Gonzaga @ Sparty


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Nov 12, 2008
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That, my friends, is why every year (until it happens under Tubby) I will continue to whine about not getting 1 (and maybe on occasion 2) quality nonconference home game(s) every season. The atmosphere last night at Breslin was electric, and the fans clearly helped Sparty out. I'm jealous. ... what a game! Tom Izzo learned a lot about his team last night.

I'm sure the atmosphere at The Barn tomorrow night will be electric for Utah Valley, a team that lost last night to independent weakling Cal State Bakersfield.

I agree, however, that logic of beefing up the NC schedule may jeopardize Tubby's streak of 20 win seasons. We can't have that....

I agree, however, that logic of beefing up the NC schedule may jeopardize Tubby's streak of 20 win seasons. We can't have that.

Waiting for FOT..

I agree, however, that logic of beefing up the NC schedule may jeopardize Tubby's streak of 20 win seasons. We can't have that....

It didn't seem to scare him off at UK when they regularly had the #1 SOS in the nation.

I agree SS...Buck and I have this conversation frequently. we are tired of hyphenated teams, Little Sisters of the Poor, and recently converted to D1 teams. we want someone from a major conference! let's play 1 or 2 teams like Dayton, Ole Miss, Ariz St, Mizzou, Rutgers, etc and then maybe a home-and-home with a team like Oklahoma, Syracuse, Arizona. is this so hard?? I realize you need to play the small schools and there are many games to fill on the non-con schedule, but give us fans something to see!!

Waiting for FOT..

Me too - think he'll still have the audacity to claim that the Home NC schedule is good after the first of his 3 "quality" home opponents (Stephen F Austin) got blown away by 40 points? I'm expecting similar results against the other 2 quality opponents on our home schedule (Morgan State and St. Joe's).

SS, you're right - that was a terrific game - the Spartan fans seem to get a couple of those every year on their home NC schedule - can't help but think that there's some correlation betwenn tough preseason schedules and conference/ postseason success.

Were you really jealous of Michigan State last night? They were expected to win, and people are looking at them less favorably after that game. You should beat Gonzaga handidly at home. So what I am saying is that I think we need quality nonconference games, but not this early in the season. Being undefeated in nonconference was fun last year.

"Were you really jealous of Michigan State last night?"

Absolutely, but moreso I'm jealous of their fans. Win or lose, they got to see (on their home floor) their squad play a true tournament-quality opponent with an electric tournament-type atmosphere (and I'd say the exact same thing if they had lost). And they didn't have to wait until the Big 10 season to see it.

For what it's worth, I'm still hoping Saint Joseph's will provide some competition. The rest of the Gopher home games in all likelihood will be more of what we've already seen.

"People are looking at them (MSU) less favorably after that game."

I know I'm not, but really, what does it matter if (people) are? What I learned last night is Sparty still knows how to win a tight game, one it got outplayed most of the way. And it's not like they were playing chopped liver. They took several punches from Gonzaga and didn't wilt. I learned a lot more about MSU last night than I have about the Gophers or Duke, who the ESPN studio guys (Bilas & Hubert Davis) again are already going ga-ga over simply because they killed a Charlotte team that looked like it barely cared.

I agree, however, that logic of beefing up the NC schedule may jeopardize Tubby's streak of 20 win seasons. We can't have that....

Great post Bud. Because of your intelligence level, I think that you are qulified to be a UK fan. Congrads.

It didn't seem to scare him off at UK when they regularly had the #1 SOS in the nation.

That's because he himself had top 10 teams every year that were capable of surviving a tough NC schedule. Here at Minnesota.....not so much. There is no doubt in my mind Tubby schedules opponents based on his team's abilities. Nothing wrong with it at all. He's not the only one thsat does it. Unfortunately, the season ticket holders are the ones who get bent over.

"Were you really jealous of Michigan State last night?"

Absolutely, but moreso I'm jealous of their fans. Win or lose, they got to see (on their home floor) their squad play a true tournament-quality opponent with an electric tournament-type atmosphere (and I'd say the exact same thing if they had lost). And they didn't have to wait until the Big 10 season to see it.

For what it's worth, I'm still hoping Saint Joseph's will provide some competition. The rest of the Gopher home games in all likelihood will be more of what we've already seen.

"People are looking at them (MSU) less favorably after that game."

I know I'm not. What I learned last night is Sparty still knows how to win a tight game, one it got outplayed most of the way. And it's not like they were playing chopped liver. They took several punches from Gonzaga and didn't wilt. I learned a lot more about MSU last night than I have about the Gophers or Duke, who the ESPN studio guys (Bilas & Hubert Davis) again are already going ga-ga over simply because they killed a Charlotte team that looked like it barely cared.

SS, you may have forgotten who MSU fans are or where they live? They have nothing to do in that college town. Minnesota cannot fill up the new football stadium in a regular base. When I lived in WL, I withnessed this. If you were at the Tip-off, you could have seen all the students who attended.

But SS, there was the Stephen F. Austin game? That was one of your three "good" home games.

I have no idea what your point is. What is WL?

Sorry, I was rushing. My point is that you shouldn't compare Minnesota to MSU. Until Minnesota wins big, it can never match the environment that MSU has during the basketball games. I really enjoy reading your posts. You do so much for us. I just wish that you were more patient. Your point is valid. However, it only gives a chance to those JAs from UK to come over with their Tubby-Bashing songs.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying your post.

I'm certainly thrilled Tubby is our coach, home scheduling (to this point) notwithstanding. As I've said numerous times before, I'm so thankful we've gone from Hamburger Helper to filet mignon on the sidelines.

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