Goldy punched by fan...


Goldy was simply doing what a mascot does. He wasn't doing anything that any reasonable person wouldn't expect when they walk into an arena. In no way, shape or form was this "bullying". What's next a clown being called a bully for making balloon animals? A mime being called a bully for being trapped in an invisible box?

Goldy was simply doing what a mascot does. He wasn't doing anything that any reasonable person wouldn't expect when they walk into an arena. In no way, shape or form was this "bullying". What's next a clown being called a bully for making balloon animals? A mime being called a bully for being trapped in an invisible box?

If the invisible box is annoying or aggravating, or encroaches upon personal space, then apparently, it is bullying. I just disagree with that premise.

Sorry, mascots by nature defy all sorts of norms and expected human behaviors, and they customarily do it in appropriate fashion. Tapping on the shoulder doesn't cross a line unless it is repeatedly done after being asked to stop. BTW, I hope we thoroughly and completely bully everyone on our schedule this fall (keeping it on topic!)

Go Gophers!

Does anyone know that answer to the big question I have?

Did the punch spin his head? That would be full of awesome.

Seriously, a mascot needs a coach???

It's that damn Maturi again Shells out money for a Goldy coach and dithers on building a practice facility for Tubby. The Goldy coach is the real reason why Northwestern beat us yesterday.

This reminds me of an incident with Goldy the Fish Mascot up in Winnepeg
1998 News Article bellow.

Former major-league catcher Matt Nokes, now playing for St. Paul of the Northern League, recently lost his patience with Goldie The Fish, mascot of the Winnipeg Goldeyes. After Goldie refused to stop dancing and hopping about on the roof of the Saints' dugout, Nokes went after him. Goldie came at Nokes with a broom, but Nokes apparently grabbed it and pressed it back into Goldie's throat, choking the mascot.

The league suspended Nokes for a game and fined him $25, but Winnipeg officials have an additional penalty in mind for Nokes.

They've put out a call for all available mascots to come to the St. Paul-Winnipeg game on August 28 to confront Nokes.
"There are lots and lots of mascots in (Manitoba) province and they are being rounded up -- dozens of them hopefully," Goldeyes spokesman Jonathan Green told the Toronto Globe and Mail. "And they'll all get together and stand behind the visiting dugout to make life miserable for Nokes when the Saints come back here. I think Mr. Nokes is in for a rude awakening."

So next time let's have all of the Gopher Ladies' Dance Team members dance around him and sing the Rouser over and over again and see if he punches one of them out.

So next time let's have all of the Gopher Ladies' Dance Team members dance around him and sing the Rouser over and over again and see if he punches one of them out.

You lost me on that one Doc. :confused:

You lost me on that one Doc. :confused:

Was just wondering if the beautiful gals on the Dance Team would pester him enough if he would lose control and punch one of them. That is all. Equal opportunity, right?

Was just wondering if the beautiful gals on the Dance Team would pester him enough if he would lose control and punch one of them. That is all. Equal opportunity, right?

When a stranger(macot or not) starts messing with someones hair and then pokes at them they are messing with someone's private space. Does it deserve a punch, no, but don't be surprised when your actions are not well recieved. If this person thinks their job is to iritate and harrass gopher fans they should not be a Goldy. Sorry, but said Goldy could use some PR skills. Hope it's a learning experience.

When a stranger(macot or not) starts messing with someones hair and then pokes at them they are messing with someone's private space. Does it deserve a punch, no, but don't be surprised when your actions are not well recieved. If this person thinks their job is to iritate and harrass gopher fans they should not be a Goldy. Sorry, but said Goldy could use some PR skills. Hope it's a learning experience.

It's that nutcase who needs a learning experience, not Goldy. Goldy was just doing what mascots do.

It's that nutcase who needs a learning experience, not Goldy. Goldy was just doing what mascots do.

Then mascots shouldn't do it.

Mr Punch was way way way wrong, but that does not mean said mascot was right. It's not one or the other. Both made a mistake, Mr Punch was far worse(that goes without saying, or should).

Maybe Mr. Punch didn't want his hair messed up as it would hurt his chances of catching some college gymnast tail.

