Goal posts?!


Sep 8, 2009
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What was with the dismantling of the goal posts? Did they really think we were going to start destroying the place on day 1.

My thought ... mostly in jest ... is why don't we? How many "storm the field" moments are we going to have? I think the opening of the stadium would be one along with that magical day when we finally clinch a berth in Pasadena.

Getting those things down quickly (which was NOT done tonight by the way) is obviously part of tehir plan because they practiced it at the pre season scrimmage and I'm quite sure no one was storming the field that day.

They did it at the scrimmage too. It is just a precaution!`

They might as well do it every game just so they're prepared in the event there's a field-storming event (probably won't be this one this year, but think an upset vs. USC next year).

All the cops in dinkytown had their riot gear and clubs. They just always want to be prepared.

Safety reasons, I know of fans charging the field here in Morris on our last game at our old field and the kids were hanging on the goal posts and it fell over and landed on Rick Rose's head and killed him. The reason they take them down is soley for safety reasons.

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