GI evaluation of Leidner

Gopher Fan Chuck

New member
Sep 29, 2011
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I'm not a member of Gopher,illustrated, but curious on what they said about Leidner.

they dont really say what hasn't been written a ton of times. its a small article says that Leidner has all of the tools needed to be a good quarterback at the major college level. they say he has excellent arm strength and the ball seems to take off out of his hand. they say he has the ability to put good touch on nearly every pass from the lowest to highest trajectory.

they say Leidner has great size for a quarterback and displays good athleticism and reasonable speed. they think the most impressive things that jumped out on his highlights were his footwork and awareness in the pocket. they say Leidner shows a lot of poise as a pocket passer. they say he has the ability to feel where pressure is coming from, move from it, while keeping his shoulder squared to the line of scrimmage. they think that like most young high school quarterbacks, Leidner sometimes abandons a play prematurely and beats the defense with his legs. While he is successful with this at the high school level, this is something that will not work for him at the next level they think.

they think the two-star Leidner will get his chance to compete with the deep stable of quarterbacks at the University of Minnesota. However, as a redshirt this year, they see Coach Limegrover testing him out at the tight end position to get a feel for what he is capable of doing. they think if he does not work out there, he will surely be able to compete for playing time at the quarterback position.

great size? what is his ht?

He's listed at 6'4" by the Gophers, 6'4" by Rivals, and 6'4.5" by Scout. Just on the basis of videos, this might be one of the rare times that they're underplaying his height. He looked to be the tallest QB on the team, even taller than MarQueis, so I would guess that he is at least 6'5", if not 6'6".

He's listed at 6'4" by the Gophers, 6'4" by Rivals, and 6'4.5" by Scout. Just on the basis of videos, this might be one of the rare times that they're underplaying his height. He looked to be the tallest QB on the team, even taller than MarQueis, so I would guess that he is at least 6'5", if not 6'6".

Are those listings with or without shoes? (sorry, that seems to be a big debate on various basketball forum threads.)

]However, as a redshirt this year, they see Coach Limegrover testing him out at the tight end position to get a feel for what he is capable of doing. they think if he does not work out there, he will surely be able to compete for playing time at the quarterback position.

Paging Dr. Phil(ip)....Dr (An)Dre is waiting for you to deliver.....

I just had to do that...

Are those listings with or without shoes? (sorry, that seems to be a big debate on various basketball forum threads.)

I think they are hand timed so you have to subtract an inch.

He's listed at 6'4" by the Gophers, 6'4" by Rivals, and 6'4.5" by Scout. Just on the basis of videos, this might be one of the rare times that they're underplaying his height. He looked to be the tallest QB on the team, even taller than MarQueis, so I would guess that he is at least 6'5", if not 6'6".

Max Shortell is listed at 6'6" on the roster available at the practices. He clearly seems to be the tallest QB by my judgement as well.
My opinion of Leidner is that he throws a pass and that he argueably is only a senior in high school, along with Nelson, so no reason to think about changing his position.

Revision to my Post

Max Shortell is listed at 6'6" on the roster available at the practices. He clearly seems to be the tallest QB by my judgement as well.
My opinion of Leidner is that he throws a pass and that he argueably is only a senior in high school, along with Nelson, so no reason to think about changing his position.

My opinion of Leidner is that he throws a VERY NICE pass and that he argueably is only a senior in high school, along with Nelson, so no reason to think about changing his position yet.

Max Shortell is listed at 6'6" on the roster available at the practices. He clearly seems to be the tallest QB by my judgement as well.
My opinion of Leidner is that he throws a pass and that he argueably is only a senior in high school, along with Nelson, so no reason to think about changing his position.

Just so you know that I wasn't pulling my thoughts out of my arse, here is the main thing I was basing them on:


This is a still from the Gophers' spring practice piece on QBs. You'll note that Shortell and Leidner are almost the same height in the video (Shortell appearing a little taller, but it's also worth noting that Leidner has his head down). Shortell does appear to be slightly taller, but if he is 6'6", then Leidner is 6'5 3/4" at worst. My speculation (again, pure unadulterated speculation, no basis in sources) is that he is purposefully underplaying his own height because he wants to play QB and he knows that if his height is seen as 6'6" (or possibly even 6'7" by next year if he is still growing) the "Leidner to TE" cries will be even louder.

