FSN: Mankato West QB Nelson goes against family tradition

May as well give it up Badger2010. Many Gophers fans can't understand why anyone would be interested in the Gophers, let alone the fan of another team. There is no sense trying to explain it, just enjoy the comedy.

As for Nelson, if people want to think the Gophers stole him from Wisconsin, that is great. He could have waited for a Wisconsin offer and chose not to. Maybe it would have come, maybe not. Who knows. Maybe his feelings were hurt when he was not their first choice. I hope he has a great career for the Gophers.

You're not serious are you?

I've read countless times on this board people who don't blame kids for choosing other BCS programs over ours, i've read people saying that they don't think another coach in the country would take our coaching job.

I think most Gopher fans understand precisely where our program is at.

Lol. Unregistered beat me to it. You're too quick!

Just like child molesters, heroin addicts and other worthless forms of existence someone has to step up and break the cycle. Congratulations for doing so Phil.

No you don't.

Of course I do. It is called competition. It is fun. I would much rather have the Badgers play the Gophers in a meeting of ranked teams. Much more interesting. If Nelson can make that happen, that would be great.

Football is a game. Enjoy it. Be passionate about it. Wish anyone ill will? That is absurd.

Again said:
I did not take a shot at anyone, real or implied. I was simply offering an opinion. Could be dead wrong. Who knows? I will leave the shot taking for the people on this board talking about the Gophers.

As for the trolling, I don't get it. What the heck is trolling? I hear Gophers football news all day long on the radio, see it in the paper. If you follow sports in this town, they are kind of hard to ignore. If something comes up that is interesting on this board, I comment on it. What in the heck does trolling mean. Never understood the concept.

You seem to follow HS football closely. Are the Gophers recruiting the Singleton twins at Minnetonka in the 13 class? They look like really good athletes to me.

Another Edina kid going to Wisconsin. I never understood that growing up.

As an EHS grad from several decades earlier, 'sconnie was often where kids that liked to party went to school if their parents couldn't afford to put them in one of the smaller, private schools in Minny. If they didn't have the grades to get into UW, it was often off to Mankato State.

Zeke Pike and Gunner Keil were offered, Houston was not even approached until Nelson committed to Minnesota. Nelson was very high on the list but was not willing to wait especially when he met Kill and got excited over the offense to be installed in Minnesota. He has a better opportunity to play much earlier at Minnesota. From previous articles on the subject, Wisconsin wasn't the top choice, it was actually Iowa, Michigan State, then Wisconsin before Kill came in the picture.

Everything you said about Bart Houston in this post is false. He was Chryst's top QB prospect (other than Pike and Kiel, who were never legit options) and he was offered before Nelson committed.

As far as our staff cooling on Nelson...we never offered. He didn't camp. Tough to tell where the relationship would have gone had Houston not committed, but he did, so this whole conversation is pointless. Both schools got their top choice at QB. Let's leave it at that.

As an EHS grad from several decades earlier, 'sconnie was often where kids that liked to party went to school if their parents couldn't afford to put them in one of the smaller, private schools in Minny. If they didn't have the grades to get into UW, it was often off to Mankato State.

Amazing how things change, huh?

If you live in Minnesota now you are the typical sconnie fan we don't like. You grow up in Minnesota, think sconnie is such a great school and return here to work and live.

This whole QB conversation reeks of typical BADger talk "we cooled on him". "He doesn't fit in our system"

Wait, wait, wait, so you don't like me because I came back to Minnesota to work and be a productive member society, in the state and city that I love, after graduating from a college in a different state? Man, you must be a really angry individual.

I went to Wisconsin because it was a better fit for me in every aspect. I had a great time, worked hard to get into the business school, graduated with a solid GPA and now I work for one of the 20 Fortune 500 companies based out of this great state. If that pisses you off, then you are going to be very unhappy for a long time, because Minnesota is littered with successful people who were educated outside the state's borders, including in Wisconsin, and that is unlikely to change any time soon.

Amazing how things change, huh?

I always thought it was sort of strange. I am a U of MN grad who went to HS at Cretin and it seemed like a lot of kids who could go anywhere preferred to go to one of the smaller private schools in MN. I am sure there is still a large portion of Edina kids who go to those private schools, I guess I just don't see the appeal. I'd rather have my degree (or from any other Big 10 school) than a degree from St. Thomas, but whatever.

I hate the Badgers, but I have a ton of close friends who went there, i've been to Madison and had fun, besides the whole Badger thing, i'd have preferred Madison as an experience and a degree to St. Thomas, Gustavus, or St. Johns. JMO.

Amazing how things change, huh?

