive from last year, he led them to a touchdown. That gives him a 50% TD conversion based on a sample size of two. If we're going to absurdly judge Gray before he's had a chance to develop a body of work, then let's assume he'll get us a TD on every other drive. National championship here we come!

You know, until you got rolling on this topic, I actually enjoyed having you back. Your screed certainly stays on message and the "macturi" and "prexy b" bit never gets old. With your belief we should hold Gray's feet to the fire after his first full drive as a college QB, though, I remember why I was pleased you were confined to the Strib Web site.

He doesn't start at QB because he's not very good. You honestly think the staff could not recognize his ability? Please.

Are you sure it has nothing to do with them not wanting to bench a 5th year senior, the last chance Weber will ever have at college football?

You can never convince me that regardless of who the back up is, 99% of teams wouldn't bench their starter during a 1-? season. In fact, when a team is losing the first change they usually make is the QB.

This coaching staff just doesn't want to hurt Adam by benching him (a senior) for Gray (a sophomore)

then he should be the running back! if all he can do is run I want nothing to do with him at qb! tough for gray to play qb if he can't pass.

I also want to know what gray has done to be considered a better athlete than mcknight, or anyone else for that matter

Its funny how some fans say that when Cam Newton has Auburn as the #1 team in the nation and in control of their championship destiny ...

whats got you convinced watching gray play WR?

I am a firm believer that there is a major reason we have not seen more of gray at QB. we see these guys for 4 hours a few weeks a year the coaching staff watches them 365 days a year.

great analysis!

Four things for you to consider instead of just being mind-numbingly dense:
(1) These coaches are completely clueless in about every conceivable fashion, why would they suddenly be experts at QB talent evaluation?
(2) Denard Robinson, QB Michigan - mediocre passer, but extreme running talent. He IS the entire team and the only reason they win any games (3-OT replacement noted)
(3) Matthew McGloin replacing Rob Bolden at Penn State has completely rejuvenated the team. Where the offense, and therefore the season appeared lost for the Nittany Lions just 3 weeks ago, McGloin, after replacing Bolden during the Minnesota game, has sparked the offense to very good performances the past 2 1/2 games.
(4) Players cannot practice 365 days in a year. Not even close.

How the deuce am I telling anyone how great Gray is?

I'm responding to Wren's comment that we should hold them to the same standard by stating that when they've received comparable development and playing time, I will hold them to the same standard. Additionally, I'm pointing out the absurdity saying Gray should be totally polished at the position when A) he's getting 10% of the reps in practice and b) he had exactly one snap at QB all season.

I don't know if Gray is going to be the QB everyone wants him to be. But we'll never find out unless he's given some time to develop. Parking his ass on the bench when we're down by 28+ late in the game and forgoing giving him an opportunity to learn in live-fire situations is moronic. I'll concede that Weber should be allowed to start the games because him throwing to Gray gives us the best possible chance to win. When the inevitable happens and we're down by 400, let's give Gray/Alipate a chance to play. I could be wrong here, but it's my belief no other team in the country would be playing Weber as late into games as we have.

Dude, THINK a bit! Weber has 10,000+ yards passing, Gray only about 100. Weber has 100 times more passing than Gray!!! What does that mean? It means that when Weber throws for 120 yards in garbage time, that Gray could only throw for a total of 1.2 yards. Do you REALLY want a QB in there who can only throw for 1.2 yards in a half? Thus, Weber IS the better quarterback, hands down.

Dan Marino, right now, could come in a be a QB 60 TIMES the ability of Chad Henne down in Miami. Book it. If he were the starter today, he'd average 18,000 yards a game. Get it?! Think for a second before breaking out the keyboard.

This is a terrible argument. By the same logic we should clearly be starting Tom Parish! I mean think about how good he COULD be with 4 years of starting time. Oh and we can't evaluate him because he hasn't had 4 years of starting experience.

I am making no statement as to whether Gray or Weber will be a better QB when it's all said and done. I am however of the belief that they should be evaluated on the same points. Since most people on this board rip Weber for his "inaccuracy" then you sure better evaluate Gray the same way.

Uh, YEAH, starting ANYONE other than Weber would make sense, if you gave one s--- about the team's future. Oh wait, the coaching staff is a bunch of lame ducks, and they really don't care about the school, the team, the players, or the fans. Fair chances exist that the coaching staff is sticking it to the U for essentially firing them mid-season.

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