GH Call to Action: Pre-Game March Down University Avenue


f.k.a. "Tubtastic"
Dec 1, 2008
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I am asking everyone on the board to contact their friends, family, university alumni, contacts in Minneapolis government/police, and contacts at the University. I'm starting an effort to bring back one of the University's greatest game day traditions -- the pre-game March down University Avenue from the East bank Mall in front of Northrup Auditorium and into our stadium. The first I heard about this tradition being sunk was here:

By way of background, the band used to have inspection on the steps of Northrup just prior to the game. The band would line up in uniform and stand at attention as the director would inspect each individual. It is quite impressive to see 300+ individuals in uniform stand at attention as a single individual checks each individual for proper uniform dress, horn polishing, etc. Then, the band would march down university avenue, past all the various frat houses, and into Memorial stadium.

For those of you worried about congestion - go to a vikings game and leave our Gopher game day experience alone and the way it was meant to be. Every stadium I've been to in the Big Ten (including our old stadium) is surrounded by closed roads on gameday.

Please start by emailing the director of the band (Tim Diem) and the Chief Executive Officer of the Alumni Association (Maraget Carlson) at [email protected] and [email protected] respectively. I'll let you know whom else we should contact as I learn more. Please post any helpful contacts if you know of any.

The thing is (as stated many times before) that the band will now be housed in the stadium and not Northrop. I mean back in the day, it worked perfectly that the band could do a march from their home to Memorial Stadium down University. Given that we've now moved, we may be starting a new tradition because of logistics and potential problems with marching down University. Now I'm not really in the know as to what they're planning, I'm just speaking from what knowledge I have.

Understood. The problem lies with the University's lack of understanding the big picture -- The band's march to the stadium was a highlight of pre-game festivities. Marching around the stadium in a circle doesn't have the same affect as a band marching across campus, by the frats, and into the stadium. It is a mini-parade every game day that actually spreads out fans across campus just prior to the pre-game show. It's our campus, we should be able to march across it.

Here was what I emailed to them

I was a member of the Marching Band from 1967 – 1971. Am a current member of the Band Alumni Assn. and U of M Alumni Assn., as well as Past President of the Gopher Goal Line Club. I just wanted to express my utter dismay over rumors that there will be no March down University Ave for the games in the new stadium. This was one of the most storied traditions of our past, and to dump it because of potential traffic problem, or the fact that the band is now going to be “housed” in the Stadium is incomprehensible to me. My fellow band alumni friends and I have been looking forward to this moment since 1982, and now you pull the proverbial rug out from under us.

I have been to every Big 10 stadium and Ohio State puts on the very best pre-game festivity I’ve seen, called the skull session and I enclosed the link above. It takes place in St. John’s arena followed by a short march to the stadium. There should be no excuses as to why our band shouldn’t be able to do something similar, OR, march up 4th Street from the Stadium to Dinkytown, put on a short pep concert, then march BACK to the Stadium down University Ave. Where there’s a will there’s a way. All I ever hear is why we can’t do this and that. I was upset a few years ago when I learned that our band is the only Big10 band NOT to take a road trip during the season, so I began writing emails, and the only answer I ever got was “we are choosing to spend our money on new tubas or new drums or new uniforms….as if the other Big 10 bands don’t have these expenses as well.

I’m sorry for the rant, but I’m a bit worked up over this…I have been a contributor to the Friends Of the U of M Band Fund and have been so delighted in the move back to campus and the thrill of watching MY Marching come back down University Ave. PLEASE, PLEASE reconsider this decision.

What is the bigger picture? You're obsession with the march down University? Would it be cool? Yes. Is it essential to a great on campus gameday environment? No.

It doesn't make any logistical sense to do it that way anymore. New traditions will arise. Give it time.

In addition, I don't think our directors have any say in a matter such as this. The city itself owns the street, so they control whether it can be closed down. And I don't think they are willing to do so. This has been discussed before, but it really is not the director's call. Nor is it the athletic department or the University's call. Just informing you guys of the situation.

Great email. Keep up the good work. Is there anyone else we should contact? Who can help us in the Alumni Association? Anyone know any Regents?

The point of the email string is to get to the bottom of the problem and solve it. If the band is stuck marching in a circle around the stadium that would suck. We need to get the powers that be fired up and take our case to the city if need be.


isn't "New Tradition" an oxymoron? Let's stick with what worked and was GREAT and figure out a way to get it done.