^^^^ Keep in mind, Shortell is also standing further away from the camera than Leidner ^^^

Yeah, I stood next to Gray at Sally's and were the same 6'4" so ML is taller than 6'4' which is great ht for the QB.

We will have QBs that can throw over Pirsig.... unless Jonah stands straight up:rolleyes:

Just so you know that I wasn't pulling my thoughts out of my arse, here is the main thing I was basing them on:


This is a still from the Gophers' spring practice piece on QBs. You'll note that Shortell and Leidner are almost the same height in the video (Shortell appearing a little taller, but it's also worth noting that Leidner has his head down). Shortell does appear to be slightly taller, but if he is 6'6", then Leidner is 6'5 3/4" at worst. My speculation (again, pure unadulterated speculation, no basis in sources) is that he is purposefully underplaying his own height because he wants to play QB and he knows that if his height is seen as 6'6" (or possibly even 6'7" by next year if he is still growing) the "Leidner to TE" cries will be even louder.

Comparing heights from a simple photograph with the players at varying distances, stances, etc. is not accurate so please do not try to use the photo as evidence behind your argument.


^^^^ Keep in mind, Shortell is also standing further away from the camera than Leidner ^^^

Yeah, I heard that Shortell was on the other end of the field when his photo was taken, so Shortrell is closer to 30-40' tall.

Is this height measurement via hand held or electronic?

Did they use a meter stick and then convert?

Did they use a meter stick and then convert?

They measured him in hands, like a horse, and then built a clay statue of Leidner that many hands tall, and then measured that statue on a metric stadiometer, and then converted that measurement into ft-lbs, and finally divided by 3.14159265359 to arrive at feet and inches.

Just so you know that I wasn't pulling my thoughts out of my arse, here is the main thing I was basing them on:


This is a still from the Gophers' spring practice piece on QBs. You'll note that Shortell and Leidner are almost the same height in the video (Shortell appearing a little taller, but it's also worth noting that Leidner has his head down). Shortell does appear to be slightly taller, but if he is 6'6", then Leidner is 6'5 3/4" at worst. My speculation (again, pure unadulterated speculation, no basis in sources) is that he is purposefully underplaying his own height because he wants to play QB and he knows that if his height is seen as 6'6" (or possibly even 6'7" by next year if he is still growing) the "Leidner to TE" cries will be even louder.

I hope he doesn't tell the coaches he's not very tall...

I hope he doesn't tell the coaches he's not very tall...

It is commonly known that KG has always insisted that his height be listed at 6'11" (even though he's actually 7'1") because he didn't/doesn't want to be a center, and men 7'0"+ are always pressured to play center regardless of their skill set. I'm fairly comfortable assuming that the heights/weights on Rivals and Scout are self-reported, and I'm also comfortable assuming (though somewhat less) that the height listed on his official Gophers bio is either self-reported or lifted from his recruiting bio by the SID office. I know they weigh players for the roster, but considering that height (within a reasonable range) isn't that important for football, and certainly not compared to weight, I'd be surprised to learn that they dig out a stadiometer and actually measure all the players for the roster. If they do actually do those things (and if Leidner has been subject to this sort of measurement, given that it's spring ball), my assumptions are incorrect.

They used to collect height and weight once a year using the same process that is done at the combine (for my understanding at least). Stand against the wall, toes off the ground, take a deep breath, exhale and using the lowest measurement to the nearest 1/8". It was done in the Spring right before practice started when players also maxed out and ran shuttles/40's. I don't know if they used these for the bios on gophersports or just for S&C record keeping.

Yeah, I heard that Shortell was on the other end of the field when his photo was taken, so Shortrell is closer to 30-40' tall.

I wonder how tall Leidner would be had he played at WMU?

Was this video from a morning practice or evening? Humans are taller in the morning, and maybe the rate of contraction is different for taller people?!

I give up, this post is getting redonkulous.

I'm just happy to see Foreman upright. I guess the mono has passed. I bet all that bed time messed up that fabulous doo.


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