Go Canes!


Red Drank Brewmaster
Nov 20, 2008
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Not too sure how many of you were able to watch the Hurricanes this year, but they easily became one of my favorite teams this season.

Jacory Harris is the real deal and he has a wealth of talent surrounding him.

Oh, and the Canes play Becky Badger tonight.


Bah. As long as they insist that "The U" refers to the University of Miami, they won't get one bit of support from me.

"The U" has always been a generic term for the local university, in particular the main public university of the state ("University of <insert state here>" or "<insert state here> University"), just like "State" refers to the main state university.

I refuse to be "corrected" by people when they object to me referring to the University of Minnesota as "The U".

If you want to call them (miami)THUG U, then everyone will know which U your talking about. Go U (University of Minnesota that is.)

I have to back Big-10 teams in the bowl games. It's a bitter pill but one I swallow every year for the good of the conference.

I have to back Big-10 teams in the bowl games. It's a bitter pill but one I swallow every year for the good of the conference.

Ditto. Though I'm sure I'll be able to come up with a silver lining if wisky poops the bed tonight.

I'm half heartedly pulling for Wisky because I know a win would help the reputation of the B10. The problem is it's hard to root for a team with a coach I don't respect. If the conference reputation wasn't important this would be, "The Ambivalence Bowl", because I don't like Miami either.

I support, in order of importance:

1. tU

2. tBigTen

3. Nobody else.


go big ten.

I'm half heartedly pulling for Wisky because I know a win would help the reputation of the B10. The problem is it's hard to root for a team with a coach I don't respect. If the conference reputation wasn't important this would be, "The Ambivalence Bowl", because I don't like Miami either.

Is it too much of a long shot to pull for Tolzien catching Bielema trying to force painkillers on a seriously injured David Gilreath at the halftime, then leading wisky to a coachless victory on the strength of some zany trick plays?

Is it too much of a long shot to pull for Tolzien catching Bielema trying to force painkillers on a seriously injured David Gilreath at the halftime, then leading wisky to a coachless victory on the strength of some zany trick plays?

They would need an injured starting QB standing in as coach, and I don't think they have one. So, for that reason alone, it is too much of a long shot.

Temps at game time were in the low 50's in Orlando and the announcers were making excuses for Miami because it was "cold" and they needed heaters on the sidelines. Badger players are mostly in short sleeves and don't have heaters on their sidelines.

Temps at game time were in the low 50's in Orlando and the announcers were making excuses for Miami because it was "cold" and they needed heaters on the sidelines. Badger players are mostly in short sleeves and don't have heaters on their sidelines.

Every time Wisconsin makes a play the guys in the booth get pissed. It's hilarious. For some reason they really want Miami to win.

Doesn't really make sense since the announcers are Brad Nessler (from Minnesota?) and Bob Griese (Purdue Alum).

It's crazy given the announcers but there's clearly an anti-Wisky bent to the announcers. Maybe they know coach Bolemia.

Man, that was the best CHAMPS SPORTS BOWL I've ever seen. Hell of a GOOD game.

Sure was GOOD to see all those Miami fans turn out in their parka's for that BRUTAL 49 degree Florida night!

Sure was GOOD to see Miami totally contain that typical slow Big 10 power running game!

Sure was GOOD to see Miami completely prevent that typical slow Big 10 defense from having Jacory Harris running scared the whole night and stymying the Miami running game.

Sure was GOOD to see that typical bad Big 10 quarterback Scott Tolzien from passing the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# all over Miami.

I root for Wisconsin for about three hours every year, and it sure was GOOD to see them upset Miami.

As they say in 'sconnie. "*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# EM BUCKY".

Jacory Harris really sucked tonight.

yeah he did!!! see I would root for big 10 but my two fav. programs behind the gophers are miami and GT sooo yeah I'm against wisky and iowa this year. (not hard for me) but I gotta say with cooper getting hurt and harris really sucking tonight wisky had their way with um'. They seemed to have a pretty solid game plan and it worked well.

whatev I guess it makes the gophers look better anyway.

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