Go Gophers!!! Booze at The Bank?

You are a retard communist. Go back to mother Russia.

As usual, Frodo, you have it wrong. It is communistic to dictate what people can do, and how they live their lives. This idiotic policy by Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and the NCAA is a prime example of government control of the masses. You have bought into it in spades and are a lost cause. People like you are completely controlled by government group-think. You, and people like you, are an absolute embarrassment to free people everywhere.

Maybe He's Right

As usual, Frodo, you have it wrong. It is communistic to dictate what people can do, and how they live their lives. This idiotic policy by Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and the NCAA is a prime example of government control of the masses. You have bought into it in spades and are a lost cause. People like you are completely controlled by government group-think. You, and people like you, are an absolute embarrassment to free people everywhere.

The Dope of Dinkytown may be right about drugs. He seems to be living proof of the danger of excessive use. Just look at the damage that they have done to his mind. As a result, he is suffering from all kinds of delusions including visions of grander. Only a guy like this could make wren's old postings look brilliant.

As usual, Frodo, you have it wrong. It is communistic to dictate what people can do, and how they live their lives. This idiotic policy by Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and the NCAA is a prime example of government control of the masses. You have bought into it in spades and are a lost cause. People like you are completely controlled by government group-think. You, and people like you, are an absolute embarrassment to free people everywhere.

Regulation is not communism. Are you opposed to liquor licenses? They control who can buy a beer, when they can buy a beer and where they can buy a beer. The U is not attempting to control how you live your life. It's simply an entity deciding what the alcohol policies will be in its buildings. There is centuries of precedence, after all. If you want to do away with liquor licenses, feel free to tilt at that windmill. But it falls a bit flat if it's just one target.

In a perfect world every legislator would research every bill that comes before them. Unfortunately that will NEVER happen. So instead you have one or two people present "facts" about the legislation and then they vote based off what they heard. So the primary responsibility for being factual lies with the bill sponsor. However, it's a little disturbing that not one single member of the legislature didn't call Rukavina on his claims that: Michigan not in the B1G, that the Metrodome was run by the U, or that most college stadiums sell beer to all people.

The problem isn't a party problem - it's a trust problem. This time it was complete lies about alcohol at stadiums, next time it will be lies provided from some lobbyist. Unless you have people on the take from both sides of an issue, the legislators only hear one side and have to base their vote on that. Based off the "facts" presented by Rukavina, it seemed like the U was doing something wrong. Why wouldn't a Republican or Democrat vote to stop that injustice?

I get that he was wrong and agree that it is very disturbing that nobody called him on it. My point was that Rukavina being wrong doesn't absolve Republicans from voting for the bill. They didn't vote the way they did because a man that they hate told them to. They haven't in the past, so why would they now? They voted for it to try score the same cheap pandering points that the DFL was trying to score. I just don't like that some people are trying to let them off the hook by pretending that this was passed only by the DFL.

As usual, Frodo, you have it wrong. It is communistic to dictate what people can do, and how they live their lives. This idiotic policy by Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and the NCAA is a prime example of government control of the masses. You have bought into it in spades and are a lost cause. People like you are completely controlled by government group-think. You, and people like you, are an absolute embarrassment to free people everywhere.

lol Control the masses by only allowing those who bought box suites to buy beer? That's one hell of a string there Bucky.

As usual, Frodo, you have it wrong. It is communistic to dictate what people can do, and how they live their lives. This idiotic policy by Bruininks, the Board of Regents, and the NCAA is a prime example of government control of the masses. You have bought into it in spades and are a lost cause. People like you are completely controlled by government group-think. You, and people like you, are an absolute embarrassment to free people everywhere.

Okay, this is absolutely, amazingly inane. So the U of M doesn't have the right to regulate a U of M event in a U of M facility that is on the U of M campus? So where does this end Mr. Super Libertarian? I just may demand the right to bring a bomb into the stadium. After all the U of M has no right to regulate their event. Anyone that tells me I can't is nothing but a mindless slave to government group think.

No way can the Poop and Car54 be serious. No one with an IQ larger than the average plant could agree with their line of reasoning.


lol Control the masses by only allowing those who bought box suites to buy beer? That's one hell of a string there Bucky.

...with good drugs it makes perfectly good sense.

Okay, this is absolutely, amazingly inane. So the U of M doesn't have the right to regulate a U of M event in a U of M facility that is on the U of M campus? So where does this end Mr. Super Libertarian? I just may demand the right to bring a bomb into the stadium. After all the U of M has no right to regulate their event. Anyone that tells me I can't is nothing but a mindless slave to government group think.

Beer is the opiate of the masses.

Free flow of ideas

and no flow of booze. It is when they don't like the flavor of your drink when the Regents step in to be moral heros. Watch out, it comes with a tuition increase. Ooooohhhh.

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