Fox 9: Family of suspended Gophers player speaks out

And right here is the problem that everyone should have with this process. Shenault has to prove that he wasn't there, and not the other way around. This is one of the many fundamental flaws in the EOAA system as it is currently incarnated.

I do not know Shenault's specific reason for punishment, but did his involvement have anything to do with him being there? Was he one of those harassing afterwards or caught trying to cover up the situation? I am not saying he deserves to be punished or not, but I don't think its as cut and dry as proving him to not being there.

I do not know Shenault's specific reason for punishment, but did his involvement have anything to do with him being there? Was he one of those harassing afterwards or caught trying to cover up the situation? I am not saying he deserves to be punished or not, but I don't think its as cut and dry as proving him to not being there.

I think this is important. It might not have to do with the night in question. Was there harassment and possible "slut-shaming" that may have occurred after the fact? None of this is my expertise - and I hope it ends well for the University but there is more to this than 'rape or no rape.'

Shenault is the one that was mis-identified in the line-up the U supplied to the girl of football players as one of the individuals in attendance at the apartment party that night. I believe he was lumped in for probation because they said he misrepresented or lied about his whereabouts that evening to one of the EOAA investigators. I think that will get cleared up in the hearing because from the report it sounds like the investigator made a judgement that he lied when there are contrary witnesses that can confirm where he was. He was never in that apartment and should not or never been lumped in with the other suspended players by the Univeristy. In Shenaults case it was a travesty
that he was one of the suspended players and lumped in with all of the media reporting.

If his probation gets overturned, then he should have a good case against the U admin., because he should have never been held out of the Bowl game.
I don't think an apology from Coyle and Kaler will do.

If his probation gets overturned, then he should have a good case against the U admin., because he should have never been held out of the Bowl game.
I don't think an apology from Coyle and Kaler will do.

Oh, but $ $,$$$,$$$.$$ will.

Oh, but $ $,$$$,$$$.$$ will.

Question -
I know that if the players do not get a judgement in their favor they can appeal to the provost.

If the EOAA does not get a decision they like can they appeal to the provost to get the outcome they are looking for or is it over at that point?

Question -
I know that if the players do not get a judgement in their favor they can appeal to the provost.

If the EOAA does not get a decision they like can they appeal to the provost to get the outcome they are looking for or is it over at that point?

I am fairly certain that the young woman has that option, not the EOAA board.

Any game you don't have to play is a benefit. The Combine is where you make your money - games are where your career ends in this violent sport. I'm sure the player will get over being held out of a meaningless bowl game.

I think this is important. It might not have to do with the night in question. Was there harassment and possible "slut-shaming" that may have occurred after the fact? None of this is my expertise - and I hope it ends well for the University but there is more to this than 'rape or no rape.'

I've wondered the same and always come to the conclusion that if the girl said there was harassment afterwards it would have been outlined in great detail in the EOAA report.

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Any game you don't have to play is a benefit. The Combine is where you make your money - games are where your career ends in this violent sport. I'm sure the player will get over being held out of a meaningless bowl game.

Why play in any game then? Send in your LOI on signing day, sit out your entire career and wait for that combine invite.
Not only were they held out of the game, but they missed out on a trip to SD for a few days and enjoying time with their teammates during the bowl week.
Can't replace those things ever.

I am fairly certain that the young woman has that option, not the EOAA board.

No, the victim is not a direct party to the case, she is a witness. This is the University on one side and the players, individually, on the other. Appeals can only come from the U or the athletes.

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