You should be more worried about going to the school where Gopher rejects are welcomed. Acceptance rate at the UW Madison is not that good at all recently even with lower tuition fee.
Like you said " Amazing how things change, huh?" :eek:

Wait, wait, wait, so you don't like me because I came back to Minnesota to work and be a productive member society, in the state and city that I love, after graduating from a college in a different state? Man, you must be a really angry individual.

I went to Wisconsin because it was a better fit for me in every aspect. I had a great time, worked hard to get into the business school, graduated with a solid GPA and now I work for one of the 20 Fortune 500 companies based out of this great state. If that pisses you off, then you are going to be very unhappy for a long time, because Minnesota is littered with successful people who were educated outside the state's borders, including in Wisconsin, and that is unlikely to change any time soon.

It probably doesn't apply to you, and I personally don't care but I think a lot of TC residents get bored and annoyed with the mass migration of WI and IA folks who flock to the TC and then do nothing but rip on the state.

Thanks to those from IA and WI! Because of your support, our admission office has been very busy lately sending out reject letters to those who can pretend that they like to be in Iowa City or Madison or may be even Lincoln.

Amazing how things change, huh?

Don't get ahead of yourself. You said you went to go study marketing, which indicates you don't have any useful skills. ;-)

Joking aside, while UW is a strong academic college, there are enough Badger grads living in the Twin Cities that cross the line from rooting for their favorite team to acting like classless D-Bags that the well is already poisoned. Expecting to come to a Gopher Football forum and not take abuse is naive.

As an EHS grad from several decades earlier, 'sconnie was often where kids that liked to party went to school if their parents couldn't afford to put them in one of the smaller, private schools in Minny. If they didn't have the grades to get into UW, it was often off to Mankato State.

That is what I thought of Madison back in the mid to late 80's. Most of my classmates went to private schools.

Don't get ahead of yourself. You said you went to go study marketing, which indicates you don't have any useful skills. ;-)

Joking aside, while UW is a strong academic college, there are enough Badger grads living in the Twin Cities that cross the line from rooting for their favorite team to acting like classless D-Bags that the well is already poisoned. Expecting to come to a Gopher Football forum and not take abuse is naive.

I expect it. It doesn't bother me at all, truthfully. It's not like I spend a great deal of time on this site, usually only an hour a week. I rarely post, I mainly just come here to keep up to date on MN recruits, and to get a feel for how the fan base feels about certain events (hires, transfers, injuries, wins, losses, etc). I read the Star Tribune every morning, so it's always interesting to see the reactions to certain articles gopher related.

I only got into this conversation in the first place to correct an (in my opinion) incorrect view on a Badger recruit, and I felt I could provide an alternative view point. I'm glad I did, this thread is actually pretty interesting.


Wisconsin > Minnesota > Iowa > Nebraska

Not going to get into which school has the best campus, all I will say is that I've been to Iowa City, Madison (obviously), and Minneapolis (obviously) multiple times and I prefer Madison by a long shot. That being said, I'm clearly biased.

I always thought it was sort of strange. I am a U of MN grad who went to HS at Cretin and it seemed like a lot of kids who could go anywhere preferred to go to one of the smaller private schools in MN.
I'm at a private school in Wisconsin. I really went against tradition. Lol.

Badger2010 said:

Wisconsin > Minnesota > Iowa > Nebraska

Not going to get into which school has the best campus, all I will say is that I've been to Iowa City, Madison (obviously), and Minneapolis (obviously) multiple times and I prefer Madison by a long shot. That being said, I'm clearly biased.

The recent Forbes college rankings have MN ahead of Wisconsin by about 10 spots, which isn't a huge difference. It really does come down to personal preference though, as you said.

The recent Forbes college rankings have MN ahead of Wisconsin by about 10 spots, which isn't a huge difference. It really does come down to personal preference though, as you said.
Yeah if we are to actually believe the Forbes rankings then neither school has anything to brag about considering the U comes in a 306 and Wisconsin comes in at 316, in America. Hell they have 9 schools in Minnesota alone that are apparently better than the U (at Twin Cities)

Everything you said about Bart Houston in this post is false. He was Chryst's top QB prospect (other than Pike and Kiel, who were never legit options) and he was offered before Nelson committed.

As far as our staff cooling on Nelson...we never offered. He didn't camp. Tough to tell where the relationship would have gone had Houston not committed, but he did, so this whole conversation is pointless. Both schools got their top choice at QB. Let's leave it at that.

Hey Badger 2010, obviously your brain is severly twisted, if they offered Pike and Keil before they offered Houston, doesn't that mean Houston wasn't Chryst's top choice. Wise up.

“I’m biased.”
“….to correct an (in my opinion) incorrect view.”

Quote from two different posts.

