Gonna be real hard to fire Clayes now

I don't think firing Coach Claeys is the solution.

Fix the system so that there are safe guards in place and good communications between all the facets of Gophers Athletics, the U's enforcement bodies, and the administration. Why is it so difficult to do this at the U? If you don't, I don't care who you hire as the next coach or the ones that will follow him. We will never see Gopher Football become great again. Something will always pull it down.

If they decide to fire Tracey Claeys (which I personally think is a mistake), we don't need another committee filled with many people that have nothing to do with athletics that produced Norwood Teague. Kaler needs to suck up his ego and listen to people who have vested interested in seeing Gopher Athletics succeed.

If Kaler and Coyle are to fire Claeys, then they also should be replaced. Kaler for his poor demonstration of leadership in the handling of Gopher Athletics. The buck stops with him. Mark Coyle for having no backbone not to rush to quick judgement who is supposed to be an advocate for athletes.

We have a rudderless ship that needs to be repaired somehow and set on a straight course.

What some of what Jim Carter was saying before rings true. Re-listen to his interview with Mike Max: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/video/3381727-mike-max-talks-gopher-sports-with-jim-carter/

I don't think firing Coach Claeys is the solution.

Fix the system so that there are safe guards and good communications between all the facets of Gophers Athletics, its enforcement bodies, and the administration. Why is it so difficult to do this at the U? If you don't, I don't care who you hire as the next coach or the ones that will follow him.

This x100000000000. The system needs to be fixed, Claeys isn't the problem. He was just struggling through a broken f@cked up lose/lose system.

We just won 9 games in a season and back to back bowl games in a game where we were double digit dogs. We did it with a brilliant defensive game plan using freshmen and backups. Truly amazing especially when you consider the events and distractions leading up to the game. We should be discussing where to put Claeys statue not whether or not he will keep his job.

The OP is completely wrong if they think the decision to fire Claeys has anything to do with the results on the field.

The OP is completely wrong if they think the decision to fire Claeys has anything to do with the results on the field.

The results of last nights game shouldn't affect the decision. But the results of the season obviously do. If the gophers would have had a bad season it would be a lot easier for them to fire him.

The OP is completely wrong if they think the decision to fire Claeys has anything to do with the results on the field.

Hard to know.

But if it isn't about on the field... it makes it hard to say it is.

Something that I observed in the business world - a little pat in the back by managers go a long way to boost morale.

I don't know that Kaler and Coyle do this regularly where they actually go and interact with coaches and athletes on a daily basis. Beth Goetz seems to get it. They have no public persona other than when it is bad news. They both need to be active participant in selling the Gopher brand throughout. Everyone needs to believe in it. PR and selling Gopher Athletics starts with them.

These simple acts of kindness to your coaches and athletes alone is worth more than money can buy. It will reverberate good will throughout the entire Gopher organization. People will feel connected.


Something that I observed in the business world - a little pat in the back by managers go a long way to boost morale.

I don't know that Kaler and Coyle do this regularly where they actually go and interact with coaches and athletes on a daily basis. Beth Goetz seems to get it. They have no public persona other than when it is bad news. They both need to be active participant in selling the Gopher brand throughout. Everyone needs to believe in it. PR and selling Gopher Athletics starts with them.

These simple acts of kindness to your coaches and athletes alone is worth more than money can buy. It will reverberate good will throughout the entire Gopher organization. People will feel connected.

Have we heard anything from Coyle?

I gave him a lot of "dude just got there" time .... but it is starting to feel like this guy just wants to work behind closed doors, that's a bad look for an AD.

Have we heard anything from Coyle?

I gave him a lot of "dude just got there" time .... but it is starting to feel like this guy just wants to work behind closed doors, that's a bad look for an AD.

Dude is turning out to be a horrible AD so far.

I did not read any of this thread, so if I repeat anything, SORRY. I was not fixed on winning or losing last night. I wanted to see how everyone would respond. Coaching staff did a terrific job getting the kids ready and coming up with a scheme that let them succeed. The players on the field wanted to be there. The emotion on Coney Durr's face as he was being carted off the field said a lot to me. These kids care about the team. The coach's held them together through this tough period (and it's not over yet). I think the targeting issue needs to be resolved, but most of these calls are from being aggressive. I believe the staff has two years left on the contract. Extend that so it is 4 -5 years. Get these appeals out of the way and lets go forward. Before anyone jumps on me about not caring about the complainant at this time, you are dead wrong. These things should never happen, but they do. Some involve student athletes and many more do not. These are social issues that are bigger than what the football team decides to do. Born and bread a Gopher fan and it makes me sad to see these negative stories. I am still wearing my maroon and gold when I am out and about, just not wearing it as proud these days.

