Getting Frusturated with this site.



I don't care how many negative replies I get here. But I thought this website was for gopher fans, but all it really is, is a website for angry "cyber bullies". I have no idea how or why this site has turned into a hate mail site, but I'm pretty much done with this place. You guys are jerks to me and each other. I've only been a member for a couple of days, and you've already pretty much sent me away. I love the gophers, but when there's people like you posting hateful comments on this website, it makes me ashamed to even be a fan. You guys aren't sports fans, you just enjoy acting like you know everything about the gophers, and when someone voices they're opinion and you don't agree, you talk trash. Thanks guys for an amazing first week. :mad:

You'll get a lot of painting done with that broad brush of yours.

It has gotten significantly worse this year. No doubt. Seems the strib forum mentality has infested this site. It's too bad too. No discussion left, only battle lines and which side are you on.

Like most free lightly (not) moderated boards discussion turns into trash pretty quickly.

I 100% agree with you, you're not alone.

It has gotten significantly worse this year. No doubt. Seems the strib forum mentality has infested this site. It's too bad too. No discussion left, only battle lines and which side are you on.

It has. No doubt.

Seems like a lot of new posters have brought a lot of negative energy with them. And posters who have been around longer have responded by trying to mach their hostile tone.

I have been around for 11 years

and lately the tone has taken a tone for the worse. It has ebbed and flowed before but its in a downturn now. You state an opinion and you are called dumb. These people come and go and before long they will be gone and things will pick up. If not my posts will be few and far between. Too bad as there are alot of classy nice people on here. But we sure have some rude bigmouths infesting the place now. They need to look up the word tact.

It has gotten significantly worse this year. No doubt. Seems the strib forum mentality has infested this site. It's too bad too. No discussion left, only battle lines and which side are you on.



if you post anything positive about the program or players that you think are good, you get run off this board or banned. Don't give Brewster or Onuwachi any love, board members will hate on you for it.

You've been a member for a few days and you're starting to get frustrated? Maybe you should just look through the thread titles and pick the ones that don't sound very negative, and not post until you get a feel for the place. You can't have one of your first posts be a topic that has been beaten to death, and then get all sensitive when the replies didn't think your post was a groundbreaking work of genius. You have to earn your credibility, and you are going about it the wrong way. Good luck.

Section 2

earn your credibility? How do you do that on this board? There is no earning your credibility. An inside source within the program says Seantrel Henderson has silently verballed to minnesota, if it turns out to be true then I have cred right, or and inside source has told me that Seantrel Henderson will not commit to Minnesota also gives me cred in that scenario. Although I wouldn't get cred because its essentially worthless either way.
Do you get cred for such a stupid post (just carrying on the theme of pissy posters on here)

Good riddance to you. Who needs you. This is the brave new world of the Internet. The World Wide Web. Charles Darwin is our patron saint. It is all about survival of the fittest. If you can't stand the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen. This site is all about destroying anybody who disagrees with your opinion. It is a badge of honor to stay up as long as it takes to make the last post of the thread. Reason and logic are not prized attributes in GopherHole. It is all about clever name calling and who has the has the most posts. In a different arena it would be like comparing the size of your pricks.

ha ha you!!! I have more post and can stay up the latest. I win!!!!!!! wait I need a clever name to call you....I'll think on it, but be rest assured it's coming.

Here's a hint. If you want to be taken seriously, spell players names right. Also...try learning a bit about sarcasm. It really will get you a lot further in life that way....

Agree with SDGopherFan about earning cred, earning cred is ridiculous. People on here think they have cred because they have thousands of posts

Good riddance to you. Who needs you. This is the brave new world of the Internet. The World Wide Web. Charles Darwin is our patron saint. It is all about survival of the fittest. If you can't stand the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen. This site is all about destroying anybody who disagrees with your opinion. It is a badge of honor to stay up as long as it takes to make the last post of the thread. Reason and logic are not prized attributes in GopherHole. It is all about clever name calling and who has the has the most posts. In a different arena it would be like comparing the size of your pricks.

Well played Upnorth.

Spelling on message boards, email, and texting is not important, When you know who someone is talking about you don't need to be a jackass about it

Agree with SDGopherFan about earning cred, earning cred is ridiculous. People on here think they have cred because they have thousands of posts

you don't need to earn cred through postings, but it helps to write and post like you actually graduated high school. Not ripping on you specifically, but there are several posters who write like they failed 5th grade English, and that doesn't exactly encourage people to pay attention and respect what you have to say.

Spelling on message boards, email, and texting is not important, When you know who someone is talking about you don't need to be a jackass about it

And you wonder why society is going to hell....

Tend to agree with the OP here. When one announces they are new to the site (as he did on the Marqueis Gray post), I think proper etiquette is to welcome them and provide some guidance about conduct on the board (ie. take a look around for topical threads before starting a new on, avoiding beaten-to-death topics, etc.). Jumping down his throat and mocking him for spelling are probably not the best courses of action.

BadgerRival27, welcome to the board.

Learn about sarcasm? The world doesn't need more sarcasm. It is way overused by people who can't actually say what they want to say directly. Sarcasm is very low level communication and one of the reasons I hate this board.

yes, society is going to hell because of lack of spelling. By the way you said "write like their failed 5th grade English" instead of like they failed 5th grade English.

Learn about sarcasm? The world doesn't need more sarcasm. It is way overused by people who can't actually say what they want to say directly. Sarcasm is very low level communication and one of the reasons I hate this board.

Sarcasm is an art.

An art that is butchered by 99% of the people who attempt to practice it. Lame and lazy.

And much more interesting than stupidity, which is the norm.

I think expectations are higher now than I can ever remember, especially with the new stadium. Therefore people are getting "bent out of shape" a lot easier than in the past. Some are glass half full people, some are glass half empty people. Usually that would mean a lot of good debate and discussions, but for some reason it hasn't been that way lately.

The biggest reason I enjoy checking this website is because I'm down here in corn field land and this is the best way to stay in the loop about Gopher football and basketball. I'm starting to enjoy it less.

You've been a member for a few days and you're starting to get frustrated? Maybe you should just look through the thread titles and pick the ones that don't sound very negative, and not post until you get a feel for the place. You can't have one of your first posts be a topic that has been beaten to death, and then get all sensitive when the replies didn't think your post was a groundbreaking work of genius. You have to earn your credibility, and you are going about it the wrong way. Good luck.

Dude, maybe you should look around before you spout off, the same thing everyone else is complaining about. He started a thread, with no negative tone at all whatsoever, and within one post he was already called dumb or stupid or something along those lines for starting it. Ridiculous.

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