FSN: Ra’Shede Hageman focusing on bowl game; NFL to come later


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Nov 11, 2008
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The dream of playing in the NFL, one Hageman has had since he first picked up a football, is now within reach. Even though his college career isn't quite over, it's hard to blame Hageman for looking ahead a few months.

"I try not to, but sometimes I have insomnia sitting there thinking about what my future's going to be like and what I have to do and what changes I'm going to have to make," Hageman said. "I'm always thinking about the future. As of right now, I'm trying to focus on the bowl game because it's very important for us to come out with a win."


Go Gophers!!

It's hard not to be happy for Shede. These are good feelings you're experiencing kid and I hope there are more of them to come!

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