Dude is turning out to be a horrible AD so far.

I was ok with him for a while. He had some easy field goal type decisions, stop football price increases, fire wrestling coach. All that made sense, same thing with not making a lot of decisions early on, he did just arrive.

So for me only recently I've been concerned.

But he didn't get in front of the disciplinary situation... maybe it wouldn't have helped but it seemed like he deferred to Kailor or straight up ducked most of it. And now it is looking like he only kicks easy field goals.

Over a million a year.... get out there dude and say some ****.

I was ok with him for a while. He had some easy field goal type decisions, stop football price increases, fire wrestling coach. All that made sense, same thing with not making a lot of decisions early on, he did just arrive.

So for me only recently I've been concerned.

But he didn't get in front of the disciplinary situation... maybe it wouldn't have helped but it seemed like he deferred to Kailor or straight up ducked most of it. And now it is looking like he only kicks easy field goals.

Over a million a year.... get out there dude and say some ****.

Say something, say anything.... He's the captain of a ship that is going down and it's like he took the first life boat and ran without telling anyone.

Say something, say anything.... He's the captain of a ship that is going down and it's like he took the first life boat and ran without telling anyone.

I hate twitter and all but for the life of me I'm trying to find anything from Coyle recently..... can't find a twitter account or a statement about anything.

Not even a "hey basketball is look'n good".....

coyle has to bury the hatchet with claeys and company (sawvel esp) - a one/two year extension and increased buyout as a sign of good faith could go a long way in smoothing over the ****storm.

Dude is turning out to be a horrible AD so far.

Adopting the "leading from behind" approach, Coyle has shown he does not have the moxie to be that change agent this program needs in order to market itself to the masses. He is a fall in line with the administration croney - and needs to go along with Kaler for their horrible handling of a horrible situation.

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Coyle has been awful. It seems clear he should be the fall guy if the public needs a sacrificial lamb at the department. Firing Claeys and by extension Sawvel would salt the ground for years to come. Coyle is a risk management and plausible deniability practitioner and while organizations need that he allowed this situation to explode beyond anyone's wildest imaginations. He is not a leader of men.

Coyle has been awful. It seems clear he should be the fall guy if the public needs a sacrificial lamb at the department. Firing Claeys and by extension Sawvel would salt the ground for years to come. Coyle is a risk management and plausible deniability practitioner and while organizations need that he allowed this situation to explode beyond anyone's wildest imaginations. He is not a leader of men.

May turn out that TC may be that "leader of men", albeit a quiet & clumsy with communications leader.

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May turn out that TC may be that "leader of men", albeit a quiet & clumsy with communications leader.

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Well the good news is that in CFB land if you win enough games clumsy and etc becomes "genius" pretty quick.

I don't think firing Coach Claeys is the solution.

Fix the system so that there are safe guards in place and good communications between all the facets of Gophers Athletics, the U's enforcement bodies, and the administration. Why is it so difficult to do this at the U? If you don't, I don't care who you hire as the next coach or the ones that will follow him. We will never see Gopher Football become great again. Something will always pull it down.

If they decide to fire Tracey Claeys (which I personally think is a mistake), we don't need another committee filled with many people that have nothing to do with athletics that produced Norwood Teague. Kaler needs to suck up his ego and listen to people who have vested interested in seeing Gopher Athletics succeed.

If Kaler and Coyle are to fire Claeys, then they also should be replaced. Kaler for his poor demonstration of leadership in the handling of Gopher Athletics. The buck stops with him. Mark Coyle for having no backbone not to rush to quick judgement who is supposed to be an advocate for athletes.

We have a rudderless ship that needs to be repaired somehow and set on a straight course.

What some of what Jim Carter was saying before rings true. Re-listen to his interview with Mike Max: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/video/3381727-mike-max-talks-gopher-sports-with-jim-carter/

WOW! Wish I'd seen this earlier. Thanks for the link. Very powerful stuff. Seems to explain a lot of the recent dynamics at the U. I'm more convinced than ever that we need a MN man (or woman) at the helm...someone who bleeds maroon & gold.

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