Fox Sports: The Best And Worst Big Ten Mascots Ranked (3. Minnesota's Goldy Gopher)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Per Eastmond:

3. Minnesota​

Minnesota’s Golden Gophers by far have one of the best animal mascots. Goldy Gopher. The animal became the icon of the state in the late 1850s. When Goldy was first seen in the 1950’s it was a band member that was randomly selected each year that donned the costume.

He’s certainly had some changes over his career some better some worse. But I do believe that right now the gopher is second only to one when it comes to animal-themed mascots in the conference.

Go Gophers!!

this is one of the worst lists you could put together. woof

From worst to first per the list
Indy, Michigan, Illinois, OSU, Purdue, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebby, PSU, NW, Rutgers, MN, Mich St, MD

Everyone always says they have the best mascots, uniforms and so forth. It's an endless discussion.

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