Then mascots shouldn't do it.

Mr Punch was way way way wrong, but that does not mean said mascot was right. It's not one or the other. Both made a mistake, Mr Punch was far worse(that goes without saying, or should).

19, you need to get a life. You are digging yourself a hole you are never going to get out of. This was undoubtedly the first time in history a team mascot was punched because a fan of the mascot's team was irritated with the mascot's antics. The only problem here is that Mr. Punch has mental problems. Goldy did not make a mistake of any kind. Goldy was just doing what Goldy and every other team mascot on the planet does during games. Gopher fans of all ages will be disappointed if Goldy now has to change his behavior because one fan made a complete ass out of himself. Goldy is often the only entertaining thing happening during Gopher games.

19, you need to get a life. You are digging yourself a hole you are never going to get out of. This was undoubtedly the first time in history a team mascot was punched because a fan of the mascot's team was irritated with the mascot's antics. The only problem here is that Mr. Punch has mental problems. Goldy did not make a mistake of any kind. Goldy was just doing what Goldy and every other team mascot on the planet does during games. Gopher fans of all ages will be disappointed if Goldy now has to change his behavior because one fan made a complete ass out of himself. Goldy is often the only entertaining thing happening during Gopher games.

All I have ever said is that I do not agree with Goldy's antics, mainly messing up someones hair, and that some people will be put off/upset by it. Many/most posters may disagree but I hardly think this is 'digging a hole' and a need to get a life.

The actions/reactions by Mr Punch are not a part of this discussion. Whether this is the first/only time a macot has been punched or whether Mr punch has mental problems are also not part of the discussion.

I have applied for the position of Mascot Coach. I will thoroughly review page 34, paragraph 3, of the NCAA Mascot Rules and Regulations Manual with current and potential Goldy Mascots which includes, but not limited to: 3(a). Mascot will NOT harass fans. 3(b). Mascot will wear padded head. 3(c) Failure to adhere to 3(a) and 3(b) can and may cause the creation of an entire Thread on the GopherHole Forums. Additional items that fall under this Section may be included with Written Notices no more than 5 days prior to inclusion. Paragraph 4 goes into detail of what is expected of a fan or fans at Gopher Athletic Events with regards to said Mascot behavior, but the NCAA has no jurisdiction over Fan Behavior.

Let's not make this a pi$$ing contest and go back to ripping on this guy.

Next you'll complain that football players hit each other, and claim they shouldn't do that either. Mascots do what mascots do, it's part of the event. If you don't like it, stay home.

I'm actually a little surprised in our PC and lawsuit-oriented society that Mascots are allowed to touch people. That being said, this guy is a complete moron.

Next you'll complain that football players hit each other, and claim they shouldn't do that either. Mascots do what mascots do, it's part of the event. If you don't like it, stay home.

Football players hit each other too much.

There, are you happy.:rolleyes:


I'm actually a little surprised in our PC and lawsuit-oriented society that Mascots are allowed to touch people. That being said, this guy is a complete moron.

Where is PETA when you need them?

He's a math professor at a Women's gymnatics event, what are the odds it was a female portraying Goldy?

All Goldys are male. It was also a men's meet.

So My question then is this? Why is this a big deal that a St. Thomas Math Prof is at a Mens' Gymnastics meet enjoying what he enjoys, and punches out a male Goldy? I am confused. :confused:

I can appreciate the athletics ability of the male gymnasts, they do some amazing thing. Yet I can watch other feats of amazing athletic skills by the female gymnasts, and enjoy the view a little more. Tips the scales a bit...

I can appreciate the athletics ability of the male gymnasts, they do some amazing thing. Yet I can watch other feats of amazing athletic skills by the female gymnasts, and enjoy the view a little more. Tips the scales a bit...


Since when was the clappy smiley so enthusiastic?

All Goldys are male. It was also a men's meet.
I was wrong it was a men's gymnastic meet, however, there have been women rendering Goldy since the 80's. With over 500 appearances it first went to a band member, but now there are open student tryouts.

Looking at the box score for this game, the Gophers scored 344.600 points. Did Goldy do pushups for all of these point like in football?

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