I was a member of the Marching Band from 1967 – 1971. Am a current member of the Band Alumni Assn. and U of M Alumni Assn., as well as Past President of the Gopher Goal Line Club. I just wanted to express my utter dismay over rumors that there will be no March down University Ave for the games in the new stadium. This was one of the most storied traditions of our past, and to dump it because of potential traffic problem, or the fact that the band is now going to be “housed” in the Stadium is incomprehensible to me. My fellow band alumni friends and I have been looking forward to this moment since 1982, and now you pull the proverbial rug out from under us.

I have been to every Big 10 stadium and Ohio State puts on the very best pre-game festivity I’ve seen, called the skull session and I enclosed the link above. It takes place in St. John’s arena followed by a short march to the stadium. There should be no excuses as to why our band shouldn’t be able to do something similar, OR, march up 4th Street from the Stadium to Dinkytown, put on a short pep concert, then march BACK to the Stadium down University Ave. Where there’s a will there’s a way. All I ever hear is why we can’t do this and that. I was upset a few years ago when I learned that our band is the only Big10 band NOT to take a road trip during the season, so I began writing emails, and the only answer I ever got was “we are choosing to spend our money on new tubas or new drums or new uniforms….as if the other Big 10 bands don’t have these expenses as well.

I’m sorry for the rant, but I’m a bit worked up over this…I have been a contributor to the Friends Of the U of M Band Fund and have been so delighted in the move back to campus and the thrill of watching MY Marching come back down University Ave. PLEASE, PLEASE reconsider this decision.

Great post.

The point of the email string is to get to the bottom of the problem and solve it. If the band is stuck marching in a circle around the stadium that would suck. We need to get the powers that be fired up and take our case to the city if need be.

There is your problem. it is the city's call. Not the University's. Good luck getthing through the city bureaucracy. The bad has no pull...the alumni association has no pull...the U of M president pretty much has no pull.

Its all with the city, so I would turn your attention to them rather then the U of M bureaucracy who can't do anything.

The city could give two craps about good luck with that one.

The City?

so if the city won't allow it, why then do they allow the Homecoming Parade on Univ Ave every year?

There is your problem. it is the city's call. Not the University's. Good luck getthing through the city bureaucracy. The bad has no pull...the alumni association has no pull...the U of M president pretty much has no pull.

Its all with the city, so I would turn your attention to them rather then the U of M bureaucracy who can't do anything.

The city could give two craps about good luck with that one.

I understand your frustration. However, this is just a hurdle in the process (albeit a large annoying hurdle). As we know, they do close down University Avenue for homecoming and have done it on game days in the past. We just need to get the requisite support from the U.

Other schools do this and other schools have to deal with their cities too. Just because it is "hard" to get done doesn't mean we shouldn't try. That is the problem with the U - when someone says "no" they take that as the answer instead of working out a solution.

Add this to the list of things that have nothing to do with the product on the field.

Just Heard From Margaret Carlson

Here's the scoop: Light Rail is the big issue....this will tear up Washington Ave for about 4 years, thus leaving University Ave as the only major thourougfair getting people to the stadium. They simply cannot close Unive Ave for 30 min for the pre-game parade, at least during the light rail construction. They are working with the U Band to create something New and Fabulous, and she agreed that the Skull Session, which she has seen many times, is something they'd like to emulate. I told her, and she knows me and how passionate I am about the Gophers and the band, and I said that a march around the stadium just doens't hit the "Fabulous" mark that she was referring to and she said that she would pass this along in her discussion with the band. At least I feel better understand the whole story and that they are concerned about it and trying to work out something that will be memorable...let's see if they hit the mark.

College Game Day Experience

Add this to the list of things that have nothing to do with the product on the field.

The College Game Day Experience, is about many things that are indirectly tied to the product on the field. You bring kids to the campus, recruits to the campus, they dream about becoming Gophers. You don't just show up at kick-off and leave at the end of the game (or half way thru the 4th qtr like so many Gopher fans). This is very typical of the Gopher fans of late, because, unless you have travled with the team, as I have done, you don't know what you're missing by the whole day experience. I could go on and on. Now that we're back on campus we NEED to have way more than just the product on the field.