Is that possible that a biased person can correct (in his opinion) incorrect view. Sounds odd to me. It should be more precise to say like “ I’m biased UW alum. So, I’ll not accept anything negative about UW.”
I don’t think the word biased (prejudiced, illiberal, unfair, and chauvinistic) can coexist with the word correct. How odd? The word correct should be reserved for those who are unbiased, fair and open-minded.

Self-contradiction can be the worst thing for someone who is going to make a persuasive case.

I would love to see you in cooperate court room case if you’re truly in business or fortune 500 world. I would love to assist those is going to be sitting on the other side of the room.

“I’m biased.”
“….to correct an (in my opinion) incorrect view.”

Quote from two different posts.

Is that possible that a biased person can correct (in his opinion) incorrect view. Sounds odd to me. It should be more precise to say like “ I’m biased UW alum. So, I’ll not accept anything negative about UW.”
I don’t think the word biased (prejudiced, illiberal, unfair, and chauvinistic) can coexist with the word correct. How odd? The word correct should be reserved for those who are unbiased, fair and open-minded.

Self-contradiction can be the worst thing for someone who is going to make a persuasive case.

I would love to see you in cooperate court room case if you’re truly in business or fortune 500 world. I would love to assist those is going to be sitting on the other side of the room.

All you really did was cut and paste two phrases he used that didn't have anything to do with eachother.

We're all biased. It's not a big deal. I do think he was paranoid about their being any sort of Nelson misconception. We all knew he wasn't offered by the Badgers, the article didn't say he was offered by the Badgers, there was really nothing needed to correct.

It's one of those things though, it takes a certain kind of person to be a Badger fan and post on a Gopher forum (especially weeks away from any meeting). I'm not ripping on him, but it is a certain kind of person. That kind of person can't help himself when he reads things like "Phil Nelson liked MN more than WI". It's similar to bringing up Zach Vraa around NDSU fans.

“I’m biased.”
“….to correct an (in my opinion) incorrect view.”

Quote from two different posts.

Is that possible that a biased person can correct (in his opinion) incorrect view. Sounds odd to me. It should be more precise to say like “ I’m biased UW alum. So, I’ll not accept anything negative about UW.”
I don’t think the word biased (prejudiced, illiberal, unfair, and chauvinistic) can coexist with the word correct. How odd? The word correct should be reserved for those who are unbiased, fair and open-minded.

Self-contradiction can be the worst thing for someone who is going to make a persuasive case.

I would love to see you in cooperate court room case if you’re truly in business or fortune 500 world. I would love to assist those is going to be sitting on the other side of the room.

To be brief, my exact wording was "to correct an (in my opinion) incorrect view." Considering we are dealing opinions in this matter, and not fact, I am absolutely capable of correcting an incorrect view, regardless of bias. Why wouldn't I be capable of doing so? All I'd be doing is presenting my opinion, and in doing so I'd be correcting the person I am responding too, would I not?

Also, my self-admitted bias was in regards to campus preference, specifically my preference for the University of Wisconsin campus, which I might have because I spent the best four years of my life (to date) living on it.

Self contradiction can be the worst thing for someone who is trying to make a persuasive argument, but irrelevancy has it's place near the bottom as well.

Hey Badger 2010, obviously your brain is severly twisted, if they offered Pike and Keil before they offered Houston, doesn't that mean Houston wasn't Chryst's top choice. Wise up.

Read my post that you quoted again. I acknowledged that Pike and Kiel were ranked ahead, I believe they were offered during their Junior season, in fact, but they were never real options for Wisconsin. I made a mistake when saying both schools got their top choice at QB. As for my brain being severely twisted...I have been told that before, and I'm beginning to believe that the idea might have some merit.


Wisconsin > Minnesota > Iowa > Nebraska

Not going to get into which school has the best campus, all I will say is that I've been to Iowa City, Madison (obviously), and Minneapolis (obviously) multiple times and I prefer Madison by a long shot. That being said, I'm clearly biased.

Outside of Northwestern the rest of the Big Ten is pretty much the same.

Outside of Northwestern the rest of the Big Ten is pretty much the same.

Not true. Michigan is #2 and is also comfortably ahead of the conference's remainder. It is probably the best public school in the country, maybe behind Cal.

Not true. Michigan is #2 and is also comfortably ahead of the conference's remainder. It is probably the best public school in the country, maybe behind Cal.

This is correct.

The next tier is Wisconsin, Penn State and Illinois.

The following tier (not far behind) is pretty much everyone else, save Nebraska, which is a tier below the rest. All the Big Ten schools, except for Nebraska, are very highly though of universities. I expect Nebraska, like PSU when they joined the conference, will start shooting up the rankings in the next few years.

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