Goldy-O'-Lantern Contest presented by the Gophers Shack blog


Section 246
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ben continues his positive presence in the Gopher blogosphere. Here's the scoop via his PiPress blog:
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. And when I found out that the Gophers football team was playing a night game against Michigan State on Oct. 31, I got an idea. Let's have a pumpkin carving contest.

The Gophers Shack is looking for the most creative Golden Gophers themed "Goldy-O'-Lantern." The first-, second- and- third-place winner will get yet-to-be-determined prizes. I'm just waiting to get approval from management. But I assure you the prizes will be worth the entry.

All you have to do is e-mail a photo of your carved pumpkin with your name, e-mail address, phone number and home address to [email protected]. All entries must be submitted by 4 p.m., Oct. 28. Winners will be announced on Oct. 29. Once all entries are in, the Gophers Shack will have a slide show of all entries.

I was going to do Goldy's face (it would be remarkably easy and look great) until I noticed your new banner (like I said Goldy's face looks great). I'm gonna have to think this one out now.

Update on the Goldy-O'-Lantern contest

The Goal Line Club has donated some prizes to up the ante. Please click here for more information. Also, you can submit your entries to [email protected]. Again, I apologize for the little self promotion. I just hope we get a lot of entries. If I get more than 25, there will be a free downloadable poster of all entries.

It should be a lot of fun. Please enter!

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