Getting Frusturated with this site.

I know what you're saying. Considering we're 4-2 and 2-1 in the Big Ten, and there are some really crabby people here.

Dude, maybe you should look around before you spout off, the same thing everyone else is complaining about. He started a thread, with no negative tone at all whatsoever, and within one post he was already called dumb or stupid or something along those lines for starting it. Ridiculous.
Yeah, I agree that's completely inappropriate. We're all fans of the same team here and ultimately we all want what's best for the program. He should be able to express his opinion without being called stupid or getting a hostile response.

I hope you stick around, BadgerRival. We need more people around here that want to talk about things in a civil tone rather than flame each other to oblivion.

I've yet to be able to get a read on this board. It seems like the same people that get really upset when a criticism of the team is made are the same people that are never satisfied with the team itself. I couldn't believe how negative the board was after we beat Purdue.

I will say this though, I've never seen a board talk more about things peripheral to the actual team than this one. There seem to be more posts about the fans than the team. I'm not from Minnesota, so maybe I just don't understand the culture, but there sure are a lot of people that are really worried about what other people are doing as if it has direct correlation to the performance of the team.

This place does get brutal. Some people on here get way too mad when you don't slobber all over the Gophers. The name-calling and insults are ridiculous sometimes.

I go back to the "Golden Gopher Gridiron" days back during the Wacker years. The
board has changed a great deal since then. I've found myself posting less, and less,
and less.

I miss the days of "Big Al" and "Oltimer" and many others....

This has been a pretty decent board, IMO

I've been on here for a number of years and found it to be a fairly decent place. Treat others with respect and you'll generally get respect in return.

But it's also a social environment. Just as I'll usually get an idea of the composition of the group at a party or social gathering, I waited a bit before making my first post to see what topics have been covered. The Gray vs Weber topic has been beaten into the ground and it's predictable that your first post that starts it up yet again is going to get some flak.

It also doesn't help your cause when you call other board members "idiots" less than 24 hours after making your first post. ... ;)

Maybe this won't be the right forum for you ... but I don't think you've given it enough time nor do I think that you're acknowledging the points that people have made regarding your first post. It might be difficult, but if you'd written a response that said "sorry, I didn't realize this had already been covered" rather than calling folks here "idiots," I suspect you'd be getting a different reaction.

BTW, I sent you an e-mail regarding your entry to the Predict the Score competition. Just repost your selection with your moniker, the winning team and the score on the same line and we'll get it included.



It's very easy to be a critic, especially when things aren't going well. It's much tougher to stand your ground when things are tough and wait it out until it gets better. It's also pretty futile and defeating to verbally beat down athletes and coaches, as there's really no point to it because we don't win or lose games. However we do have a choice to be supportive or negative. And we can and do influence things like the atmosphere that helps bring in recruits and to grow the fan base. I also think it's much more fun to go through life with optimism then pessimism. Go Gophers! Go Brewster!

in the words of the legendary tony romo: it wasn't all lollipops and chocolate and fun times along the way.

take these words to heart and you'll do fine around here.


I can't believe I read the entire thread.

I can't believe I'm posting about it. Ha Ha

It's very easy to be a critic, especially when things aren't going well. It's much tougher to stand your ground when things are tough and wait it out until it gets better. It's also pretty futile and defeating to verbally beat down athletes and coaches, as there's really no point to it because we don't win or lose games. However we do have a choice to be supportive or negative. And we can and do influence things like the atmosphere that helps bring in recruits and to grow the fan base. I also think it's much more fun to go through life with optimism then pessimism. Go Gophers! Go Brewster!
The only thing I'll agree with here is that we don't win or lose games, and ultimately have no real impact on them. However we choose to view the program, post about the program or talk about the program has not tangible effect on it.

I think wiping away criticism as "negativity" or "being a critic" is kind of silly. The whole point of having a messageboard like this is to parse through the information we get on a week by week basis and try to asses and discuss where the program stands. It's not just a place to post rah rah ski u mah come rain or shine.

To me the idea of optimism or negativity is kind of irrelevant. I just like to be realistic in my view of life. I take things as they come and am honest with myself and the people around me. Sometimes that means the opinions that I express can be categorized as negative, sometimes as positive, but what they are is the truest reflection of my opinions at the time.

Whether or not those opinions fall on one side of that line or the other doesn't impact my life any more than it impacts those of the players or coaches. After all we're talking about a game here not life or death.

I believe that this site does make a difference. I also believe we do have a role in the success of the program. I also believe we are an extension of the program, and have a responsibility to treat the team members respectfully.

There is a huge difference between discussing areas of needed improvement and sport and saying a player or coach sucks. It's very different.

Calls can be questioned, you can wish one player got more reps than they get, or wish some got less without bashing the team. We can disuss it. We can discuss it without attacking the athletes and team we are trying to support. Tearing the team down because you don't like some things about it is shortsighted, and makes you an enemy to the program. Not because it's the intent to be, but because you do in fact hurt it.

