game thoughts.


Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
thank you tubby smith for making great adjustments he deserves alot of credit in this win.. anyway very good come from behind win against a team i expect to be in the tournament, i was very impressed with the sycamores 5 guys shoot the 3 well and their point gaurd is very shifty.. Andre Hollins and Oto add the three point shooting that needs to be on the floor more thats how trevor gets the ball when we start making outside shots he gets more room to work if we can shoot the 3 like we did today we will be tough to beat.. great game off the bench from welch created turnovers hit big shots and was pretty fearless going to the bucket.. the gophers have shown me guts in this early part of the season coming from behind twice if they can continue to improve they could be a top 4 in the big ten im looking forward to their progress

Dre Hollins getting beat like a red header step child at Christmas again today...he needs to work on his angles and first step on defense...too much reaching and not enough sliding.

Dre Hollins getting beat like a red header step child at Christmas again today...he needs to work on his angles and first step on defense...too much reaching and not enough sliding.

I particularily liked all the shots of Lionel Hollins while 'Dre was on the line. No relation, but don't let that stop ESPN from showing him...

We're young, and so winning while young is good. At least the Hollins brothers (I know) and Welch look more promising than Chip and Maverick. Elliason actually showed more today than most games with Iverson. Actually saw a big guy who seemed to be into the game. We could use that fire down low. Would like to get Mo back soon and really have some decent depth. But to win in the Big Ten, our guards are going to have to grow up fast and we're going to have to find a shooter. I know Oto is supposed to be that guy, but I haven't seen it yet. Not that he's not where he should be, but we need someone who can consistently hit the open 3.

It takes me 10 minutes to read gopherdiehard's comments due to run-on sentences and lack of decent puntuation between thoughts, so I have to read, reread, reread, reread, and insert my own punctuation to get his/her messages. If you ask station19 what I mean, he will also tell you.

Good win today.

Go Gophers!!!

I particularily liked all the shots of Lionel Hollins while 'Dre was on the line. No relation, but don't let that stop ESPN from showing him...

We're young, and so winning while young is good. At least the Hollins brothers (I know) and Welch look more promising than Chip and Maverick. Elliason actually showed more today than most games with Iverson. Actually saw a big guy who seemed to be into the game. We could use that fire down low. Would like to get Mo back soon and really have some decent depth. But to win in the Big Ten, our guards are going to have to grow up fast and we're going to have to find a shooter. I know Oto is supposed to be that guy, but I haven't seen it yet. Not that he's not where he should be, but we need someone who can consistently hit the open 3.
LOL did you not see Chip play today? He had a great game.

Dre Hollins defense - ouch. He's gotta improve. But, I like the ball in his hands. I though Elliason was pretty decent today, though they had no one to stand in his way. He too has a ways to go but he's better than what I've been reading here. Rodney - man, talk about hot and cold.

Not say'n this is '97, but the thing I most remember 'bout '97 was the ability to come back and finish. Great to develop this team experience. It's a team, not just individuals.

Poor defense and dumb fouls by Dre, but without his 3's we don't stay in the game. It seemed like every time ISU started to pull away again he hit a 3. He is one of those shooters we desperately need.

A lot of lazy/dumb passes again today by the guards. If we limit stupid turnovers we dominate ISU. Encouraged by Welch's play over the last two games after stinking up the joint early on. Still a lot of work to be done there too (two missed layups after steals, driving to the lane with no intention of kicking it out, etc.). This team will continue to improve.

I'm also encouraged by the way Eliason has been getting after it the past two games after looking completely clueless and hopelessly awkward out there early on. He deflected a lot of passes into the paint today, was aggressive in rebounding and put backs. I like what I see out of the Frosh.

I particularily liked all the shots of Lionel Hollins while 'Dre was on the line. No relation, but don't let that stop ESPN from showing him...
This was the tension breaker for the game - quite hilarious!

Dre Hollins getting beat like a red header step child at Christmas again today...he needs to work on his angles and first step on defense...too much reaching and not enough sliding.

Coleman had the same thing happen to him, that is part of the freshman learning curve, it is going to happen.

This team is finding ways to win, different players are comming up big each night. They don't give up and the come from behind wins have to be building confidence.

LOL did you not see Chip play today? He had a great game.
Chip did have a good game today. I was commenting more on what I had seen last year with ability and consistency. He certainly could be one of those players that sticks around long enough to become a quality player.

Even with all of the frustrating mistakes this team continues to make, they are improving. Two weeks ago, there wasn't consistent points from the backcourt, but in the last couple of games, it's been there. Please Tubby keep Oto outside to catch and shoot, that's what he does best. Let the backcourt create without fear of being pulled from the game. Continue to set screens for Trevor all game long. Once or twice per game, I'd like to see the offense clear out a side and let Rodney drive to the basket. With quick shooting teams, the ballside D doesn't work well. Maybe in the Big Ten they'll get away with it, but a team like Duke would crush this team. All in all, two nice wins, looking forward to beating Dayton and getting some national pub.

Even with all of the frustrating mistakes this team continues to make, they are improving. Two weeks ago, there wasn't consistent points from the backcourt, but in the last couple of games, it's been there. Please Tubby keep Oto outside to catch and shoot, that's what he does best. Let the backcourt create without fear of being pulled from the game. Continue to set screens for Trevor all game long. Once or twice per game, I'd like to see the offense clear out a side and let Rodney drive to the basket. With quick shooting teams, the ballside D doesn't work well. Maybe in the Big Ten they'll get away with it, but a team like Duke would crush this team. All in all, two nice wins, looking forward to beating Dayton and getting some national pub.

Here's an unusual stat for the Gophs: We got 33 points from the PG position today- Welch 17 and Dre 16 in 41 total minutes. They did share the court for a few minutes but that's a big number.

That is a huge number. It should start to open up other things for the offense. Just saw that Central Florida beat U-Conn.. wow.

sorry dr don i didnt realize i was handing in a term paper to my english professor. its a message board i think ur going to make it i believe in you

sorry dr don i didnt realize i was handing in a term paper to my english professor. its a message board i think ur going to make it i believe in you

diehard, I am not criticizing what you say. I just commented that it is difficult to follow your message when you have your type of sentence structure. If that offended you, then do something about it.

Go Gophers!!!

ok i thought you were attacking me. but im probably not goin to change my style too much especially if its a long message so your gonna have to suffer through it.

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