Go Fund Me for the Sherels Family - #SherelsStrong


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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I personally have wondered and asked how I can help Mike, Emily and their family after all they've endured, and am so glad their families have set up a Go Fund Me for all the expenses they are incurring. If you're still not familiar with Mike's story, it's all here. He truly is a fighter, one I'm proud to have in maroon in and gold. Emily is as good as they get, all of us can only dream of having a rock like her. If anyone can recover from this, and become an even bigger medical miracle, I believe it's him. Let's be honest, even if this doesn't pull at your heartstrings (as it has for me)...he's a rising star and huge asset for the Gophers.

If you can, feel free to donate here ->


Do we have any outside confirmation that this "Becky Busselman on behalf of Emily Sherel" is legit? Like Mike is directly connected to this?

It's a good cause but there have been some issues with false or misleading gofundmes...

Do we have any outside confirmation that this "Becky Busselman on behalf of Emily Sherel" is legit? Like Mike is directly connected to this?

It's a good cause but there have been some issues with false or misleading gofundmes...

Becky is Emily's sister.

Just a question- wouldn't all of the medical expenses be paid by insurance after he met his deductible and out of pocket (presumably very low given it's a government plan)? I would also assume he has disability to cover his lost wages. Don't get me wrong- what he endured I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, and while these go fund me's are with good intentions, often times they raise much more than what the person actually has to pay out of pocket.

Do we have any outside confirmation that this "Becky Busselman on behalf of Emily Sherel" is legit? Like Mike is directly connected to this?

It's a good cause but there have been some issues with false or misleading gofundmes...

Great question, and completely legit. It is Emily's sister, and I've been in contact directly with her, so there's no doubt about that.

Just a question- wouldn't all of the medical expenses be paid by insurance after he met his deductible and out of pocket (presumably very low given it's a government plan)? I would also assume he has disability to cover his lost wages. Don't get me wrong- what he endured I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, and while these go fund me's are with good intentions, often times they raise much more than what the person actually has to pay out of pocket.

That's a good question too - I don't know the exact details, or what their deductible is, but guessing it's probably $5k or so for a family, and they've obviously hit it now, will have to hit it in January, not to mention not having the 2nd income with Emily's job...just a lot of expenses they would have no way of expecting.

They are also young, and Mike was a grad assistant before, and has just been in this role for a few years, so guessing they don't have a huge savings like coaches that have been in the business for 10, 20, 30 years have been.

I completely get where you're coming from, that's why it's always your own personal choice whether you want to give or not. I just personally wanted to help out in some way, and although I think the world of them, am not super close, so this was a way to show my support.

Medical insurance sure does come in handy for things like this. But out of pocket maximums generally reset every year. I do know of plans that have continuous care provisions that he may or may not have, but given he's going to likely have some sort of continuous issues regarding this he's got significant medical bills for the foreseeable future not to mention some likely non medical related(under covered) expenses. Money is most definitely going to be at a premium.

Wasn't comfortable sharing this but I see its on the go fund me. I had heard that they were expecting twins as well. As we all know, some more fun there when primary wage earner is in a non earning capacity and you've got expenses racking up.....

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