I care less for the people on this forum than I do for the team of the program. I'm not here to give some dick weed a chance to bash the team, I'm here to build the team up. I don't care if negative nancy's get their say. Only that prospects want to be here and the current team feels like we're supporting them.

I just don't believe we have much of an impact, but that's entirely a personal opinion that neither of us can prove or disprove one way or another. I do understand and empathize with the desire to feel like you're doing something for the program and helping them in any way you can. That's a pretty basic desire as a fan.

Anyways. I do agree that we have a responsibility to treat players respectfully, just as we all should feel a responsibility to treat all people respectfully. Saying someone sucks or trashing them rather than actually trying to make a point or have a conversation is really not what this board is about. Like I said to a bunch of people here on Saturday who were melting down IN THE FIRST QUARTER of the Purdue game this isn't a place for people to dump their negative emotions into. If they want to come in and outline problems they see then fine. Do so honestly and earnestly. Don't however come in here and take a figurative dump into the internet because you're frustrated.

All I ask is you don't lump those of us who may have a less favorable view of the team as it stands now than you do with that kind of poster. :)

I think I actually have a less favorable view of the team as it stands now than most. The difference is I see where we are now as a reasonable place to be all things considered. I also see us right on track to building a solid program. Perhaps that's why I have problems with some. They see every failure as evidence that we aren't making progress, and I don't. So perhaps there is no basis for me to be upset while others are. And so while they look for places to place their anger and blame, I'm trying to enjoy the journey.

But even that doesn't bother me, it's really only when people attack players who are on our team. They are here, it is what it is. It's time to make the best of what we've got and hope for better down the line.

I think you're confusing attack with critique. I think a lot of people are confusing that.

The rest khaliq summed up pretty well, but I would like to hear how an internet message board plays a role in wins and losses.

The hole just isn't the same place it used to be. Sure, we had a couple blowhards. But there were also some other people that added humor and insight. There are still a few people like that, but it's just gone downhill the past 4 years.

This thread could go on forever because both sides are essentially correct. Yes, GopherHole is filled with about 65% negative dogsh!t that represents about 1,000 different people's axe grinding...but that is no different than any other internet message board. This sort of fan forum would make for a great dissertation for someone getting a masters in mass communication. When everybody can have an anonymous opinion, it usually brings out their worst. I know I've said things here that leave me shaking my head the next day, because I'd never be that rude in 'real life.' Fact is we're all fans of the same team, (most of us, at least) rooting for the same thing and if we could just focus on that this site would become much less frustrating. Also, the other 35% of stuff on this site are great and is what attracted me to it in the first place. I love following the new recruits and breaking down upcoming games and just seems that once the games start, the freaks come out.

The hole just isn't the same place it used to be. Sure, we had a couple blowhards. But there were also some other people that added humor and insight. There are still a few people like that, but it's just gone downhill the past 4 years.

Speaking as one of these new people, you should all be thrilled about the change here. I've been a Gopher fan for years (season tickets for the last 10) but just recently had reason to spend time somewhere like this. I feel the program is going places.
As more and more people get energized about the team, more different types of people are going to show up here. If you have a 'way' of being a fan that you think is how it should be done, lead these new GHers by example. This is an opportunity. New Gopher fans are being created every day, and a few of them are finding their way here.
After the Stadium, this place is ground-zero for the new 'Gopher Nation.' The best we can all do is embrace every new member, listen to what they think about the program, and share our views with them.

Bemoaning the changes here is like saying we don't want any more Gopher fans...and that's fine. But if we're saying that, we can't complain about the lack of students in the stands, people leaving early, poor media coverage, etc. You can't have one without the other.

I admit I get riled up when the older fans get ripped on. My dad (when he can make it) is one of those older fans. He doesn't yell at people to sit down, but he does have trouble standing up for each play. When it hits close to home I will continue to call-out people.

I thought the give and take stuff with Webber v. Gray has been fine. Upchurch and I have had a few moments, but I never got the vibe that it wasn't anything but disagreements, not sure what Upchurch thinks about it?

I'll be honest and say I have no idea what the original poster had trouble with, but I hope he stays and enjoys the board more.

It seems (still) that a negative post will be very popular while a positive or funny post will likely be ignored. This is our Brave New World web-style.

Dude, maybe you should look around before you spout off, the same thing everyone else is complaining about. He started a thread, with no negative tone at all whatsoever, and within one post he was already called dumb or stupid or something along those lines for starting it. Ridiculous.

Dude, (dudette?) All I said was, you want to get a feel for ANY board before you post, otherwise you risk getting ripped on. Notice I didn't rip on him at all, just friendly advice, yet you rip on me? Irony? I live in the real world, not some fantasy land like you where anonymous posters are respectful and welcoming.

As a new, but distant GHer, I tend to view GH as the grass-roots barometer of GN sentiment...the uncensored attitude of GN's most passionate, loyal and dedicated fans. Since I'm not in-state, I don't have the luxury of dropping into the local sports watering-hole or coffee shop to get the lastest take on G-dom and the pulse of the program. GH does that for me and countless other G fans across the globe...I value that highly.

