Game Preview: vs. Mount St. Mary's 11/21/11

"(Also, free throw percentage matters very, very little.)"

Could you explain your logic behind this statement? I understand that looking at how often a player or team actually gets to line may be more important, but I don't get how you can state that percentage matters very, very little. Points are points, correct? If Trevor shoots 50% last game, that's 7 points off the board. I would think 7 points may make a difference in a lot of games.

"(Also, free throw percentage matters very, very little.)"

Could you explain your logic behind this statement? I understand that looking at how often a player or team actually gets to line may be more important, but I don't get how you can state that percentage matters very, very little. Points are points, correct? If Trevor shoots 50% last game, that's 7 points off the board. I would think 7 points may make a difference in a lot of games.

I'll explain my thoughts in more detail at some point.. I still struggle with just how unimportant I think FT percentage is (my feelings range from 'fairly unimportant' to 'almost a complete non-factor'.. but without question the attention free throw percentage gets drives me crazy - it's silly).

For now, consider this - he was 2/7 from the field in the same game and turned the ball over 4 times. How many points off the board is that?

Missed free throws drive me crazy. But I realize that free throws are a very minor factor in a team winning basketball games. Free throw percentage is an easy thing to calculate and understand, so it gets talked about a lot and made out to be more than it is... and that drives me more crazy than players missing their FT shots.

You honestly don't think hitting free throws at the end of close games is important?

GW, I'm guessing the Warriors didn't expect to see Norfolk State (again) in the finals of the Paradise Jam? Not exactly the marquee matchup (vs. Virignia) in the title game Buzz Williams was anticipating. Drexel (vs. Norfolk State) and Virginia (vs. TCU) should be ashamed for losing to those squads.

GW, I'm guessing the Warriors didn't expect to see Norfolk State (again) in the finals of the Paradise Jam? Not exactly the marquee matchup (vs. Virignia) in the title game Buzz Williams was anticipating. Drexel (vs. Norfolk State) and Virginia (vs. TCU) should be ashamed for losing to those squads.

Yeah, when MU beat them by 31 a week ago, Norfolk didn't really seem like a team who'd make the championship, even in this particular tournament. Looking forward to going up against Kyle O'Quinn again, though. Got the DVR set so I can watch the game when I get home from the Gophers game.

I'll be at the Old Spice Classic - hoping to not see Fairfield and the Gophers again, but if it's for the championship I could deal with it. Looking forward to the Stags vs. ASU game Thursday night...

Enjoy Orlando, GW. Bringing home 3 Gopher W's would be appreciated.

Free throws

GW, as a fan of Pomeroy and tempo-free stats I'm sure you have read his blogs. While I believe that overall FT% may have little influence on games, individual games and individual player performances can have a profound effect.

Sorry to Pomerory for attaching the article but it is very interesting. It compares the influence of an official's call and a players FT shooting in a close game from last year.

Pomeroy article:

Who hurt Utah State more: Verne Harris or Tai Wesley?
The final moments of Wednesday’s BYU/Utah State produced a controversial call in a close game. With a little over two minutes to go in a three-point game, Verne Harris called an intentional foul on Utah State scoring machine Tai Wesley for swinging his elbows and making contact with an opponent.

I’m not sure whether the call was correct or not. I know Harris isn’t regularly working Final Fours because he ignores the points of emphasis. And indeed, players were reportedly apprised of the points of emphasis before the game. But if Tai Wesley wanted to remove Chris Collinsworth’s nose form his face, he could have been more obvious about it. As with most disputed calls, there’s room for discussion.

For the sake of this piece, let’s assume it was the worst call in the history of college hoops. At the very least this will provide an example of how much an official’s call can affect a game. I’ll use my win probability model to determine how much this particular call influenced the outcome.

In a close game, lots of events contribute to the final outcome. For instance, while Wesley himself did many positive things, he made just one of his six free throw attempts, which included three misses on the front end of one-and-one situations. When Wesley went to the free throw line, he had the opportunity to score nine points and instead scored one. In a very simplistic way, one could say Wesley cost the Aggies a victory in a game where the final margin was six points. But Wesley’s free throw shooting no more cost the Aggies a win than Harris’s call did. Each contributed to the outcome, but it’s probably not obvious which contribution was greater.

