Friday humor


Jan 9, 2009
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I thought this was good Friday humor. I'm assuming everyone will continue to be in a good mood after a Gopher win Saturday and a Vikes win Sunday....

Cowboy walks into the bedroom carrying a sheep in his arms and says,
"Honey, this is the cow I make love to when you have a headache."
The wife, laying in the bed reading a book, looks up and says,
"If you weren't such an idiot, you'd know that's a sheep, not a cow."
The cowboy replies,
"If you weren't such a bitch, you'd realize I was talking to the sheep." :D

I'm a moron, tried to edit the first one and I posted the same thing...oh well

Did you hear about the Buckeye who started up a bank? After he loaned out all the money, he skipped town.

Two Buckeyes started a business selling hay. They bought it for a dollar a pound, loaded it in the truck, drove off and sold it for a dollar a pound. Eventually, they realized they were losing money, so one says the other, "we need to buy a bigger truck."

Two Buckeyes went fishing, and they have a great haul. One says "we need to mark this spot", so the other paints a big X on the boat. The other says "you idiot! How do we know we'll get the same boat next time!"

Goldy Gopher was having an affair with a Brutus Buckeye's wife. Brutus came home, and his wife hid the Gopher in the closet. Brutus sees his wife naked and says "What are you doing naked in the middle of the day?" Thinking fast, his wife says "I don't have anything to wear." Brutus opens the closet and says "See this? One dress, two dress, hello Goldy, three dress, four dress..."

Makes one think the Buckeyes are all nuts... oh wait, they are:rolleyes:

I met a guy in a bar that had a little 12 inch guy on the bar playing a miniature piano. When I asked him where he got that, he said he saved a genie that gave him 1 wish. Then he followed up by saying to me..."Do you really think that I asked that genie for a 12 inch pianist?"

Did you hear the one about all the Minny fans think they are going beat OSU ?

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