Ex the usual trolls and misfits, my sense is that most GHers seem proud as fans to be associated with the direction of the program under Brew & Staff and greatly appreciate the tremendous efforts young men from both in-state and out are making towards a longed-for return to the glory years of GG fb with all its associated celebration of achievement for hard work well done, Saturday TCFB fun on campus and of course, regional/national bragging rights.

GH also has its own "inside" drama as posters work out their take on reality vs fantasy on a daily basis...what I like is the give-and-take of various views on a myriad of threads...continually! Most do it in a civil way...positive, neutral or negative...and sometimes that requires some personal discipline and self-restraint. All in all, a good mix of facts, fantasy, rumor and opinion that will likely get even better as more of GN gets on the bandwagon.

How does one check their GH cred? I checked my profile and couldn't find a barometer.

On a serious note, I don't believe this site has gone down hill. I think this site has grown. With more people comes more opinions, and therefore more chances you'll find threads topics you don't agree with. I don't agree that your post should look like a text message. I think you should take a bit of time to try your best to communicate in a manner in which you were taught. I don't agree that you should communicate on this board like there aren't any social rules governing it. I think there are times for "cute posts" and there are times in which people will needle another when they feel like they have been proven correct.

I have had some interesting posts with NewEngland_Gold just recently that has allowed me to spend a little time thinking about, reflecting on, and communicating about our beloved Gophers.

I wonder how many more Gopherholer's there are now compared to 2 or 3 years ago. Seems to be a lot more than when I first joined.

lets just all gave a few beers, kick back, and enjoy life, namely Gopher football and their upcoming battle with PSU in one of the best atmospheres in all of college football!!!!!!!

Idk I see alot of it...but I haven't been eaten alive for positive things I say nor the negative things...their is just alot of frustration in the fan base...I mean lets be honest with ourselves here as gopher fans we have not had an easy ride to say the least...

As a new, but distant GHer, I tend to view GH as the grass-roots barometer of GN sentiment...the uncensored attitude of GN's most passionate, loyal and dedicated fans. Since I'm not in-state, I don't have the luxury of dropping into the local sports watering-hole or coffee shop to get the lastest take on G-dom and the pulse of the program. GH does that for me and countless other G fans across the globe...I value that highly.

Ex the usual trolls and misfits, my sense is that most GHers seem proud as fans to be associated with the direction of the program under Brew & Staff and greatly appreciate the tremendous efforts young men from both in-state and out are making towards a longed-for return to the glory years of GG fb with all its associated celebration of achievement for hard work well done, Saturday TCFB fun on campus and of course, regional/national bragging rights.

GH also has its own "inside" drama as posters work out their take on reality vs fantasy on a daily basis...what I like is the give-and-take of various views on a myriad of threads...continually! Most do it in a civil way...positive, neutral or negative...and sometimes that requires some personal discipline and self-restraint. All in all, a good mix of facts, fantasy, rumor and opinion that will likely get even better as more of GN gets on the bandwagon.


I agree with most of what you are saying. But........ this is america and if i want to say that brew wasted a scholly on an overweight freshaman QB from minnesota (as a matter of fact he is from blomington I won't mention any names) I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact, I Love the gophs but do I have to agree with all the moves? I do not have to agree with wasting a scholly on an overweight and overated freshman QB from blomington I won't mention any names.:cool02:

I agree with most of what you are saying. But........ this is america and if i want to say that brew wasted a scholly on an overweight freshaman QB from minnesota (as a matter of fact he is from blomington I won't mention any names) I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact, I Love the gophs but do I have to agree with all the moves? I do not have to agree with wasting a scholly on an overweight and overated freshman QB from blomington I won't mention any names.:cool02:

Ha ha oh boy here we go.....:D

I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact
Seems like you have a problem with "he who shall be unmentioned" You may be stating a fact regarding his weight and where he's from ... the "overrated" part is opinion. Don't know why you have that opinion ... maybe he made your life miserable in elementary school, maybe he turned you down for Sadie Hawkins, or maybe you're actually correct and he's overrated. But he has the schollie -- you apparently don't -- and you're not dealing with it very well (or maturely).

Seems like you have a problem with "he who shall be unmentioned" You may be stating a fact regarding his weight and where he's from ... the "overrated" part is opinion. Don't know why you have that opinion ... maybe he made your life miserable in elementary school, maybe he turned you down for Sadie Hawkins, or maybe you're actually correct and he's overrated. But he has the schollie -- you apparently don't -- and you're not dealing with it very well (or maturely).



I agree with most of what you are saying. But........ this is america and if i want to say that brew wasted a scholly on an overweight freshaman QB from minnesota (as a matter of fact he is from blomington I won't mention any names) I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact, I Love the gophs but do I have to agree with all the moves? I do not have to agree with wasting a scholly on an overweight and overated freshman QB from blomington I won't mention any names.:cool02:

The great part about america, is, everybody has an opinion, you know, but I don't have to listen to you, so that's the great part.

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