Friday Night Lights coming to B1G football?

I don't know about anyone else, but here is the situation I am in with my friends/family. We live outstate. It takes three hours one way to get from home to the tailgate lot. On Saturday we can leave early AM- tailgate- game- tailgate- head home. We don't need to worry about work, how early/late we are traveling, or anything else.

Then we started playing Thursday games. Sure, fine, whatever. Some of us can take work off at noon, some cannot or would not. No biggie, it's one game out of seven. Now this is also happening Fridays? So two of the seven homes games are played on a weekday? That's something that many people cannot swing. Hope the people who works weekends can pick up the slack and attend the weekday games I guess...

It definitely may not work out for some, for sure. What I'm finding out for me is our kids' activities are much busier on a Saturday now, so games, specifically 11AM games, are almost to the point where both my wife & I cannot both go, especially after October 1. But I get what you're saying, especially now that the Thursday night opener before Labor Day seems to becoming more of a regular thing.

I'm not advocating every game be moved to Friday, and I would not be a fan of it. But if one Friday home game is inevitable every two years, I want the U to make the best of it rather than everyone b!tch about it. Sounds like Coyle is already reaching out to the MSHSL regarding it, so it looks like he's taking that approach.

State College has infrastructure for 45,000. Bringing over 100,000 in on a weekday could cause issues.

Ok, so if they're already handling more than double their infrastructure capacity on 7 Saturdays every fall - what's going to happen on a Friday night that would be magically worse than a Saturday afternoon?

Ok, so if they're already handling more than double their infrastructure capacity on 7 Saturdays every fall - what's going to happen on a Friday night that would be magically worse than a Saturday afternoon?

A large majority of fans are showing up within the final hour before the game due to work, school, etc,etc.

On Saturday it is disbursed over a larger window leading up to the game. 11am -4 hours, 2:30pm - 7 hours, plus people may get in on Friday night and stay over-night.

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Gophers bosses not happy with Big Ten's Games on 'Friday night lights - Strib

Joe C. 11/3/16 3:48pm -There are 2.64 billion reasons why the conference acquiesced.

Last decade, when Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany said he wanted to preserve Friday nights for high school football, he sure sounded sincere.

The Gophers were slated to play Michigan on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003, but with the Twins heading to the postseason, the Metrodome had a major scheduling conflict.

Minnesota proposed moving the game to Oct. 10. Then-Michigan coach Lloyd Carr flat refused.

“We’re not going to play on a Friday night,” Carr said that August. “That’s pretty simple.”

Delany eventually mediated, and Michigan relented, with the Gophers agreeing to cover the Wolverines’ change-of-travel costs.

“The Big Ten continues to support the protection of Friday night as a traditional high school football playing date,” Delany said then. “This result was considered to be the most feasible of several unattractive alternatives.”

But money talks, and television always gets what it wants. When Delany negotiated the Big Ten’s latest TV deals with ESPN/ABC and Fox, he agreed to incorporate six Friday night games next season.

“All things considered, we thought it was worthwhile to dip our toe in the water,” Delany told the Chicago Tribune this week.

The ACC and Pac-12 were the first major conferences to embrace Friday games, banking on the added national exposure. Washington’s Sept. 30 game against Stanford, for example, drew a reported 3.3 million viewers.

Delany had 2.64 billion reasons to accommodate the networks. That’s how much the Big Ten is getting from this six-year TV deal, according to Sports Business Journal. The Gophers will get their cut, of course, but coach Tracy Claeys still said he’s “not a fan” of Friday night college games.

Claeys hopes if the Gophers are picked for a Friday night game, it’s on the road, so as not to take away from Minnesota’s high school football scene.

Once again, Michigan is refusing to play Friday games, home or road. Penn State announced it would only be willing to play Fridays on the road. Michigan State and Ohio State said they’d only host a Friday game if falls on one specific date.

The Big Ten’s decision is “disheartening and disappointing,” said Kevin Merkle, the associate director who oversees football for the Minnesota State High School League. “It impacts attendance. It can impact media coverage, even when there are Big Ten teams on TV that are not Minnesota. Let’s say Wisconsin is playing Ohio State.”...

Joe C. 11/3/16 3:48pm -There are 2.64 billion reasons why the conference acquiesced.

Last decade, when Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany said he wanted to preserve Friday nights for high school football, he sure sounded sincere.

The Gophers were slated to play Michigan on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003, but with the Twins heading to the postseason, the Metrodome had a major scheduling conflict.

Minnesota proposed moving the game to Oct. 10. Then-Michigan coach Lloyd Carr flat refused.

“We’re not going to play on a Friday night,” Carr said that August. “That’s pretty simple.”

Delany eventually mediated, and Michigan relented, with the Gophers agreeing to cover the Wolverines’ change-of-travel costs.

“The Big Ten continues to support the protection of Friday night as a traditional high school football playing date,” Delany said then. “This result was considered to be the most feasible of several unattractive alternatives.”

But money talks, and television always gets what it wants. When Delany negotiated the Big Ten’s latest TV deals with ESPN/ABC and Fox, he agreed to incorporate six Friday night games next season.

“All things considered, we thought it was worthwhile to dip our toe in the water,” Delany told the Chicago Tribune this week.

The ACC and Pac-12 were the first major conferences to embrace Friday games, banking on the added national exposure. Washington’s Sept. 30 game against Stanford, for example, drew a reported 3.3 million viewers.

Delany had 2.64 billion reasons to accommodate the networks. That’s how much the Big Ten is getting from this six-year TV deal, according to Sports Business Journal. The Gophers will get their cut, of course, but coach Tracy Claeys still said he’s “not a fan” of Friday night college games.

Claeys hopes if the Gophers are picked for a Friday night game, it’s on the road, so as not to take away from Minnesota’s high school football scene.

Once again, Michigan is refusing to play Friday games, home or road. Penn State announced it would only be willing to play Fridays on the road. Michigan State and Ohio State said they’d only host a Friday game if falls on one specific date.

The Big Ten’s decision is “disheartening and disappointing,” said Kevin Merkle, the associate director who oversees football for the Minnesota State High School League. “It impacts attendance. It can impact media coverage, even when there are Big Ten teams on TV that are not Minnesota. Let’s say Wisconsin is playing Ohio State.”...

I recall that incident with Carr.

Carr came back a few days later with an ultra sheepish stock comment something like "We will be happy to play at Minnesota when they set the date / time."

I don't like it based on the fact it is a wasted recruiting weekend. There are only so many weekends for recruits to experience a game day on a official visit. This eliminates one more of the valuable home dates because out of town recruits aren't going to be able to make these Friday night games.

I think the gopher football team will play a home game on Friday on mea weekend next year versus Illinois fighting illini

I think at Oregon St or home vs Illinois will be Friday night.

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Dumb idea. I like to go to some of the best prep matchups on Friday nights. There is nothing better. Go back to the 1 PM starts on Saturday afternoons and be done with it.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't like it at all. Friday nights are for high school football. The Big Ten is leaving a big steaming pile right on the collective face of high school football, and they obviously don't care.


Not all HS football is played on Friday night I know that Illiinois is split between Friday and Saturday.

does anyone know when he find out the big ten conference Friday night schedule?

Considering a bunch of schools just said "not me" or "not me at x,y,z time" I'm guessing they're a long ways from deciding .... begging schools to do it.

The Big Ten will retract their plan to play games on Friday nights. Lord Harbaugh has spoken.

The college coaches have to have relationships with these High School coaches... they pretty much all have to object ....

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