The easy part is tackling the foul call. Had there been no call, Utah State would have had the ball down by three with 2:05 left. That gives them a 33.6% chance to win*. With the call, BYU had the ball up 5, and the Aggies chance of winning was 18.3%. Verne Harris contributed 15.3% to BYU’s win. (Pardon the unnecessary precision.) I’m ignoring the fact the foul on Wesley disqualified him which hurt the Aggies’ chances further, but I’m also giving Collinsworth his two free throws. Considering he was a 43% free-throw shooter in his last full college season, that’s quite a gift and something one shouldn’t have expected when the call was made.

Now let’s work on Wesley’s free throw shooting. He went to the line five times:

Trip 1: 17:47 left in the first half, Utah State up 2. Wesley goes 0/1 from the line.
Effect on outcome: With a make to complete a three-point play, USU’s chances would have stood at 54.1%. Instead they were 52.6%.
Impact: a loss of 1.5%

Trip 2: 4:53 left in the first half, BYU up 3. Wesley misses the front end of a one-and-one.
Effect on outcome: With two makes, USU’s chances would have stood at 45.8%. Instead they were 40.4%.
Impact: a loss of 5.4%

Trip 3: 17:54 left in the game, game tied. Wesley makes one of two free throws.
Effect on outcome: With two makes, USU’s chances would have stood at 55.8%. Instead they were 52.0%.
Impact: a loss of 3.9%

Trip 4: 6:30 left in the game, game tied. Wesley misses the front end of a one-and-one.
Effect on outcome: With two makes, USU’s chances would have stood at 58.6%. Instead they were 47.1%.
Impact: a loss of 11.5%

Trip 5: 5:13 left in the game, BYU up 1. Wesley misses the front end of a one-and-one.
Effect on outcome: With two makes, USU’s chances would have stood at 53.0%. Instead they were 41.0%.
Impact: a loss of 12.1%

Total Impact: a loss of 34.4%**

In a tight game, every one of Wesley’s misses had nearly the maximum possible impact on the outcome considering when each trip occurred. Had Wesley put in this performance against a scrubby WAC team, the effect of his misses on the outcome would have been small. But in a game where neither team had more than an eight-point lead, it was big. Had he produced a great night at the line, the Aggies may have had some breathing room late, and would have had a much better chance of overcoming a bad call.

This, by the way, illustrates why scoring margin is such a good predictor of future performance. If you are consistently dominating opponents, things outside of your control like officiating have little impact on your chance of winning. If you are constantly in close games, then you’ll often need some help to win. In this case, Utah State was in a position where it needed everything to go right over the last few possessions to get a victory and it didn’t.

On the one hand, the story of this game could be that Verne Harris’s loyalty to the points of emphasis cost the Aggies a win. But it’s rarely that simple. Utah State constantly had to overcome the impact of Tai Wesley’s missed free throws (which mind you, Wesley did a lot of himself during live action.) The late misses in the bonus were especially harmful, by themselves at least as damaging as Harris’s call.

This also shows that it’s completely foolish to expect officials to be perfect. Verne Harris works a ton of games, and works deep into the NCAA tournament every season. Yet with all that exposure it’s almost impossible to find a bad word about him, even in crazy message-board land. Try going to google and typing a famous ref and then “sucks” after his name. You’ll get plenty of hits, but not for Verne.

If you are three points down with two minutes to go, to some degree your chances of winning are at the mercy of the officials, and they will make mistakes. When Verne Harris, one of the better officials in the country, betrays you, it’s another indication of how events outside your team’s control can contribute to the outcome of a game. And that’s why the truly great teams avoid putting themselves in that position very often.

*All win probabilities mentioned here are not adjusted for the fact that objectively, the best guess was that BYU had about a 70% chance to win the game before it started. Since I just want to compare the relative impact of Harris’s call and Wesley’s free throw misses, there is no need to make adjustments.

**A very small fraction of this figure belongs to Wesley’s teammates for not rebounding his misses.

I'm sure what BigGopherFan was getting at

Marquette WARRIORS?

is that Marquette hasn't been the Warriors since 1994 and - other than a debate about changing names again about 5-6 years ago - have been the Golden Eagles for about 17 years. I guess the Marquette faithful aren't the only ones who still identify with the old nickname.

is that Marquette hasn't been the Warriors since 1994 and - other than a debate about changing names again about 5-6 years ago - have been the Golden Eagles for about 17 years. I guess the Marquette faithful aren't the only ones who still identify with the old nickname.

Actually 6 years ago the name was changed... twice. But I'm OK with forgetting that.

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