Yeah, I agree that's completely inappropriate. We're all fans of the same team here and ultimately we all want what's best for the program. He should be able to express his opinion without being called stupid or getting a hostile response.Dude, maybe you should look around before you spout off, the same thing everyone else is complaining about. He started a thread, with no negative tone at all whatsoever, and within one post he was already called dumb or stupid or something along those lines for starting it. Ridiculous.
The only thing I'll agree with here is that we don't win or lose games, and ultimately have no real impact on them. However we choose to view the program, post about the program or talk about the program has not tangible effect on it.It's very easy to be a critic, especially when things aren't going well. It's much tougher to stand your ground when things are tough and wait it out until it gets better. It's also pretty futile and defeating to verbally beat down athletes and coaches, as there's really no point to it because we don't win or lose games. However we do have a choice to be supportive or negative. And we can and do influence things like the atmosphere that helps bring in recruits and to grow the fan base. I also think it's much more fun to go through life with optimism then pessimism. Go Gophers! Go Brewster!
The hole just isn't the same place it used to be. Sure, we had a couple blowhards. But there were also some other people that added humor and insight. There are still a few people like that, but it's just gone downhill the past 4 years.
Dude, maybe you should look around before you spout off, the same thing everyone else is complaining about. He started a thread, with no negative tone at all whatsoever, and within one post he was already called dumb or stupid or something along those lines for starting it. Ridiculous.
As a new, but distant GHer, I tend to view GH as the grass-roots barometer of GN sentiment...the uncensored attitude of GN's most passionate, loyal and dedicated fans. Since I'm not in-state, I don't have the luxury of dropping into the local sports watering-hole or coffee shop to get the lastest take on G-dom and the pulse of the program. GH does that for me and countless other G fans across the globe...I value that highly.
Ex the usual trolls and misfits, my sense is that most GHers seem proud as fans to be associated with the direction of the program under Brew & Staff and greatly appreciate the tremendous efforts young men from both in-state and out are making towards a longed-for return to the glory years of GG fb with all its associated celebration of achievement for hard work well done, Saturday TCFB fun on campus and of course, regional/national bragging rights.
GH also has its own "inside" drama as posters work out their take on reality vs fantasy on a daily basis...what I like is the give-and-take of various views on a myriad of threads...continually! Most do it in a civil way...positive, neutral or negative...and sometimes that requires some personal discipline and self-restraint. All in all, a good mix of facts, fantasy, rumor and opinion that will likely get even better as more of GN gets on the bandwagon.
I agree with most of what you are saying. But........ this is america and if i want to say that brew wasted a scholly on an overweight freshaman QB from minnesota (as a matter of fact he is from blomington I won't mention any names) I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact, I Love the gophs but do I have to agree with all the moves? I do not have to agree with wasting a scholly on an overweight and overated freshman QB from blomington I won't mention any names.![]()
Seems like you have a problem with "he who shall be unmentioned" You may be stating a fact regarding his weight and where he's from ... the "overrated" part is opinion. Don't know why you have that opinion ... maybe he made your life miserable in elementary school, maybe he turned you down for Sadie Hawkins, or maybe you're actually correct and he's overrated. But he has the schollie -- you apparently don't -- and you're not dealing with it very well (or maturely).I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact
Seems like you have a problem with "he who shall be unmentioned" You may be stating a fact regarding his weight and where he's from ... the "overrated" part is opinion. Don't know why you have that opinion ... maybe he made your life miserable in elementary school, maybe he turned you down for Sadie Hawkins, or maybe you're actually correct and he's overrated. But he has the schollie -- you apparently don't -- and you're not dealing with it very well (or maturely).
I agree with most of what you are saying. But........ this is america and if i want to say that brew wasted a scholly on an overweight freshaman QB from minnesota (as a matter of fact he is from blomington I won't mention any names) I have that right. Please allow me to state that fact, I Love the gophs but do I have to agree with all the moves? I do not have to agree with wasting a scholly on an overweight and overated freshman QB from blomington I won't mention any names.![]()