Gold Out...Seriously?


New member
Jul 28, 2009
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Would it be so difficult for a sponsor to pick up the tab for gold shirts with their logo proudly displayed??? I don't think there is any other way to pull this off. It might help to print it on the ticket well in advance too.

Good game though. A W is a W.

Go Gophers.

I just hope the promotions folks finally got the message that these are a bad idea. You can't have a gold out when most of your fans don't know about it. Or own gold shirts.

Goldouts are obviously tough to do at this stage.

Mrs. Billd and myself donned the gold over maroon...but I agree that most folks just didn't get the memo...or email...or the gold-colored apparel...whatever...

Not sure what else can be said...other than...

In Kill We Trust. Go Gophers!

I like the idea that another poster brought up in a different thread. Send out a certificate for a shirt with the season tickets. You can go to the school bookstore to claim your shirt. It would get people into the bookstore too and who knows, maybe they'd buy some other things.

In case anyone's wondering, the bookstore has all kinds of shirts for $10, including some gold ones.

I laughed to myself about the "gold out" from the moment I stepped out of the parking ramp. You can guess and speculate why, but in the end our fan base just isn't capable of doing it.

On a good note, I was impressed with the crowd. It was noticeably larger than NMSU and there was decent energy in the stadium. Sure, the gold out was ignored but the stands were looking very maroon and gold. Ya, it isn't what I am hoping for eventually but we gotta walk before we run.

I laughed to myself about the "gold out" from the moment I stepped out of the parking ramp. You can guess and speculate why, but in the end our fan base just isn't capable of doing it.

On a good note, I was impressed with the crowd. It was noticeably larger than NMSU and there was decent energy in the stadium. Sure, the gold out was ignored but the stands were looking very maroon and gold. Ya, it isn't what I am hoping for eventually but we gotta walk before we run.

I was surprised, in a good way, to see about the same amount of students this week, they stayed the entire game for the most part too and seemed into the game.

I was surprised, in a good way, to see about the same amount of students this week, they stayed the entire game for the most part too and seemed into the game.

I agree. They stuck around, and I think it really helped giving that home field advantage. It was very loud during the last few minutes.

As for the gold out - I was disappointed as well - I didn't notice any more gold than any other week. I feel like I heard about it through a number of ways. I like the idea of doing a voucher, or better yet -- this is a great opportunity for the U to make some $ and sell shirts there. Sell them in parking and tailgate lots, charge $5/shirt, and get people to buy them. Or sell old student section shirts for $1 or $2 - gets those shirts out there and used, and will make a few bucks.

They used to give gold tshirts to season ticket holders. If not then, then have someone sponsor it. If not then, then sell them for $5at the gate.

Best part of the gold out was the Minnesota AD in a maroon blazer. I've seen Joel wear a gold one before.

Once again- I've always said that if u really want a gold out, hand out gold shirts or at the very least, put "gold-out-game" on the damn ticket and "wear-gold-apparel" so that people are prepared.

I thought is looked more like a maroon out....wait those were empty seats :rolleyes:

Agree - Sad attempt at a GOLD OUT. People wearing maroon...come on get with it!

Would it be so difficult for a sponsor to pick up the tab for gold shirts with their logo proudly displayed??? I don't think there is any other way to pull this off. It might help to print it on the ticket well in advance too.

Good game though. A W is a W.

Go Gophers.

Once again- I've always said that if u really want a gold out, hand out gold shirts or at the very least, put "gold-out-game" on the damn ticket and "wear-gold-apparel" so that people are prepared.

Print on tickets....that would be too smart

Our marketing department made a bad decision a long time ago trying to push this gold stuff on people.....Maroon is a far more natural color shirt to be wearing....if they would have decided to make student shirts maroon and try for maroon outs, they would have a lot more success.

People own far more maroon U of M clothing, than gold stuff. Especially, the old folks.

Plus, I am not a big fashion guy, but you can walk around on non-game days wearing your maroon U of M shirts a lot easier, than sporting a gold shirt. Unless your at the game, a gold shirt just looks silly.

It was embarrassing. There were several messages sent out via email about the "gold out."

To the above poster, gold stands out much more than maroon when going for gimmicks like this.

I understand the whole e-mail sent out thing, but 1) not everyone checks their e-mails for stuff like that and 2) I'm guessing not everyone has season tickets anyway.

Trying to do a Gold Out in Minnesota is a waste of time. They need to come up with another gimmick to try. Despite the team being the Golden Gophers most people own and wear maroon to the games and many of the older fans are not going to change just because they get an email before the game or it is printed on their ticket. I am guessing that other teams have more success doing this because the color their fans are asked to wear to the game is already what they own since it is their teams primary color.

Secondly, if the only gold shirt a fan owns is a T shirt they still won't wear it in cool weather like yesterday. They will be wearing their heavier maroon shirts, sweaters, and jackets.

I like the maroon and gold look of the fans in the stadium anyway. It is a great look for the Gophers Stadium and has the added benefit of hiding empty seats between the goal lines not only from the TV audience but from the people in attendance.

Gopher Athletics was tweeting about the Gold Out yesterday and I tweeted them back asking them if they were organizing a gold out, why was Goldy wearing a maroon jersey at the game? No response naturally...

Gopher Athletics was tweeting about the Gold Out yesterday and I tweeted them back asking them if they were organizing a gold out, why was Goldy wearing a maroon jersey at the game? No response naturally...

You should have also asked why Maturi was wearing a maroon sport coat and Kaler was wearing a black sport coat over his gold shirt. He looked like he was from south of the state border. I still can't believe they allowed him to walk onto the field during half time looking like that.

I think a good idea is the tickets. Instead of a normal ticket the ticket should be made out of Gold coloring so people get the idea better along with saying Gold out game. So when people look at their tickets they see the Golden Ticket!!

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