fascism - a political movement...that exalts nation...above the individual and that stands for...social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
(courtesy of Merriam-Webster)
Notice any similarities?
Actually, I have worn gold to several Gophers games in the past. That's obviously not the point. The point is that I don't appreciate being told I am less of a fan, or having physical violence threatened against me, because I didn't heed the proclamation of the marketing lemmings and wear their approved color.
I will stop "whining" just as soon as there isn't a weekly thread dedicated to this topic, and even more importantly, when this idiotic concept dies a well-deserved death.
I have yet to see someone start a thread advocating for compliance with cheers, nor have I ever had my fanhood questioned because I wasn't cheering along at every opportunity. Nice non sequitur, though.
Btw, how does one "rile" against something?
Actually, fascism and communism are virtually on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Fascism was created largely as a response to, and a concerted effort against, communism. Take a course in political philosophy before you go spouting off regarding a topic about which you clearly know little.
I understand hyperbole as a rhetorical device, but this doesn't even make any sense. What's the connection? Are you saying my mom was a fascist? I'm having trouble linking the two logically...
Actually, I thought they were quite awesome. Mostly because they were original, spontaneous, organic to the events taking place, and not shoved down the throats of the unwashed masses who chose to use them.