Margaret Carlson (Alumni Association CEO) was kind enough to call me back. She states that the University has already made the decision not to revive the march down University Avenue because construction on the light rail line will close down Washington Avenue for 4 to 5 years which means that the University Avenue will need to be open to allow traffic to and from campus. She stated that Kathy Brown (, President Bruinicks’ Chief of Staff, along with other higher ups at the U made the decision not to close University Avenue for the band.

She also said that plans have been made for the band to march around near the stadium. That’s too bad. They need to get the band moving – there are plenty of streets on which the band could march. I'm sad to report that the U is taking the easy way out rather than finding a suitable alternative route for the band. Ideas anyone?

so if the city won't allow it, why then do they allow the Homecoming Parade on Univ Ave every year?

The city grants a permit for the Homecoming parade (a once a year occurrence). They have stated that they will not grant a permit to close down University Avenue (even if it's only for a short time) for every game.

Add this to the list of things that have nothing to do with the product on the field.
Just like number of restrooms, tailgating spots, parking near the stadium, concessions for sale. It doesn't improve the players, but it is part of the college football fan experience it's the final call before the actual game time festivities begin inside the stadium.

The worst part of all this is that in the last 3-5 years leading up to the construction, everyone associated has said something to the effect of how we are "bringing back a collegiate atmosphere" and every time cited the band marching down University Ave as a major part of that atmosphere, and now it has been scrapped, what typically U of MN turn of events. :mad:

Just checked the central corridor website ( Construction doesn't begin until 2010.

Yes, but does it make much sense to do it for one year, and then not ba able to do it again?

It seems in that case that there would be no ongoining tradition, as its not going to happen 2010-2014 at the bare minimum, and with Washington basicially being turned into a pedestrian mall, probably never again.

Come up with something new that can become a full fledged tradition rahter then do something that can only be done for a year, and then we get to have this conversation all over again.

I understand the people who saw it being down pre-dome want it to come back, but the layout of the land has changed much since then..find something almost as good and make it as good...its about the best you are going to get.

Correct. I don't see why they couldn't allow it this fall and then suspend it/find an alternate until the end of LRT construction. Not that difficult.

Even after the LRT construction is over, University Ave is still the biggest road to the stadium. Washington Ave will become LRT and pedestrian ONLY, no cars.

This is lame. Let's close down all the roads within .5 miles of the stadium. Other schools do this. I had to walk three miles to get to the horseshoe in Ohio with 100,000+ fans. In WI I had to walk at least a mile to get to the stadium. Even in Iowa, where the stadium is in the middle of cow pasture, I had to walk a far ways to get to the stadium. Big deal. Close the road down. Get the cars off campus and let us have it to ourselves.

This is lame. Let's close down all the roads within .5 miles of the stadium. Other schools do this. I had to walk three miles to get to the horseshoe in Ohio with 100,000+ fans. In WI I had to walk at least a mile to get to the stadium. Even in Iowa, where the stadium is in the middle of cow pasture, I had to walk a far ways to get to the stadium. Big deal. Close the road down. Get the cars off campus and let us have it to ourselves.

And you expect the U of M NOT to use all the parking within 4 blocks of TCF.

Come are not that stupid.

Traffic goes right near Camp Randall..there is a parking lot right across the street from the stadium. Seriously...come on...

Dont forget about the new granary road, everyone. It will go through Dinkytown and then just a couple blocks north of the stadium. Wont be there for this fall, but it is not far off.

And you expect the U of M NOT to use all the parking within 4 blocks of TCF.

Come are not that stupid.

Traffic goes right near Camp Randall..there is a parking lot right across the street from the stadium. Seriously...come on...

The point of the post is that we have a campus that we'd like to use for campus activities such as a short parade down University Avenue. It has been used in such a fashion in the past. The problem is that it is difficult logistically to close a road - but just because it is difficult, doesn't mean they shouldn't try and work something out. There were 65,000 fans coming to the old Memorial stadium back in the day and they were able to close the road.

A marching band is supposed to march, not park and blow.

The point of the post is that we have a campus that we'd like to use for campus activities such as a short parade down University Avenue. It has been used in such a fashion in the past. The problem is that it is difficult logistically to close a road - but just because it is difficult, doesn't mean they shouldn't try and work something out. There were 65,000 fans coming to the old Memorial stadium back in the day and they were able to close the road.

A marching band is supposed to march, not park and blow. a youngster understand. Where did these 65,000 people park in the Memorial Stadium, days.
That seems to ba the major hang-up here. Where did their cars go so they were not in the way of the University Ave parade??

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