Going beyond "ack acka dack"...


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2019
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KFAN surprised me — twice! — recently by putting out some content out on the airwaves that I actually found interesting.

ONE: Barreiro asked Glen Mason (in typical Barreiro fashion) about Fleck's buyout. Mason's answer was concise and unambiguous. It made me nod my head in agreement. I wish Mason was on the radio more often.

TWO: Dan (the Common Man) Cole was reminiscing about the early days at the station, when he was tasked with taking phone calls after Viking games, all alone. His observations about the calls he received after a Viking loss were funny and sad at the same time, and reminded me of exactly why I avoid Gopher Hole like the plague after a Minnesota loss.

Two brief moments in a vast sea of KFAN content, but two that were well worth listening to.

Any insight regarding which days these were? I live out of the market not, but listen to both via podcast quite frequently

KFAN surprised me — twice! — recently by putting out some content out on the airwaves that I actually found interesting.

ONE: Barreiro asked Glen Mason (in typical Barreiro fashion) about Fleck's buyout. Mason's answer was concise and unambiguous. It made me nod my head in agreement. I wish Mason was on the radio more often.

TWO: Dan (the Common Man) Cole was reminiscing about the early days at the station, when he was tasked with taking phone calls after Viking games, all alone. His observations about the calls he received after a Viking loss were funny and sad at the same time, and reminded me of exactly why I avoid Gopher Hole like the plague after a Minnesota loss.

Two brief moments in a vast sea of KFAN content, but two that were well worth listening to.

Any interest in telling us what Mason said, or did you just want to tell us that he said something! :)

Go Gophers!!

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